
Record of the last world war

In a very distant future in a world where there is a lot of technology, human beings created dinosaur-like creatures. The creatures possessed the original strength of dinosaurs and technology together. So that normal people or soldiers can't do anything about it. .Therefore, terrorists take it for abuse. Therefore, scientists have to produce something to fight those monsters.

xizoss_live · SF
2 Chs

Begin to every thing

Have you ever imagined the future world or your future self? Some of you may have thought of your future self in 5 or 10 years but I believe no one will think of our world in 100 years. Isn't it 1000 years in the future? Yes and in this story I will take you with me in 1000 years or a million years in the future. In the last war before the world is left with only one country. Only one country in the world. You're probably wondering why it only has one country left , right ? I will tell you. The reason I was about a war that was about to be a war that caused the whole world to be scared and a war that people all over the world had to share without voluntarily. The main cause is a terrorist group known as the night crown, led by the world's most notorious and mad scientist. In which he created a group of monsters that look like dinosaurs.It has its natural power, combined with advanced technology in those days, so ordinary people and normal soldiers cannot do anything, so they have to establish a special unit called The Shiny. This unit will be supported. Both from the public and private sectors to build, develop weapons and fight the night crown in particular.

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