
Heaven's mandate 1.0 II

On the edge of the continent, Jie Shu opened his eyes after about 200 years.

[Welcome to life! You were chosen to revive by the great ***** due to being able to gain the 10th petal on this mediocre continent.]

Jie Shu looked at the screen infront of him, then he ignored it as he got out of bed. His clothes seemed pretty good, they weren't new or filled with qi, but they were good enough.

He took a deep breath, and then put his hand on his chest. The spiritual energy he had breathed in was guided to examine his body's current level and cultivation technique.

He frowned at the cultivation technique, he wasn't sure of the name, but he was sure he would abolish his cultivation to change it to the 'Supreme oblivion record' he used previously.

[You don't have to do that, I can show your status to you.]

"Could you shut up?" Jie Shu said as he continued examine the specifics of his physique, his tendons seemed to be a bit strained. What ever strained them was a martial art, a sub-par one.

His physique was different than what he would like, it was more focused on speed and trickery.

Jie Shu was more of a 'I do whatever I want, go cry to mama while I break your nico-nico-neecaps', aka. An all-rounder.

This could be fixed with a few herbs, though he would only be able to get them when he got his avatar, if he was a normie.

[Suit yourself.]

Jie Shu started to think carefully 'I could go with 'Supreme oblivion record', but... What if I did 'Heaven's mandate' instead?' These questions kept revolving in his mind.

But someone opened the door infront of him "Young master! Wake up!" The person behind the door had sheep horns, she seemed as if she was following a routine.

She was surprised when she saw her young master standing up after losing miserably to his younger brother in the battle for the title of patriarch 'Wasn't he supposed to be in bed for a few more days?'

Jie Shu hadn't even registered her as something more than a bug, as he was thinking. After about 3 seconds of silence, Jie Shu said to himself "Alright! I'll do Heaven's Mandate!"

He looked at his body, and took spiritual energy from the air, put it into his fingers, and then pressed a few dozen acupuncture points.

He spit out a white-green liquid after this.

[-You have abolished your cultivation.]

"No shit sherlock."

[-Please choose your new cultivation technique;

-Supreme Oblivion record (S-rank);

An ancient mysterious cultivation technique learned only by enlightenment, unable to be taught to others, it was slowly forgotten. The supreme oblivion record calls not for a calm heart, but for destruction, and then recording of what was lost. It is limitless, fast in cultivation, and with the greatest of foundations.

This technique does not have a dantian, it is instead not within existence.

-Heaven's mandate (S-rank);

The purest of qi, the greatest of foundations, perfection. Though it's progress is extremely slow and difficult, it is extremely strong. It increases lifespan beyond the limit of 1000 years. It focuses on perfection, in all aspects.

This technique makes every flake of skin, every drop of blood, every tastebud, and everything else you could think of, a dantian.

-Star Sea divine art (A-rank);

The stars, mysterious as they are, can be created. The grand scourge once saw a woman shoot an arrow which was like the stars, he was jealous, and petty since it was able to force him back. So he focused for years, and stole thousands of cultivation techniques.

The dantian of this cultivation technique is a self-feeding cycle of growth. If it runs out, it will be difficult to start once more. But while it is still shining, it will be a force to be reckoned.

-Xingtian art (A-rank);

A cultivation method made by the grand scrouge, just like the god Xingtian, don't die even with your head cut off.

With each large realm break through, create another dantian and mental faculty.

-Oblivion Mantra (B-rank);

A buddist cultivation technique created by the grand scourge, mixing buddism and the wish for all to end, none have ever cultivated it.

-Dark sun divine art (B-rank)

The improved version of the grand scrouge's 8th disciple's cultivation technique, adding on the corrosive effect of oblivion too.]

"You don't have to be annoying, I've already chosen Heaven's mandate." Jie Shu said as he started to temper his body with spiritual energy.

[-You have chosen 'Heaven's mandate'.]

"Of course I did, what else am I currently using?"

[Name; Fang He (Jie Shu)

Cultivation; body tempering, mortal (1%)

Techniques; Abyssal star (A-rank), Eternal persuit (B-rank), Permafrost burial (B-rank), Dying sun (B-rank), Rising sun (B-rank), Dark sun (B-rank), Bloody ruin (B-rank), Blade rush (B-rank), ect.]

Jie Shu didn't even recognize or read his his 'New name', but the idea of calling the first stage of body tempering 'Mortal' was pretty good.

He pushed the girl out of the way as he left the room, completely disregarding her existence while taking in spiritual energy.

Jie Shu wanted to first get past the body tempering realm, but time waits for no man. So he was going to explore his surroundings.

Outside the doors was a mansion, a small one. It seemed his body had taken control of a small clan's descendant.

Probably at the rims considering the trashyness of the previous cultivation method "Young master, please calm down! What if you open your wounds!"

The girl behind him seemed worried "We don't know if you're really okay!" Jie Shu looked at her, and then sneered "Small child who has not seen the world, you may not have heard of me, I'm Jie Shu, not whatever garbage dump young master you've been serving."

"Young master!" The girl yelled "I know that the fact that you were put in bed for weeks because of second young master is..." She had slowly realized that she had overstepped her means.

Jie Shu however, didn't care. He was still relaxedly taking in spiritual energy, but he was annoyed he was put on the same level as some noble in the boonies' level.

[Pride of the forgotten;

You were forgotten, but are still prideful. Show your power, and surpass your body's old owner.

-Defeat the current heir and second son of the Fang clan.]

Jie Shu couldn't help but frown as he walked around, he saw a window next to a door, through that window was a courtyard, so he opened that door.

Now in the courtyard, Jie Shu pondered about the future "Should I create a sect this time?" He was pondering outloud.

"Young master! What are you talking about! Our family is under a sect, I think you should lie down! I worry that your injuries aren't fully healed." Again the girl was encroaching on his terf.

Jie Shu, instead of killing her like usual. Forcefully took her hand, and pulled her towards his own form. This caused the girl to blush, but then calm down again when she felt a mysterious force traveling from her wrist throughout her entire body.

Jie Shu, on the other hand, was impressed that her talent was sighted in the boonies. Nothing close to his old disciples, but good enough for him to throw a technique at her, if he was making a sect.

He was also planning on doing that, but then paused, realizing that he didn't have his avatar to make the cultivation technique books for him, and he also had none on him at the moment. This made him pause to ponder 'Since I may create a sect, why not make her the first member?'

"You," Jie Shu said, while keeping his hand on her wrist "Are now my disciple." This caught the girl of guard "Eh?"

"Young master, could you please go back to your bed chamber, I am honestly worried for your health."

[A journey starts with a single step;

You want to make a sect, so you need a disciple.

-Convince someone to be your first disciple.]

"Shut up, this body is perfectly healthy" Jie Shu said, as he released his grip.

Coincidentally, someone was passing by the courtyard and saw Jie Shu perfectly healthy, and rushed to report to the patriarch. It wasn't really surprising since the courtyard had windows open to it's visage from most of the western side of the mansion.

Jie Shu, for the next few minutes started to- walk around the mansion while talking to the pretty talented girl "I shall now tell you, cultivation is mostly talent based. And you are adequately talented."

The girl still took him as 'not mentally-sane', and wasn't convinced "Really? That's great young master, I really think we'll be able to talk about this better within your bed." She said this without any underlying motives except getting Jie Shu rest not realizing this could sound a bit more intimate. But again, he ignored her words.

Suddenly someone called from infront of him "Young master Fang He, the patriarch summons you." Instead of acknowledging him, Jie Shu passed by, while still talking to the girl "Heaven and earth is a cage for the great, so you must supress heaven's laws to gain your 9th petal. Or you must be a loser and bypass the true way of enlightenment and break your own legs, all three of them, or something. Of course, it should be possible for you to get the 9th petal the intended way, though I couldn't do it."

He was still taking in spiritual energy at all times, you must know, heaven's mandate isn't a cultivation method which automatically pulled in spiritual energy. This was all Jie Shu's concious, deliberate action.

Seeing that Jie Shu ignored even the patriarch's summons, she was certain he had 'gone mental' "I am sorry sir Li, but the young master is in a state of mind which is worrying. He believes he is no longer 'Fang He', but someone named 'Jie Shu' who took over his body. He is currently speaking about how I should be his disciple." She wispered.

Jie Shu could hear them, but was pretty much certain nothing he said would sway their minds into thinking he was truely his great self 'I guess I should meet that second young master.'

While Jie Shu was preping himself for war, and snarky retorts... 'Sir Li' wispered back "Then you should just accept him as your master, the first young master knows cultivation techniques, and that way you could also coax him into coming to the patriarch." It was pretty obvious that he didn't care if Jie Shu was mentally sane or not.

This pained the girl, as she was close to the old Jie Shu.

But instead of waiting for their talk to finish "Take me to your leader!" He said, though nobody answered "...The patriarch."

'Sir Li' accepted that as an acceptance to the summons, and tried to pull Jie Shu by the arm. Instead of that, he got a slap on the face "Know your place, under my boot."

'Sir Li' Gnashed his teeth, but he needed to get him to the patriarch in one piece, thus he controlled himself "Old sir, please follow me to the patriarch." He tried to follow Jie Shu's 'mental instability's' narative.

Jie Shu nodded, and then ignored him "So there are 4 greater realms that you need to know about right now; body tempering, qi gathering, foundation, and then golden core..."

'Sir Li' what to do now, but with confirmation he walked backwards, seeing that the two of them walked after him, he walked towards where the patriarch was.

Jie Shu followed him while talking about the miracles of cultivation "-You should at least be able to lift a 100-year rum tree if you want to break through to qi gathering, if you don't want to be a loser-"

"-You should at least sit in the 13th realm of qi gathering before you go to the foundation realm-"

"-Only the mediocre have less than 12 pillars in the foundation realm-"

This caused 'Sir Li' to stagger, as that was all the level of elites in the 'Center'. Jie Shu had surely gone insane.

Though the girl took his word as, mostly, fact since she new nothing of the cultivation world, and didn't think he would mix up fact and fiction that badly.

After talking his subjective view of cultivation for a bit, they finally appeared in front of a big door "Old servant Li Han has come back after gathering first young master!"

From the other side an athoaritive voice said "Come in."

'Sir Li' slowly opened the door, and signalled for Jie Shu to enter. But while he was doing that, Jie Shu kicked the door open.

Jie Shu had no time for this, he wanted pills, litteral tons of pills. If he could, he wanted to get a mountain of them. He just came to this conclusion after pondering over what he could get in the boonies.

Since everyone considered him the first young master of some clan, so he planned to bleed them dry, then skip town since he didn't care about this place at all.

-Written in the 27th of december, 2022.