

A book that foretells bloodshed and the world’s apocalypse falls into the hands of a notorious crew, led by a seemingly weak captain with a hidden past. Follow Jafar Ruziel as he embarks on a perilous journey to unearth the mysteries of true magic, facing treacherous enemies, ancient secrets, and the looming threat of global destruction. Will he unlock the book’s secrets in time, or will its dark prophecy come to pass?

Drjeath · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Markus servus

In the most prosperous kingdom of Tehran, where the skies shimmered with magic and the streets buzzed with life, King Luuman reigned supreme. Known far and wide as the most powerful magician in the world, Luuman's power was rivaled only by his wisdom. Yet, despite his vast knowledge and magical prowess, there was one thing he lacked—a child to carry on his legacy.

For years, the king and his beloved wife, who was half-human and half-demon, had lived together in harmony, ruling over Tehran with fairness and strength. However, the realization that they would never have a child had cast a shadow over their otherwise perfect union. Determined to defy fate, King Luuman withdrew into his Magi-Domain, a mystical realm where time moved differently, and magic knew no bounds. He spent months poring over ancient texts, searching for a way to make the impossible possible.

After three long months, the king emerged from his domain, his face alight with joy. The solution he had been searching for was finally within his grasp. Without delay, he made his way to the palace and summoned a council of his most trusted advisors, generals, and magi.

The royal hall was a grand chamber, its walls adorned with tapestries depicting the kingdom's glorious history. As the council gathered, the room buzzed with whispers, everyone curious to know why the king had called them together so urgently.

The nobles and advisors entered the room with the air of superiority that came with their status, each one radiating an aura of power and authority. They exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation. The generals stood tall in their armor, their hands resting on the hilts of their swords, while the magi glided in with robes that shimmered like the night sky.

The king's chief advisor, Lord Armon, a man known for his cunning and sharp tongue, broke the silence. "It is not often that His Majesty summons us so abruptly. This must be of the utmost importance."

The Commander of the Royal Guard, General Varnon, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, whatever it is, it must concern the security of the kingdom. I trust our king would not call us away from our duties for trivial matters."

The Magi-Chief, Altran, a man whose age and wisdom were evident in his silver hair and piercing eyes, remained silent, his gaze fixed on the door through which the king would enter. He sensed something profound was about to be revealed.

At that moment, the great doors of the hall swung open, and King Luuman strode in, his presence commanding the attention of all. The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to him. His robes, adorned with symbols of ancient magic, flowed behind him as he approached the throne.

Without preamble, the king addressed his council. "Lords and ladies of Tehran, I have found a solution to the curse that has plagued me and my wife for years. After months of searching, I have discovered a way to grant us the child we have long desired."

A murmur of astonishment rippled through the room, but the king raised his hand for silence. "The answer lies in a potion—a potion that can only be created from the essence of Kiranu, the beast that dwells in the Cave of Zoara."

The mere mention of Kiranu caused a collective gasp among the council. General Varnon stepped forward, his face etched with concern. "Your Majesty, the Cave of Zoara is a place of death. Every warrior who has ventured there has never returned. It is said that Kiranu's lair is a fortress of darkness, guarded by creatures of unspeakable horror."

The king listened, his expression grave but unwavering. "I am aware of the dangers, General. However, this is the only way to secure the future of Tehran. Without an heir, our kingdom's stability is at risk."

Magi-Chief Altran, who had remained silent until now, finally spoke. "Your Majesty, magic has no effect on Kiranu. The beast is impervious to spells and enchantments. It is a creature born of the darkest depths, and only pure, unyielding strength can overcome it."

A heavy silence fell over the room as the weight of Altran's words sank in. The mission seemed impossible, and yet the king's resolve did not falter. The tension in the room was palpable, each advisor grappling with the enormity of the task at hand.

After a moment, it was Altran who broke the silence once more. "There is one who might be able to face Kiranu—Markus Servus."

At the mention of the name, a ripple of recognition passed through the council. Markus Servus, a Demon known for his unmatched strength and fearlessness, was a legend in his own right. Yet, he was also a man of mystery, seldom seen and even less often spoken of in royal circles.

"Markus Servus?" Lord Armon echoed, his voice tinged with skepticism. "But he is a demon who answers to no one. How can we trust him to undertake such a perilous mission?"

The king's eyes gleamed with determination. "We have no choice. Markus Servus is our only hope. Send for him at once.

The key

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