
Red Dragon Emperor of Reincarnation (High School DxD)

A Young man dies. He believes it to be the end. Until he awakens somewhere not in this Universe, conversing with a system thought to be from fanfiction. When the system gives him the option to visit and travel among his favorite Anime, game, movie, and TV Universes where will he go? To High School DxD of course!

G3neral_Kenobi4_ · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Chapter 15: The Fallen & The First Kiss!

Quick Disclaimer: For future reference Advanced Beginner is changed to Adept. And Competent is going to be changed to Skilled.






[Thursday, 6:35 P.M]


*Quest Received*


Objective: Kill Raynare and claim revenge.

Bonus Objective: Protect Asia from the Fallen Angels

Reward: 10,000 XP [?]

Bonus: [?] [?]


Name: Raynare

Race: Fallen Angel - Fallen Leader

Level: 29 - 2 wings

HP: 3,600

MP: 2,000

Affection: -30 | Obedience: 0

Thoughts: Anger


"That Bitch is mine!" I yell before unfolding my wings and launching towards Raynare.


Hitting Raynare with a right hook sends her spiraling into the air with no control over her movements. Flying up and grabbing her by her hair, I slam her forehead down onto my knee knocking her in a daze. With my hands still holding a firm grip on her hair, I spin and throw her towards the ground.


Landing next to the now person sized crater, I walk down and pick her up by the throat, before repeatedly slamming my fist into her face. Bloodying her visage.

"Is that all you have?" Seeing no response, I continue.

-5 Affection and + 3 Obedience for Raynare... Affection: -35 | Obedience: 3

"You killed this boy, and for what? For you to please Azazel and get back in his good graces!?" Raynare's barely openable eyes seethe with anger, and she began to grit her teeth.

-10 Affection and + 5 Obedience for Raynare... Affection: -45 | Obedience: 8

"Good. You're mad. It makes it way more enjoyable to kill you when you act like a bi- GUH!"

Looking down towards my chest and impaled inside is a bright pink light spear. Shifting my attention back to Raynare I can see through her bloodied and swelling face is a smirk. A 'I won, you lost' smirk. Grabbing the light spear with my left hand and beginning to slowly pull it out, forces her smirk to disappear and her grip on the light spear to tighten and push it in further towards my chest.

Dropping her on the pavement causes her grip on the light spear to be ripped away, allowing me to pull it out and crush it. Reaching inside my inventory I grab one of the larger health potions that I earned from the enchanted forest.

+2,500 HP potion [Superior Healing]

Raynare and I both watch as the hole in my chest slowly begins to fill itself in, forcing the smirk behind my mask to grow into a wild smile. Walking back towards her as she tries to get up and fight, I reach over to grab her but before I can, she spins around with most of the blood on her face gone and a new appearance in place.


"Issei, please. I'm sorry, I know I said some mean things to you, but I didn't have a choice! I had to fulfill my role as a fallen angel!"

'Bitch please'

"I mean. If I really didn't care, would I still be wearing your gift? Please don't tell me you forgot! You bought it for me, remember!" She begins to yell with tears in her eyes.

(I'll give it to her Partner, she's good)

'She sure is. It's too bad that anyone with a brain could see through this shit.'

"Please Issei, how could I get rid of-"

"Cut the act bitch, no one and their mother is going to believe the crap you're spewing right now. For a second, a second! I thought sparing you for information might be useful, but on second thought. I changed my mind." I wrapped the boosted geared clawed hand around her throat and started to slowly squeeze, causing tears to start rolling down her eyes and her face slowly start to change color. "Any last words."

"F-Fuck... you." She mutters with the last of her strength before her strength gives out and she falls unconscious.


Snapping her neck and watching as her body crumbles to the ground like a sack of potatoes, I turn back around to watch as Igris is fighting the last fallen angel. Dohnaseek.


- Igris -

'These low-class beings dared to insult his Majesty!'

I swung my obsidian sword towards the crow's head and watched as he ducked underneath it and formed another one of these so-called 'Light spears' before throwing it at me. Casually swiping my sword at the spear before it can hit me, knocking it away and causing it to stab into the ground before disappearing into motes of blue light.

Seeing as the crow continues to get angrier and angrier as I continuously deflect his spears as if they are nothing, watching as he begins to be consumed by his uncontrolled anger. I broke out into a sprint before leaping off the ground and swinging my sword towards his unprotected chest.


Dohnaseek being lost in his own anger, had failed to notice the blade until it was already cleaving through his chest, causing him to plummet to the ground.



Objective: Kill Raynare and claim revenge.

Bonus Objective: Protect Asia from the Fallen Angels

Reward: 10,000 XP [Profession]

Bonus: [Enchanted Mithril alloy] [Nanocomposite orichalcum fibers]

'Finally, a profession! And woah... looks like the materials I need for my golem.'

[Choose a Profession:]

[Engineer] [Clothier] [Cooking] [Potioneer]

'Engineer?' I don't think I've heard of this profession before' clicking on it to check its information I found out that it is a combination of both artificer and blacksmith.

[Profession: Engineer] - Lvl. 1 (Novice)

Info: The Engineer profession allows for you to both create as well as enchant items.

After going through my rewards, I spot Asia slowly walking up to me. Turning towards her and watching as her facial expression goes through several different stages of relief, fear, and sadness.

"T-Thank you, Issei."

"Of course, Asia!"

"I-I would've died if not for you."


"What do you mean, Asia?"

"I knew that Miss Raynare wanted to take my sacred gear from me. But I thought she was doing god's work... n-not- *sniffle* -for her own- *sniffle* -gain." I pull down my hood and walk towards Asia. Pulling her into a tight embrace, I whisper comforting and sweet words into her ear for a few minutes before pulling back and giving a large smile.

"What do you want to do, Asia?"

"What do I want to do?"

"Yep! You're free now. No constraints and no more churches or fallen angels to follow."

"I want to be like Issei"

"Y-You mean you want to be a devil!?"

"If Issei is one, then I want to be one!"

"What the fu-... Asia are you sure?"


"Sigh... Okay but on one condition. You have to learn how to defend yourself."

"You mean with a b-blade?" she asks fearfully.

"Yes, Asia with a blade."

"B-But Issei!"

"No buts!"

"... fine." she pouts. Which is the cutest thing ever.

A glowing red magic circle with the Gremory crest forms a few feet away from us, with Kiba and Koneko coming out ready to fight. Akeno is in her shrine maiden battle attire, and Rias has a small ball of destruction in the palm of her hand.

"Where are they?" Rias demands more than asks. Deciding to play a little.


Rias turns to me with a stern's expression on her face. "The Fallen Angels where did they go?"


"Issei." she warns.

"All right! All right! I'll tell you where they are. They're dead." I tell them with a straight face.

"What?" Rias asks as all of them give me their full attention.

"Yep! No more fallen angels. Oh, and little Asia over here. Would like to become your bishop."



[Thursday, 7:02]

- The ORC -

After reincarnating Asia as her bishop Rias proceeded to ask me to explain how I took care of all 4 fallen angels by myself. I responded with a false truth. I repeated the same story, except I said that I had to boost twice to barely match her power, and twice more to overcome it.

"That's amazing Issei!"

"Thanks, president."

After everyone else had left the clubroom and Asia went downstairs to sleep in one of the guest room's I approached Rias and told her about my summoning.

"Soo... you can summon these 'soldiers' to fight for you?" she questioned with a quizzical look on her face.

"Yes, Ddraig said that this might be an ability of the boosted gear."

"Maybe... I'll have to ask my brother about it."

"Thanks Ria- sorry. President."

"That's okay, Issei. You can call me Rias in private if you'd like." she says with a gentle smile on her face.

"I'd like that, Rias."

+10 Affection and + 5 Obedience for Rias Gremory... Affection: 45 | Obedience: 5


- 4 days later -

Enrolling Asia into the school, and into my class, as well as having to beat Matsuda and Motohama's ass for peeking on her when she was changing. Devil life was pretty normal but instead of grinding the dungeon I've been grinding my profession.

[Profession: Engineer] - Lvl. 23 (Adept)

After completing another Daily quest, I made my way to school. Arriving onto the school campus, I was greeted by the same scene I see every day. Girls are giving me stares of disgust which annoyed me as I was constantly acting better, not peeking at girls, not actively showing perversion, and no longer hanging out with the now called 'Perverted Duo'.

Walking towards the clubhouse I spot Kiba with his little fan group and Koneko sitting under a tree on a grass hill eating sweets. Walking into the old school building and up the stairs, turning the knob and opening the door, I see Rias sitting behind her desk going through paperwork. Hearing someone enter caught her attention as Rias looked up and smiled upon my arrival, smiling back, I walk towards her and stopped at her desk.

"I didn't expect you to be here so early Issei, or even awake for that matter." she says obviously amused at her own little jab.

"I wake up at 6:30 in the morning every morning and take a shower before I complete my morning training."

"Morning training you say? I like the sound of that. What if I were to join you on one of these morning training courses? See your progress." She asks leaning forward.

Bending down a little so that my elbows rest on her desk I respond. "I'd love to have you there. I get pretty active." her shell cracks and she blushed before coughing and going back to her paperwork. I walk around her desk and place my hands on her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" she asks as she tilts her head back slightly so that she can watch me.

"Oh, just trying out a new skill I picked up over the last few days."

[Massage Therapy] <Passive> - Lvl. 30 (Adept)

After asking Asia to be my guinea pig I was able to gain and level up massage therapy to level 30.

I begin to squeeze her muscles and release them, slowly and calmly to the top of her shoulders before repeating.

"*GASP* Oh, Issei~. W-Where did y-you learn this~." she asks as she begins to moan and breathe heavily. Continuing for a few more minutes and listening to her quiet moans and deep breaths of air, I position my hands one over the other, placing my fingertips on her upper neck, and start to rub circles all the way down to her shoulders.

+5 Affection and + 2 Obedience for Rias Gremory... Affection: 50 | Obedience: 7

"~OH, f-fuck~Issei." she gasps as she begins to squirm in her chair.

"Issei~, Issei~, Issei~. MHHMMM!!~" she moans as I continuously rub her neck and shoulders.

+4 Affection and + 3 Obedience for Rias Gremory... Affection: 54 | Obedience: 10

Before I can finish the massage, she spins her chair around and wraps her arms around my head bringing us close together, to the point our foreheads are touching. Her face is set in a deep crimson, almost as red as her hair, but it's not her face that has me trapped in a stupor it's her aqua marine eyes that look deep into my light brown.


"Yes, Rias."

"What do you think about being together with the person you love the most, and more than anything in the world."

"I think... that without love a relationship is pointless and stupid. All it brings is pain, and suffering." Her eyes widen and her blush deepens, she attempts to look away, but I reach out and grab her chin tilting it so that she's looking me directly in the eyes.

"Rias, I would protect you from anything, whether it be emotional, or physical. I will always protect you." I say with a determined expression.

+10 Affection for Rias Gremory... Affection: 64 | Obedience: 10

"Issei..." with that final statement her barrier shattered, and our lips smashed together in fiery passion. The kiss soon began to grow increasingly heated as tongues swirled together and I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up, pressing her up against me.

+6 Affection for Rias Gremory... Affection: 70 | Obedience: 10

When lack of oxygen became too great, we both reluctantly broke the kiss, panting as Rias mumbled out, "That was my first kiss, you know."

Flashing an almost predatory grin I respond, "Good, because there's more where that came from." Leaning in to resume our make out session, I stop as the school bell goes of indicating that school was now in session. "Skip?" I ask.

"Issei w-we... skip" with her compliance our lips crash back together, and my mouth descended on hers in a passionate kiss, her lips opening reflexively to allow our tongues to swirl.

The only thought in my head at that very moment, 'This is bliss!'
