
Reckless || crackfic

"Please, keep talking. I only yawn when I'm super fascinated"

Strawberrykwiw · セレブリティ
3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Lilith , put down your legs" the teacher ordered massaging his temples overly tired of my behavior

my legs were sprawled over my desk as I scroll through my phone ignoring every word that fell from his mouth

He's sooo annoying no wonder his wife divorced him

"Why? Your not seeing anything" I groan pressing the power button to turn off my phone turning my attention to mr namjoon

"it's disturbing" he pursed his lips tapping his dry erase maker On his desk impatiently

"So is your face but you don't see me complaining" I rolled my eyes chewing my gum a tad bit faster

"burrrnnn" the students gasped wide eyed at my comeback , I raised my palm up in the air giving yoongi a high five

"Good one" he chuckles crossing his arms sinking into his seat as he pulled down his hoodie to cover his eyes most likely because he's going to take a nap. Like what he does every period

"no not 'good one' , behave!" Jimin scolds pointing his pencil at me making my smile drop and yoongi chuckles



"Fine" I give up lowering my Legs from the table ultimately making mr namjoon bask in victory

his classes were always like this . us back and forth until someone wins or class ends , it's quite amusing to say the least

folding my arms over my chest ,my eyes dart around the classroom until they settled on the round , yellow , clock a few centimeters to left of mr namjoon's head

"get on with your lesson old man" I hiss at him , eyes still on the small clock that was ticking away

"I have you know I'm only 26" he defended walking around his desk sitting in his leather chair in the process

"I have you know I don't care" I high five yoongi again as the boy chuckled softly under his hood

"Stop doing that!" Jimin swatted my hand away from yoongi's not at all amused "yoongi don't encourage her behavior" Jimin scolds pointing his finger a me but the mint haired boy pretends he's asleep by faking a few soft snores

"don't pretend sleep with me!" Jimin growled violently shaking the boy

"Stoppp, I'm sleeping" yoongi faked a hoarse voice as best as he could but Jimin saw through his Deception "sleeping my ass" Jimin rolled his eyes

"Lilith you need to behave" Jimin sighed "don't let yoongi hype you up" he added giving the boy a death glare

"Go lily, go lily, go lily" yoongi clapped his hands and cheered annoying the hell out of the other "quiet down" mr namjoon interrupts before Jimin could go on a rampage

When we misbehave Jimin is the one that has to apologize and sometimes takes the blame . In short he's an idiot

But we love him

My body slipped down into my desk , boredom completely devouring me "Hey joon?" I call cutting the man's boring speech short "it's mr namjoon" he huffed

"Yea , Yea" I rolled my eyes "what is it? Do you have a question?" He asked curiosity laced in his dark tone that he often used on the students but it never scared me one bit

"When's your crappy lecture going to end?" I say ravaging through my bag until I found the lollipop I've been saving for this specific class

"I'll make it longer just for you" he mocked and I sank further into my seat Liking the lollipop as jimin works his bum off writing down every word that falls from mr namjoon's mouth

Such a goody-too-shoes . Cute

I eyed his notes that were written neatly and highlighted , Jimin works really hard because he wants a successful life and who would blame him

I on the other hand don't participate in such foolishness , my family is practically loaded and I'll inherit their fortune anyway so I don't need to work

Even if I had to I'm pretty sure I'd be fired on the first day , why? I'm straight forward and most people don't like that trait

If your ugly , your just ugly . suck . it . up


Don't get me wrong I love learning but I'll never let anyone know that , despite drifting off during class I actually listen and take notes in my head

It's the same with yoongi though he'd never admit it

Not even 5 minutes into the class and I could hear soft snores from yoongi with his hood hung low over his eyes exposing his slightly parted lips

"yoongi ! Wake up" Jimin whisper yelled not wanting to disturb mr namjoon's lecture

"he's a goner" I chuckle softly giving my lollipop kitty licks

Jimin sighed "you guys are hopeless" he face palmed himself

"Thats the nicest thing someone has said to me all day , thanks jiminie" I smile widely at him

"I'm not surp-" Jimin was cut off "LILITH" mr byun busted into the classroom more furious than ever , turning all attention from mr namjoon to him

I smirked sitting up in my ever so slightly uncomfortable seat

"where is she?" His eyes darted around the classroom Searching for my familiar face

"HERE" I raise my hand as his eyes darted to mine "DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT SPRAY PAINT MY BRAND NEW CAR?" He asked his voice high enough to wake up yoongi

"Is there a third option?" I ask trying not to Burst out laughing "TO MY OFFICE" he shouted pointing to the door and I got up silently

"Bye Jiminie" I smiled pushing his pink hair away and kissing his forehead "yoongi" I bid my goodbyes with a fist bump to the sleepy boy

"Joon" I chuckle at his annoyed face "it's mr namjoon" he gritted his teeth tapping his foot on the cemented floor

"Tomato, tomato" I sneer blowing a kiss just to annoy him before I exited the classroom

It wasn't out of the norm for me to get in trouble , it wasn't for yoongi either . we both enjoyed making teachers mad , it's amusing to us , it never gets old .

their face expressions and their reactions , One word 'PRICELESS' . that's how yoongi and I actually met, In the principal's office

"YOUR GOING TO CLEAN MY CAR RIGHT NOW AND IF I EVER SEE A SPOT OF SPRAY PAINT . YOUR DEAD" he slammed down his body in his white leather chair as I chuckled softly

"I don't feel like it" I lean back into the seat in front of him finding it funny how his eyebrows Were twitching uncontrollably

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT FEEL LIKE IT" He sprung from his seat hovering over his desk anger trailing his deep voice

"I'd be careful if I were you mr byun" I say in a soft but daring tone "and why should I be?" he regained his composure as his voice lowered to a more civilized tone

"I can buy this school , become the principal and make you my lap dog so fast you wouldn't even see it coming" my voice darkened so quick it even made me shiver

"I-" His trembling voice was cut off

"I'll be going now mr byun" I get up abruptly not wanting to sit in his suffocating office any second longer than I have to


I honestly don't know what this is....I'm just writing for fun , not the best comedian but *shrugs* I'm just bored okay☹️

*virtual hugs*