

A book that foretells bloodshed and the world’s apocalypse falls into the hands of a notorious crew, led by a seemingly weak captain with a hidden past. Follow Jafar Ruziel as he embarks on a perilous journey to unearth the mysteries of true magic, facing treacherous enemies, ancient secrets, and the looming threat of global destruction. Will he unlock the book’s secrets in time, or will its dark prophecy come to pass?

Drjeath · ファンタジー
20 Chs

I'm asking you to trust me

Back in Yelisa's secret castle, the three of them sat around a table, the ancient tome lying between them. The dim candlelight flickered, casting eerie shadows on the walls, as the weight of their recent theft hung heavy in the air.

Jafar, his fingers idly tracing the edges of the book's cover, broke the silence. "Now, about our next plan… I think we should go to your father."

Yelisa's eyes narrowed, her expression turning icy. "My father? Are you mad? He's more likely to snatch this book from our hands than to help us. I don't trust him, and neither should you."

Gulzum, who had been lounging in the corner, raised an eyebrow but remained silent, observing the tension between the two.

Jafar leaned forward, trying to maintain his calm. "Look, I understand your concern, but hear me out. We need his knowledge to unlock the full potential of this book. He's the only one who knows the ancient spells that could protect us from the dangers ahead."

Yelisa crossed her arms, her voice dripping with disdain. "Do you really think that man is a good father? Or even a good person? Every spell I've learned, I've had to teach myself. My father didn't pass down a single one to me. He's a ruthless magi who cares only about power. Once he lays his eyes on a treasure, it doesn't matter if it's his daughter or his wife—he'll kill anyone who stands in his way."

The room fell into a heavy silence as her words hung in the air. Jafar could see the pain behind her anger, but he pressed on, his voice steady. "I'm not asking you to trust him, Yelisa. I'm asking you to trust me. I have a plan, and no matter what tricks he tries to pull, I promise I'll keep us safe."

Yelisa looked at him skeptically, her eyes searching his for any sign of weakness. "Jafar, your brain works on cunning and strategy, not on true power. My father is not someone you can outsmart so easily."

Jafar held her gaze, determination burning in his eyes. "I know the risks. But we're out of options. If we want to unlock the secrets of this book, we have to take the chance."

Gulzum, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up, his deep voice cutting through the tension. "The boy has a point. It's a dangerous move, but if anyone can pull it off, it's him. Besides, we're not exactly swimming in alternatives."

Yelisa sighed, the weight of the decision pressing down on her. "Fine. We'll do it your way, Jafar. But remember, one wrong move, and we're all dead. This isn't just a game."

Jafar nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension. "I understand. We'll be careful."