

A book that foretells bloodshed and the world’s apocalypse falls into the hands of a notorious crew, led by a seemingly weak captain with a hidden past. Follow Jafar Ruziel as he embarks on a perilous journey to unearth the mysteries of true magic, facing treacherous enemies, ancient secrets, and the looming threat of global destruction. Will he unlock the book’s secrets in time, or will its dark prophecy come to pass?

Drjeath · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Forest of kalkeim

4030AM(after magic)

14.30 incense

"I see kids are still kids," the skull said, its eerie voice echoing through the chamber. Its grin widened, revealing teeth like jagged stones. "You mean you didn't understand? If you want more information, add the price."

Yelisa shot a glance at Jafar, frustration flickering in her eyes. Jafar rubbed his temples, a deep frown creasing his brow as he turned his gaze back to the skull. "You can't be serious," he muttered. "You're not suggesting we save that demon from Tehran, are you? Luuman is the strongest man alive. And how are we supposed to unlock a rank-9 lock?"

The skull's hollow eye sockets seemed to glint with dark amusement. "I said more Golden Circle Crystals," it replied with a creepy smile that made the room feel even colder.

Jafar sighed and looked at Yelisa, who was glaring daggers at the skull. She muttered under her breath, "Damn this trashy skull. I should never have saved you."

With a reluctant huff, Yelisa added three more bags of Golden Circle Crystals to the growing pile. The skull's grin widened further, if that was even possible. "Now we're talking," it hissed, its voice dripping with satisfaction.

"You have to first steal the Roaring Sword from the Forest of Kalkeim," the skull began, its tone growing more serious. "This sword belongs to a beast known as Mang Loose, a creature of immense power, and his children, who number in the millions."

The room seemed to darken as the skull continued. "The Forest of Kalkeim has been enchanted by the First Monarch of the Magic Federation. The enchantment ensures that the beasts do not leave the forest, but it also means that anyone who enters loses their ability to do anything, including defending themselves."

Yelisa's eyes narrowed, her frustration giving way to deep concern. "And how are we supposed to steal the sword from such a place?"

"There are rules regarding the way to safely steal that sword," the skull said, its voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "But only your father, Magi Jinshen, knows them."

As the skull's green eyes began to dim, it let out a low chuckle. "Now, get lost. Our business is done."

The skull's words hung in the air like a death sentence, the weight of their next task pressing heavily on Jafar and Yelisa. The dim light flickered as the skull's presence began to fade, leaving them in a silence that felt almost oppressive.

Jafar clenched his fists, the enormity of their mission sinking in. "We're really doing this, aren't we?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Yelisa sighed, her usual confidence shaken but not gone. "We don't have a choice. If we're going to unlock the Records of True Magic, we have to do whatever it takes."

The two stood in the fading light as they prepared to leave the chamber and face whatever horrors awaited them in the Forest of Kalkeim.

NOTE:14.30 incense = 14:30 today's time

They use magic incense to calculate time

By 1 incense= 1hour