
Red Blossom System (BL)

Completed. “Flowers grow back, even after they are stepped on, and so will I.”  For over a millennium, Cillian had shouldered the role of a guardian, or as he would jest, a glorified gardener. In his recollection, he'd emerged in an endless expanse known as Blossom Central, his memory a mere fragment with only his name. He was bound to the Red Blossom system Bloom, where an annoying flying entity named Bliss, the personification of Bloom, materialized as his assistant. Cillian's duty centered on nurturing the Red Blossom trees and safeguarding the cherries from falling. Each Red Blossom tree represented a distinct world, relying on his care to prosper. One day, Bliss mustered the courage to disrupt Cillian's nap despite knowing it could be risky. But he had a compelling reason – numerous Red Blossom trees had lost their cherries, a situation that had never occurred before. The fallen cherries meant that the worlds connected to those trees were in danger of collapsing. It was all because a mortal's destiny had been altered. To prevent the impending calamity, they needed to restore that mortal's fate to its rightful course. --------------------------- Cillian, desperation etched across his face, pushed the man atop him, pleading, "Please, enough, I can't take it anymore." The man swiftly reclaimed his position, his lips trailing along Cillian's Adam's apple. He whispered sensually, "We're just getting started; I'm not finished playing with you." Internally, Cillian urgently reached out to Bliss: *Bliss, get your ass over here!* *Yes, Master?* *Who the hell is this man, and why does he persistently follow me from world to world?* Bliss responded with feigned innocence, *I truly have no idea, Master.* Cillian issued a dire threat, *Tell me what you're keeping from me.* Before Bliss could utter a word, the man's lips descended upon his own with a hunger. Their tongues intertwined, and he emphasized dominantly, "I've told you, darling, don't address me as anything other than Gege." Cillian was on the verge of tears. Stuck in Blossom Central, he'd always harbored disdain for his circumstances, but now he was relentlessly pursued by this shameless, tofu-eating stranger who insisted on being called Gege. Like a fool, he thought he would get to play with Alterers, but he's the one getting played with over and over again... Arc 01: Abo (17 Chapters)✔ Arc 02: Vampire (20 Chapters)✔ Arc 03: Celebrity (17 Chapters)✔ Arc 04: Mafia (21 Chapters)✔ Arc 05: Piano Virtuoso (18 Chapters)✔ Arc 06: Ancient Era (17 Chapters)✔ Arc 07: Future Era, Final Arc (39 Chapters)✔

TheEmpressNing · LGBT+
150 Chs

1.7 Intense feelings

For the next 30 minutes, Cillian was on the couch after Huang's words. He wiped his face and stood. Cillian forced a smile and walked out of the living room. He was startled when he saw Zishu. He looked at him worriedly and asked:

"How long have you been here?"

Zishu said:

"I just got here sorry another guard needed my help."

Cillian smiled gently.

"It's okay."

ZIshu smiled and led him back to the room. In the elevator, he looked at his profile again. He saw him crying since he was there the whole time. Seems like he is even more frightened of Huang and the rest of the family than he thought. It's a good thing and he knows that as soon as Huang is done taking everything from him he'll lock him in an asylum. He still feels like it isn't enough though. How is it fair that King treats him better than them his family?  Since Huang isn't here to take care of his punishment he will. He smiled cruelly as they walked off the elevator.

When Cillian entered the room he abruptly stopped and turned around. Zishu who was about to say something was surprised when he asked:

"Do you think everyone deserves to be happy?"

Zishu walked closer to him and answered:

"Of course."

Cillian smiled but his face fell when he said:

"But you don't."

Zishu smiled viciously.

"Do you think King truly cares about you? You're nothing more than an object to play with."

When Cillian looked at him teary-eyed he burst out laughing.

"I can't believe you actually thought he liked you. You're not good enough for him or anyone so you better keep your distance."

Cillian looked down as tears ran down his face. Seeing that he wasn't responding to him Zishu became annoyed and he pushed him.

Cillian fell to the floor and he looked up incredulously. Zishu was about to kneel when he felt someone push him against the wall. Because of the force, his head was loopy and he felt like throwing up. He was sure he had a concussion. Before he could get his bearing someone was holding him in a chock hold. He could barely breathe because of all the pheromones coming out but when he shook his head to focus and saw who it was he never felt more scared. He tried to speak but nothing came out.

He looked at the other guards pleadingly for help but they didn't dare to say anything. King tossed him against the wall again and he coughed out blood. He looked at a guard and ordered:

"Get rid of him and make sure you take everything away first."

Even if Zishu was in unbearable pain he still begged with difficulty:

"Please cousin don't I was just trying to protect you."

Cillian looked at King, he looked beyond furious. He felt like it would've been better for Zishu to not say anything. King walked to Zishu and punched him. He not only lost more blood but a couple of teeth. King looked at the guards and he was taken away. He knelt in front of Cillian and checked him to make sure he was okay. Since the moment he had entered the room he never met his eyes like he was ashamed. King helped him stand up and got him in bed still avoiding his eyes.

Cillian frowned, after he pulled the cover he turned around to leave but he held his wrist. King didn't turn around even when Cillian tugged on his hand. He looked at his knuckle and saw that he had hurt himself because of the force of the punch. Cillian murmured:

"You're hurt."

At that King turned and finally looked at Cillian. He was looking at his hand with a frown and he looked slightly worried.

He took a seat at the edge of the bed and Cillian met his eyes. He understood why he was avoiding his eyes at that moment. He only saw remorse in those beautiful grey eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

King swallowed with difficulty and said:

"I saw the traces on your body when I was changing your clothes."

When Cillian's face became cold he felt his heartbeat quicken. Cillian let go of his hand and looked ahead.

King turned his face and promised:

"I won't let anything happen to you anymore I promise."

He didn't think that anyone would dare to lay a hand on Cillian in his house but he was wrong. He's going to make it clear to everyone that they better treat Cillian the same way they do him unless they want to end up in the street. It kills him that he left Huang's abusive home just to be abused in his house.

Cilian looked at him and said:

"Can I go shopping tomorrow? I haven't been in a store or anywhere besides the company since my father passed."

King was thrown about his change of subject but he answered:

"Of course, I'll get you a driver to take you, I'll leave everything you need before going to the office."

Cillian nodded and lay down. He closed his eyes ignoring King.

When King stood up and turned down the light he opened his eyes. He sighed and passed a hand through his hair. He doesn't know why talking about being physically abused bothers him like he's the one who went through it. Cillian doesn't like how deeply he feels the original's feelings.


Bliss appeared.

*Is everything okay master?*

*Can you tone down the body's inherent feelings?*

*I'm sorry master you cant' it's a good thing they'll help you get into character.*

Cillian yelled frustrated:

*It's not a good thing I don't like it. Since the moment I received the mortal's memories, I feel like I'm the one who went through everything he did. It's like I can even taste his favorite ice cream he would always eat with his father when he was alive. I can feel his heartbreak, anger, and pain. I feel like it was my life.*

Bliss panicked slightly but he didn't show anything and said:

*Master it's only because this is your first mortal over time you won't feel as deeply.*

When Cillian looked at him intently he was worried he might've suspected something but the fear left him when he lay down again and closed his eyes. He disappeared at the speed of light.

Cillian sneered, that little ball of lies thinks he is stupid but not only is he going to exploit the loopholes he discovered in Bloom but he'll get the answers to all his questions. Cillian tried to sleep but couldn't, an hour later he heard the door opening and then closing. Cillian felt someone lay next to him and he asked:

"Is your hand okay?"

"En, are you?"

"I am."

King hugged Cillian from behind and he turned in his arms. He found a comfortable position and closed his eyes. King kissed his forehead and quickly fell asleep too.

King woke up and looked at the person in his arms. He brushed Cillian's cheek lightly so as not to wake him. He feels better than he did last night, he's never felt so guilty before. Just before Zishu treated him the way he did he promised that he would prove to him that he is sincere. Instead of being angry at him, Cillian was worried about his hand.

He has this fear that he might lose him, when he became cold when he brought up the traces on his body he was sure that he would never forgive him. It's a hard topic to talk about for Cillian his reaction was proof enough and that's understandable. He'll deal with anyone who had a hand in his pain mental or physical. He stood up silently and left the room.

When Cillian woke up he looked at the hour, it was eleven am. He isn't surprised he slept this much on such a soft bed, the original could barely sleep at night on such an uncomfortable mattress. Cillian sat up and looked at the table. He stood up and looked at the clothes on it. There was everything he would need including a credit card, a cellphone, and a note. He opened it and read:

*Hey I went to the office I'll be back for dinner. I left you two assistants in case you need anything so feel free to ask. Tell them when you are ready to go shopping they'll tell the driver. Text me when you wake up.*

Cillian put down the note and reached out for the cellphone with a smile. He texted King that he was awake and left for the bathroom. When he was done he dressed and as soon as he opened the door two beta were facing him.  He looked at them shyly and murmured:

"Are you..."

He didn't finish his sentence and one of them said:

"We'll be your assistant, did you read the note Leader left you?"

Cillian nodded.

He asked:

"Would you like to eat breakfast before shopping?"

Cillian nodded again and they led him to the dining room. He could feel how the atmosphere of the castle had changed since last night. He knows that King warned everyone that's why he took his time going back into the room to make sure King would catch Zishu. He felt his hostility the second he looked at him. They all fear that if King likes someone he'll give up on them and they won't live as well as they do now.

They're all greedy, they are being paid twice what normal people would get paid but it's still not enough. They all believe that the key to keeping living the way they do is if King never meets someone he likes or marries. But it's ridiculous King only takes care of them for his father and no matter what he won't stop unless they cross his bottom line. Cillian wanted Zishu dealt with and have him be an example for anyone else.

That son of a bitch is close to Huang and he is the one who took the baby away in the original timeline. He knows full well what Huang and his family do to him but he doesn't care. Anyone who had a hand in his destruction even just a little bit is going to pay it's that simple.