
Reckless || crackfic

"Please, keep talking. I only yawn when I'm super fascinated"

Strawberrykwiw · セレブリティ
3 Chs

Chapter 3


I walk through the halls Greeted by bright smiles and high fives from the other students "lillyyyy" I hear jungkook shout walking to my side

"What's up? I though you were suspended" I chuckle putting my hair up into a ponytail , my neck was practically burning up

"I was but i'm back baby" he smiled widely draping his arm over my shoulder "low key wished you didn't come back" I teased , he pouted

"I know you missed me" he cocked his head high , I chuckled "keep dreaming" I rolled my eyes though he was right

"That reminds me , I want you to meet someone I think you'll like him" he looked down at me running a hand through his raven hair "you can introduce us at lunch" I smiled

"Alright , gotta go .bye" he kissed my cheek before running off to god knows where , honestly I don't know why jungkook even comes to school . he doesn't even attend class 99.9% of the times

I saw a familiar pink haired boy by his locker and I walked over "Are you okay?" I asked Jimin who looked like he was freaking out

He looked up at me with wide eyes "did you know we were getting a test?" He ravaged through his locker throwing out everything

"Who cares?" I rolled my eyes , a familiar boy walked up to us furrowing his eyebrows "what's going on?" Yoongi pulled the hood off his head exposing his freshly dyed black hair

"We have a test" he didn't even spare yoongi a glance still ravaging through his locker , yoongi's eyes darted around for a few seconds "who cares?" He leaned his back against the lockers

"That's what I said" I shook my head

"Unlike you guys I'm not rich , I have to work hard to get a good job" he huffed running his hand through his pink hair

"you know Jimin with those twerking skills of yours you could get a successful job" I smirked along with yoongi

He whipped his head around "what are you trying to say?" He squinted his eyes at me , I backed away with surrendering hands "I only suggested that you use your resources"

Yoongi nodded "are you guys suggesting I become a stripper" Jimin gasped , we furrowed our eyebrows at him  "Jimin . no , we're saying you should twerk for us and we'll pay you" I say like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Why though?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows at us  , yoongi tossed his black hair to the side "you get what you want , we get what we want . it's not that complicated" I shrugged

"You guys are sick" he scoffed slamming his locker shut "just think about it" I patted his back , yoongi snickered

"Why would you pay me to twerk for you?" Jimin looked at us weirdly ,I sighed "the real question is why wouldn't we pay you to twerk for us" i smirked


"I don't want to hear a single pin drop" mr namjoon crossed his hands over his chest after he finished handing out the test papers , I held up my index finger "what is it?" He furrowed his eyebrows

Jimin looked over at me suspiciously, I looked through my bag "I could of sworn it was in here" I murmured squinting my eyes to find the object

"What are yo-" Jimin was cut off "FOUND IT" I grinned widely , yoongi gave me a questioning look

I smirked at mr Namjoon , held up the small pin and dropped it

The class erupted in laughter "are you serious?" Mr namjoon held the bridge of his nose biting down on his bottom lip

Jimin rolled his eyes while yoongi chuckled aloud "everyone is getting 5% taken off" mr namjoon spoke , the classroom got quiet

"This is why your a depressed old man" I rolled my eyes , he licked his bottom lip clearly annoyed "you're why I'm a depressed young man" he rolled his eyes

"Old" I corrected him , he rolled his eyes again "careful they might get stuck" I smirk pulling the scrunchie out of my hair

"I'm not old" he protested , this time I rolled my eyes "tell that to the grey strands in your hair" the class covered their mouths trying to suppress their laughs

"Some 25 Year old you are" I mocked chuckling softly lifting my legs and placing them on top of my desk "26" he corrected

"Does it really matter ? Old man" I  Emphasized the 'old man' , I saw the vain in his forehead threatening to pop any moment

The class bursted out in a fit of laughter "everybody ! Laps around the field" he ordered , we groaned

"See what you did" yoongi wacked me at the back of my head , i pouted "how was I supposed to know the old man was going to make us run laps" I murmured

"If you had just shut your big mouth" Jimin grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the door



"2 laps" he blew his whistle starting us off , the students ran all off except me of course . I walked slowly with my hands stuffed into my pocket admiring the blue sky

"Lilith why aren't you running?" I heard mr namjoon's voice ask from behind me , I spun around on my heel "I'm not the athletic type" I shrugged , he took a deep breath before exhaling

"Got knows why they haven't expelled you yet" he murmured under his breath but I still managed to hear "because frankly they can't" he rolled his eyes at me and I grin

"Just shut up and do your laps" he waved me off , I was about to say something smartass but I decided to give namjoon a break "okay" I sighed jogging ahead before picking up some speed passing all my classmates

I smirked as me and yoongi brushed shoulders , I ran past him leaving him and a very exhausted Jimin in my dust