
Red bird of Phyllael

A fantasy story, of an angel who took the side of Lucifer in the rebellion against the plan of Heaven. Phyllael an elder who had always been agreeable chose an unexpected side. A war shall begin, the story of the controversial plan of "Heaven" and The Red Bird that caused untold destruction on the battlefield, a turning point and a compromise. (Can one choose for another? even with the best of intentions?) I'm horrible at writing but if anyone reads, I'll continue and hopefully get better.✌️

Ash_lymm · ファンタジー
1 Chs


In a large cone-like building lined with seats reaching forever upwards made of trapped light that reflected every color as it truly was a tribunal was taking place. The atmosphere fell stale with a feeling of deep sorrow, the kind of sorrow that is normally only felt at the passing of a family member. Barely a trial the judgment had already been made. The moment any angel decided to fight the plan of Heaven they were already gulty in the councils eyes.

The previous meeting had revealed the Original's plan to create Heaven, instead of repeating life and death until "The Understanding" is gained, all daemons both human and animal may exist unchanging and without suffering mortality. However, because a daemon longs for life once more, the material world must be rendered devoid of all life for the plan of Heaven to be stable. A disagreement in philosophies had broken out, and the importance of the cycle had been called into question. Was an end to all suffering at the cost of a soul ever being able to gain "the Understanding" something any being had the right to make? One angel was the first and loudest the speak up, that was Lucifer, "no being has the right to take away the choice of another, you may be the oldest among us and like a father to all, but I will not stand for it! Do not steal the choice of another!" Following Lucifer's lead many spoke out against the plan of Heaven, many being young angels with the joy of life still fresh in their being. The decision had been made by majority vote in favor of Heaven, 'it was never really a vote to begin with" muttered one angel, then the meeting had adjourned.

The Original with a voice that traveled down the building so that all thousands in attendance could hear, "Now I shall read the list of the banished, more than a quarter of your bothers and sisters have betrayed us! following in Lucifers steed!" the verdict was banishment and a declaration of war to all who stand in Heavens way. As the list was read aloud one name in particular drew baffled looks, that name was Phyllael. Where was he? Did he even speak out against Heaven at the last meeting? Phyllael was an elder angel and always quite agreeable why had he chosen to join Lucifer's rebellion!?