

A book that foretells bloodshed and the world’s apocalypse falls into the hands of a notorious crew, led by a seemingly weak captain with a hidden past. Follow Jafar Ruziel as he embarks on a perilous journey to unearth the mysteries of true magic, facing treacherous enemies, ancient secrets, and the looming threat of global destruction. Will he unlock the book’s secrets in time, or will its dark prophecy come to pass?

Drjeath · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Let's own it first

To expand and style your provided passage into a web novel format, I'll build on the existing content, adding depth, description, dialogue, and internal thoughts while m


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In the dimly lit, secluded chamber, the air was thick with the scent of incense and the faint hum of unseen forces. Jafar and Yelisa stood side by side, their gazes fixed on the surface of the enchanted mirror before them. The mirror, framed in ancient silver that pulsed with an otherworldly light, reflected more than just their own images—it revealed the unfolding events within the Ruziel residence.

The mirror's surface rippled, showing the grand halls of Ruziel's mansion. Shadows danced along the walls as the mirror focused on the intricate seal that now guarded the entrance to the Forbidden Library. This seal was no ordinary barrier; it shimmered with layers of magic, woven together by the finest enchanters in the realm. It was a spell designed to keep intruders out—especially those with ill intentions.

Yelisa's brow furrowed as she observed the seal's complexity. She turned to Jafar, her expression a mix of concern and determination. "My dear friend," she began, her voice low and measured, "what shall we do now that the library is sealed? Our plans cannot move forward if we cannot access the knowledge within."

Jafar remained silent for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he analyzed the seal through the mirror's reflection. His mind was already working, calculating the possibilities, weighing the risks against the rewards. He was not one to be easily deterred, especially when something as precious as the Book of True Magic was at stake.

"Yelisa," he finally replied, his voice calm and deliberate, "we must remain undaunted. The sealing of the library is but a minor setback. In matters such as these, it is crucial to remember the old adage: 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.' We need not conquer the entire tree when we can simply reach out and claim the fruit that hangs closest to us."

Yelisa nodded slowly, understanding the implication of his words. "So you suggest we steal the book before any other complications arise? Before Ruziel and his guards realize the full extent of our intentions?"

"Precisely," Jafar affirmed. "If we act swiftly, we can obtain the book before the seal's power becomes fully entrenched. The more time we waste, the more difficult it will be to break through. We must strike now, while the seal is still fresh and its creators confident in its strength."

Yelisa's eyes sparkled with a mixture of admiration and excitement. She had always respected Jafar's cunning, his ability to navigate through seemingly insurmountable obstacles with grace and precision. It was one of the reasons she had chosen him as her partner in this dangerous venture.

"Very well," she agreed, her voice firm. "Let us make our move. But first, we must solidify our alliance. The path we tread is fraught with peril, and we cannot afford any betrayal, even by accident."

Jafar turned to face her fully, his expression serious. "You speak of a magic oath?"

"Yes," Yelisa confirmed. "An oath of friendship and loyalty, bound by the most ancient of spells. It will ensure that neither of us can turn against the other, no matter the temptation."

Jafar considered this for a moment, then nodded. "I agree. We cannot afford to have any doubts between us. The forces we are dealing with are too powerful, too unpredictable."

They stepped away from the mirror, which continued to display the events at Ruziel's residence, and moved to the center of the chamber. There, on a stone pedestal, lay a small, ornate dagger with a blade as black as night. It was a blade forged for one purpose—to seal magical oaths.

Yelisa picked up the dagger, its cold weight reassuring in her hand. She extended it to Jafar, who took it with the same solemnity. Without a word, he drew the blade across his palm, wincing slightly as it cut through the skin. Blood welled up, dark and rich, and he extended his hand toward Yelisa.

Yelisa followed suit, slicing her own palm and clasping Jafar's hand firmly. As their blood mingled, the air around them began to vibrate with energy, the very room humming with the power of the ancient spell they were about to invoke.

"By the blood we share," Yelisa intoned, her voice steady and clear, "we bind our fates together. Let no force of man or magic tear us apart. We swear, by the old gods and the new, to remain loyal to one another until our task is complete."

Jafar's deep voice echoed hers, completing the ritual. "By the power of this oath, let our hearts beat as one, our minds united in purpose. Betrayal shall bring ruin, and loyalty shall bring victory. So it is spoken, so it shall be."

As the final words left their lips, the blood on their hands shimmered with a golden light before seeping into their skin, leaving no trace of the wounds. The magic of the oath took hold, binding their souls in a contract that neither could break.

The dagger clattered to the floor as they released each other's hands, their bond now sealed by the strongest of ancient magics. The room, once buzzing with energy, fell silent, as if recognizing the gravity of the vow they had taken.

Yelisa met Jafar's gaze, her eyes filled with determination. "Now, we act. The Book of True Magic will be ours, and with it, the power to reshape this world."

Jafar nodded, a small, satisfied smile playing on his lips. "Let us move quickly, Yelisa. Time is not on our side, but fortune favors the bold. Together, we shall overcome whatever obstacles lie in our path."

They returned to the mirror, their resolve now unbreakable. The image within it shifted, showing the intricate pathways that led to the sealed library. With the oath strengthening their bond, Jafar and Yelisa were ready to face whatever dangers awaited them in the pursuit of ultimate power.

NOTE: will you oath for power??

May be

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