
Red Death Cometh

Jane was happy when she found out she had just got reincarnated. But, the joy was short lived when she realized she was abandoned immediately by her mother. Living in the streets toughened her up and her golden finger that made her a child prodigy made her be one of the most successful street child there was. When she became fifteen, she decided to join a gang, unknowingly starting her criminal record to become the world's most feared enforcer, her name Red Death for she always finishes her missions, no matter the cost.

Kingo_Tepes · 都市
2 Chs


"Sixteen years, sixteen years since my rebirth and my life has come to this," Jane said in self pity, looking at the run down house in front of her. She was seated in a cream colored sedan she had stolen and changed plates, another identical sedan's plates.

As a reincarnated person, she might be one of the pitiful ones. Once she was born, her mother had already decided to give her away. So, she found herself in a rundown orphanage ran by a former prostitute. The woman was bitter and happy seeing her on the doorsteps and she picked her up to be part of the group.

So, from a young age of two years old, she started been taught the way to feed her own stomach. First was pickpocketing. The art was simple yet amazing. Turns out, in this lifetime, she was destined to be different from her former self. How so? Just watching once had made her become a master level pickpocket. Of course, she did not tell anyone about this and continued acting her age.

The next skills she was taught was park our. As a thief, running away was a must if you did not want to be caught and in their case end up in the system. So, the parkour they were been taught by the older kids was actually an act of running away by utilizing the city's natural environment. Just by watching, Jane found out she had gained their athleticism to the core.

At six, she was taken out of the orphanage to start paying her keep. Seventy percent of the money she would be making would be going to their guardian which meant they were basically her slaves. Three years of watching martial arts related videos and practicing till her body ached had made her a little monster. But, this was her little secret as always.

So, on the first day, she brought more than everyone. This was part of her strategy. She had seen that all the girls would start been sold to lusty sweaty child molesters as soon as they had their menstruation. She had to avoid that fate without resorting to violence and the idea she came up with was to be an outstanding money maker that the thought of taking her out of pick pocket business would be unbearable.

So, for eight years, most people in the city had gotten their money pick pocketed by her. It became so exaggerated that the police made a task force to capture her. This made her decide to venture into another capital making illegal business, car stealing. Due to her former profession, she had built quite a reputation so it was easy for her to know who to approach and get a good deal. She went home with an appetite for more, fat wads of cash in an envelope.

Now, cars in the streets were not safe. The fact she could hack Intl their central computer system and control them remotely had made the public fearful. An FBI cyber crime task force tried to capture her but they could only be contented in eating her dust. Due to hr reputation, an all female gang in the city calling itself the Blood Roses decided to recruit her. With nothing better to do, she agreed and now that it was all sinking in, she realized once she walked into the house, her entire will change forever. She would no longer be a common thief but a target to every cop or other gangs out there.

"Well, I'm not expected to fight a world ending demon lord or a corrupted angel so I guess my life is alright," she tried to convince herself before walking out of her car. "Alright, Jane, this is it. This is the start of the rest of your life."