
Red Herring

Two detectives working together to uncover the mystery behind their case.

Yuki_09 · ホラー
2 Chs

chapter 2

Owen had parked his car close. A police officer drew up beside him and demanded his badge as confirmation that he was the detective. Owen pulled out his badge and showed it to the officer.The officer then nodded and escorted them to the crime scene, which was hidden deep within the forest.

They were about to enter the scene when they noticed a foul stink coming from the cabin. Owen scrunched up his nose, while Henry covered his nose and mouth to avoid puking.

There were caution tapes all over the place. A few police officers stood guard, and forensic officers were distributed about the site, taking pictures and collecting evidence.

"Detectives, I didn't expect you to arrive this early." In the words of one of the forensic officers Both detectives switched their gazes to the forensic officer.

"We've gathered some information for this case, but there could be more." You are free to look for further clues in the region, and if you do, please let us know." As they grappled for their equipment and returned to the crime site, the forensic officer told them.

Owen nodded and turned to look at Henry. "Henry, follow me. "We will observe the crime scene and gather information," he said.

"Sir, yes," Henry replied.

They put on gloves and masks before entering the cabin. The cabin looked old and abandoned based on his guess. The stairs we crooked , window glasses shattered and the roof was covered in leaves and twigs.

They both stepped their foot at the entrance. The floor creaked as they walked through the hall. The living room was in disarray, with a broken vase and table. The couch was ripped, revealing the stained cushions. Everything was dusty and the stench got stronger as they made their way to the kitchen.

They were greeted with a grotesque sight. Henry's pupils dilated as he watched the scene in horror while Owen looked at the scene with a poker face.

"Henry, if you can't handle the scene, you can go outside and do other tasks" Owen told his partner with a grim voice.

Henry swallowed his saliva as his heartbeat pounds loud to his ear.

"I'll… I'll be fine sir." He replied weakly.

Owen let out a huff and muttered something under his breath but Henry couldn't hear it.

"Look around, find for clues and don't disturb the scene" Owen ordered.

Henry gave out a nod and roamed around to search for clues meanwhile Owen walked toward the place where the bodies were found.




Henry pov

I walked past the living room and looked around. The walls were covered in blood of the victim. I watch the sight with a grimace, thinking who would do such a thing.

Seeing all the red made my eyes strain. As I tried to look away, I noticed something small shone brightly that caught my eye near the painting on the wall.

I carefully took a step as my hand rummaged through my pocket, taking out a flashlight. I switched it on and lit up the painting and the wall.

I carefully avoided the blood splatter and inspected the damaged painting. It was a photo of a lake. The paint on it was off and the canvas was ripped.

I took the painting from the wall and looked behind it. There was nothing written or clues but suspicions churned in my guts.

Something doesn't sit right. What was that thing that shone brightly?

I stare at the wooden wall in front of me with a serious face. I set the painting aside and knocked on the wall, hearing the echoes if there was any difference but my effort was futile. I couldn't find anything.

I thought to myself, what if I replicate the scene before and stood at the center to see if what I saw was true. I immediately stood up and put back the painting as it was before. I then traced back my steps, turned around and side-eye towards the painting.

True to my thoughts, I saw something beside the painting shine. Was it because of the position of the painting or was there something hidden?

I walk up to the painting, the light no longer there. I put my hands on where the light shone then noticed that there's something hollow and the hole was small, the size of a grain of diamond.

"Henry, what are you doing? Did you find something?" A familiar voice asked me from behind. It was strict and rough.

I turn around immediately and my body went stiff. It was Sir Owen. I cleared my throat before answering.

"I was walking through and saw something shine brightly near the painting. I found the source and left to check it, sir"

Owen walked up near me and ordered me to show it. I simply nodded and explained while showing him the tiny hole.

To my surprise, Owen pulled out a thin needle and poke through the small hole. We heard a small click, the painting fell down with a thud making us look at the direction.

The was no longer wooden behind the painting, instead we saw a metal safe box, locked by the code numbers.

I looked at Owen's direction and asked "should we find a specialist to handle this or give it to the forensics?"

Owen's face looked grim as he answered "call the forensic and let them check the fingerprints on the safe box first, then we'll call a specialist to crack it up"

I nodded and head out to call one of the forensics for assistance. The forensic dusted the surface with fingerprint powder, showing various prints on the surface. They took a picture of it and put adhesive tape, pulled it and saved it for other evidence.

I noticed when the forensic is doing their job, Owen was fumbling with his phone and called somone. He sounded irritated talking with the person and eventually calmed down. Owen ended the call and looked towards me.

"I got someone to help us crack the safe box, he'll reach here soon. Now roam around and see if you find more evidence"

I nod on his orders and walk away, sighing to myself inside. The case is definitely going to be a big one. I could already feel the pressure getting me.

Shaking my head and slap myself lightly. 'No, i have to think positively. This might be a chance for me to perform well!' I lighten up myself.

My face turned stern again 'I'll definitely catch the culprit before the case goes cold and before they start to kill more'