

After fighting for a billion years in the 'Outer-realm'. Yu Geon failed to defeat the Gods that invaded the their universe. With the help of the system Yu Geon was given another chance to redo every single thing in his life and to protect his loved ones. "Just you wait! I, Yu Geon will do everything in my power to kill every single one of you. Even if it means giving up my very own being!"

_sotyy · 都市
1 Chs

Chapter 0 - Prologue


'Looks like everything is about to end.'

As he grovel into the ground.

The man who gave everything up and sacrificed a lot of things couldn't believe what is happening in front of his very own eyes.

"Is everything I did wasn't enough?!"

He shouted.




The system popped up in front of him.

[Do you want to reset everything?]


Looking at the screen he laughed while his tears is running over his face.

"I did everything I could just to stop the catastrophe from happening."

He said...

Watching what's happening in front of him gave him doubt if he can even do everything again, because after fighting the Gods for a long time only gave him pain every single moment lived throughout those years.

After giving it some thought he finally decided to accept the invitation of the system.


*Beep* *Beep*

"Just you wait! I, Yu Geon will do everything in my power to kill every single one of you. Even if it means giving up my very own being!"

