
Recipe For Disaster

A damaged playboy, a beautiful lady on a deadly mission and a desperate waitress. Find out what happens when the three are entangled in a never-ending drama. ******************************** Years after successfully surviving a childhood he was forced to endure, Charles couldn't be more damaged than he already was. All he wanted was his walls to remain as unbreakable and impenetrable as he made them. But then he met Annabelle. She was smart, beautiful, rich and a professional with a deadly secret and a unique background. Worst of all, she was perfectly tailored to play games. Or so she thought. What happens when a desperate waitress is added to the mix? Can they survive the dangers of the game they play? What will happen when hidden secrets surface? Can love prevail? Will they get scorched? Or, is this just a recipe for disaster?

Jenival_Enyia · 都市
159 Chs

Chapter 95


I walked into the house where we were staying, and Annabelle immediately flinched due to the sound of the door have her an apology look before letting out a small smile to tell you the truth we have been staying here just to get a better fit ourselves and it's not really going well for we were still terrified of each other's presence.

Alberto, us either locked up in his room all day or snuggling with the couch while holding on to a teddy watching TV, Annabelle allowed the nurses close to her because they needed to treat her otherwise she was in one corner of the house talking to herself or staying with the baby and everything part of me hurts due to Rum's abuse and I'll panic if anyone comes close to me.

I've been trying to contact Charles or any of them but I've not been able to. I had us surrounded by the police everywhere we went because I knew that he was on the hunt and I was using his money the way I wanted for all I care.