
Record of Naruto Verse

On the verge of death, he activated a certain scroll that he couldn't decipher even researching in many ways. The name of that scroll is [Record of Naruto Verse]. By using his new gain power his ambition is to revive his destroyed sect and loved ones, and achieve the acknowledgment as the strongest person in the world, his journey began. [Author Note:] 1] Yep, this story will be fast pace story. So an early warning for that. 2] I have no future plot-plan 3] There will be many plot hole like original :p . 4] It might not be a good story, I just started writing to spend my time and so post here to help you to spend your time. 5] And enjoy *** Remember, I also post this fanfiction on RoyalRoadl.com by the name of nayem58. I will also post there same thing if that novel accepted.

LordNoname · アニメ·コミックス
101 Chs

Chapter-36: Ambassador of Holy Empire

Chapter-36: Ambassador of Holy Empire

Ambassador office of Holy Empire, Naga Kingdom.

As one of the strongest nation's ambassador, there wasn't a single day Nicolo could consider as off-day.

If it wasn't great honor and especially money, he wouldn't take this job.

Just being an ambassador of a 2nd class country his life was like hell that if now even if higher up recommend him to promotion as the first class country's ambassador he will reject the offer immediately. He can at least have a vacation once in a year to see his family if he gets the promotion he may not get a single vacation in five years.

Of course, being a citizen of Holy Empire that known as the country of religious he also has a connection to the church. He was given the title of Bishop. Though in past priest and bishop can't marry, now they also can bond with marriage, because God gave them permission to marry. Even the pope can marry now as long as he can go through baptism but that complicated things.

It's been a three years Nicolo married and two years ago his wife gave the birth of his daughter. Every time he thinks about his cute daughter he can't help but let out a foolish grin on his mouth, and his daughter was the one who is giving him encouragement of handling the workload. But still, he wanted to see his daughter once in a year because her wife also a Bishop of a church who still couldn't get permission to transfer so they can't be together for now.

Thinking about this matter and seeing the mountain of papers he couldn't help but feel a bad headache. Representing both religious and political for a country wasn't easy things to handle.

After massaging his temple, he again grabbed his pen to go another big round of paperwork.

"Father, there is a important news."

Suddenly hearing that sound Nicolo almost slipped his pen from his hand.

"Now, what?"

It was a beautiful woman who is working as his assistant. Her rank in Holy Empire Priest(ess).

"It's... It's Northern... It's North...."

Seeing she was out of breath, stopping her Nicolo said,

"Calm down, Miss Rina. Please drink some water and rest then tell me what is the important news."

'It must be something important, but waiting a minute won't hurt anyone.' Nicolo thought.

"There is no time to wait."

Despite saying that she gulped down water and started again,

"It's Northern Dragon Palace, a huge magic signal came from there. When I went to check high in the sky, I saw... Dragon Palace was destroyed."

"Is that so... Is that soooo!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Almost let out a roar Nicolo stood up. He wanted to really understand what the heck she was saying. Even though Northern Dragons are weaker-one among the Dragon territories but they are still above the Holy Empire. More importantly, an 'Emperor' living there. So there is no way he will believe her words.

But still, he ran out from the office and going towards airstrips. Though he can fly with magic, aerial mounts are faster than him. Dragon Territory wasn't that far from here. It's about 5Km, in fact, they build ambassador office here purposely to keep an eye on Northern Dragon because they didn't give permission to enter their territory much less setting an ambassador office there.

By the way, he is already in the sky with the best aerial mount from the airstrip.

Miss Rina also following him behind with another mount.

When they both reached Northern Dragon Territory's border he could view the full landscape of territory. This territory wasn't that big, just a huge palace and ten something hills, that's all.

"Miss Rina, hurry up and come here."

He took a magic stone from his storage and activate it which concealed everything around five meters. It's a 7th tier concealing magic stone.

By using that, both Nicolo and Rina's body got invisible.

"What the hell happened here? Who could make a war on Northern Dragons and reduce to this state."

Nicolo sweat bullet seeing the current ruined landscape of this territory.

For the first time, he felt a massive amount of mana after he born in this world. He could puke now.

"Is that Her Highness Dragon Empress? She looks different."

"Yes, It's maybe legendary Dragon Fault." (Rina)

"To think someone could force Dragon Empress to use Dragon Fault. More importantly, we never knew that she could use it, that's really important news."

Nicolo's headache increased nonetheless.

They arrived here after Jin was attacked by Dragon Empress for the first time and crash into the wall. When Jin got visible Nicolo exclaimed,

"What the heck is that monster! A huge Demon Fox?"

"I don't know. Before I went to report you, it was rampaging there."

After that, they witness the beginning of a legendary war where everything starts.

In summary, they saw that demon fox killed four High-Class dragons with ease, they saw Azhi Dahaka one of the eight strongest weapons, they realize that this demon fox was actually a huge phantom that was controlled by a man, that man split into three and made a golem of wood and two same demon foxes as before. That guy suddenly vanished into smoke and in return, some other guy in the mask who had horns in his head appeared and easily grab the Azhi Dahaka. He sent that spear who knows where and unleashed a huge attack which looked like fists. That attack caused critical injuries to Dragon Empress. And pin her down with strange black rods.

He pulled all of the remaining dragons toward him and they suddenly vanished including that man and Dragon Empress.

Until that moment both Nicolo and Rina remain their silence. No, in fact, they don't know what kind of voice to utter. A human going against the highest existence of dragon. Is he even human?

"Heyheyhey, ah, Miss Rina, I am seeing a dream, admit that you are also part of my dream, no?"

Hearing that from Nicolo she bitterly laughed.

"Same words back to you."

Nicolo grabbed his temple.

"It's beyond a dream."

Strangely no one asked where the hell dragons and that man disappeared to, but they wait silently because they can feel that they will be back.

And that fact proven when they saw that man and buttered Dragon Empress returned, other dragons except her weren't here, and they can guess it was the end for those dragons.

After a minute they understood Dragon Empress also passed away, that body nothing but a corpse.

They saw that man buried the corpse, then he started to check something on the territory. After that, he vanished.

They were in dazed. Uttering a word at this stage impossible from them. By the way, they got the impression of that guy was here for some item, and he also took away Azhi Dahaka.

"What a fancy meeting here, did you enjoyed the free show, dogs of Holy Empire?"

Their spine shuttered in cold sweat when they looked behind. It was the one-eyed masked man who is one of the two men that single-handedly wipe the Northern Dragons.

[AN: So you guess what will he do with holy empire's people? Of course, I already know what he will do. By the way, you can understand after reading they are spies of Holy Empire to keep an eye on Northern Dragon Palace who is undercover of Ambassador. I may or may not post a chapter tomorrow, after that, I will take a break from writing because my final semester knocking. If I post a chapter tomorrow then next chapter will be on 20 Dec, and 20 Dec to 15 Jan I may post more than 15 chapters, but that depends on you guys support, thank you.]

Lol, I am seeing the complain coming, after waiting 1 week this shit chapter where is half of the chapter is useless description of Holy Empire and Nicolo, but I will assure you that Nicolo and Holy Empire are cannon. Of course, Miss Rina also a cannon character.

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