
Recarnation of the lonly girl

Abdulkadir_Faridah · 若者
3 Chs

Am i reborn again?

An abandon warehouse in Paris, layed a lifeless Ava after been cut all over the face and torn cloth.

Clicking the ground with hill was Ava best friend Isabella, with a delicate makeup and a flower gown steping on her toes..

"Ah!!!" Ava scream in pains.

Fresh blood gushed out and dripped on the floor

"What? my bestie can't handle the pain again", Ava look at Isabella with hatred wish to ripe out her mouth from her body.

" wh why Bella what have i done to deserve this from you?"

A snear came out of Isabella mouth "everthing !" "Wh.what" "yes, everthing you have a good family a lovely husband and also good at your work so my plan was to take everthing from you include your hiden treasure left by your mother" Ava was shocked and bite Isabella finger that was point to her.

She cry out in pain and slap Ava , the doorto the ware house open with a large up which reflect light into Ava eyes was a handsome young man in his late 20th was not other than Ava boyfriend, Henry he walk to them asking "Isabella are you ok" Ava have a glimmer of hope seeing him "Henry stay away from Bella she wanted to kill me please save me from here am dyeing"Reaching out her hand in the sence of excepting it was left in mid-air for breeze to blow on it .Isabella laugh slyly and said" Henry never loves you but me we are both in this game together" , Ava did not belive her hear and cry in regret how she disobey her father whrn he did not approve of Henry but treatning to kill herself.

Ava was born to death alive by her bestfriend and scumbag boyfriend, blaming herself how she threat those who love her both her friend'Sophia', father who was bedridden from the drug that was given to him and fiance 'Ethan'who was disable in a car accident cause by her.

Ava wake up with the smell of drug linger around the enironment with slight of head ache , her father was by her right side she was surprise to see her father, was he not on sick bed she ask herself 'what happen am i reborn?' This was when she wanted to break the engagement between her and Ethan,she want to commite suicide but was save in time by a servant.