
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 67 The Governor's Traces

 Leon and Kevira are walking in the forest outside the prison.

 The girl gathered her blood-red, bright and shiny long hair, tied it into a high ponytail with a rubber band, tilted her head and said to Leon with some doubt:

 "Leon, I feel like you know them very well. Otherwise, even if you encounter those gang scums, you wouldn't kill them so easily."

 There was a hint of mockery on the girl's lips.

 "You will be like a true capitalist, sucking their marrow and bones, squeezing out all their surplus value, and in the end you will want them to be grateful to you."

 Leon stretched out his hand and pinched the girl's fair chin, kissed her bright and warm red lips, and asked with a smile:

 "Do you think that killing them is a kind act?"

 "Am I a devil in your eyes?"

 With a charming look in her eyes, Kevera grabbed Leon's hand, licked it gently, and said with a sweet smile:

 "No, in my eyes, you're just a charming bastard."

 Leon shrugged indifferently and said:

 "No matter what the world is, assholes tend to succeed more easily than nice people."

 After he said this, he put a finger to his lips, made a gesture of silence, then quickly took out the silenced pistol from his belt, leaned against the trees in the forest, and entered stealth mode.

 Kevila seemed more professional than him. After receiving Leon's prompt, she quickly hid her body within a few seconds. Even with Leon's keen senses, he would not be able to find the girl without careful observation.

 Following his perception and slightly stretching his sight, Leon saw that a few dozen meters away from them, a black woman was leading two black zombies with iron chains and walking slowly in the forest.

 The dark-skinned woman was wearing a slightly worn linen T-shirt and carrying a samurai sword on her back. The two zombies behind her not only had their chins and arms chopped off, but were also locked around their necks with a thick iron chain. They were carrying luggage on their backs and following the dark-skinned woman closely.

 Seeing this strange combination, Lyon's expression was slightly stunned, and then he showed a smile.


 One of the core figures of the Pig Troop, an upright, brave and amazing master of cold weapons with amazing combat power.

 Seeing that this person was the one coming, Leon decided not to hide anymore, but walked out openly and walked towards Michonne.

 Although Kevera felt a little strange, he did not continue to hide and chose to follow Leon.

 Michonne was very alert. When the two men were about fifty or sixty meters away from her, she noticed the movement here. She put down the chain in her hand, quickly drew the samurai sword behind her, assumed a combat stance, and looked at the two people who were getting closer and closer. Her eyes were as alert and fierce as a wild wolf, but no sound came out of her mouth.

 Leon spread out his hands to indicate that he was not holding any weapon. Under Michonne's vigilant gaze, he walked to a distance of about 10 meters from her before stopping.

 "Hey ma'am, I'm Leon Custer, the manager of Umbrella Corporation."

 "May I ask who you are and what is your purpose here?"

 Michonne looked at Leon and Caveira warily, her lips moved but no sound came out. She held the samurai sword in her right hand and picked up the chain that bound the zombie with her left hand. She moved her feet lightly, as if she wanted to bypass the two of them. She had no intention of answering the question and wanted to move on.

 Leon felt that he couldn't let Irelia leave like this, otherwise he wouldn't know when he would meet her again.

 "Hey, ma'am, don't worry, we are not bad people, we have a safe camp in Atlanta with nearly 1,000 survivors."

 Michonne paused slightly, turned her head and looked at Leon with suspicion, her lips slightly parted, her voice dry and hoarse.

 "There are so many survivors in your camp?"

 "Do you have military protection?"

 She hadn't spoken to anyone in months, and it seemed as if her vocal cords had lost the ability to communicate.

 Leon tried his best to make his voice sincere. His tall and handsome appearance made it easy for him to gain a good impression in front of most people.

 "There is no army anymore, there is no government."

 "We are all members of the Umbrella Corporation, a group of survivors who have come together to fight for the future of mankind and rebuild human civilization."

 "We welcome any honest and kind person to unite the strength of all survivors, help each other and fight the danger together."

 Michonne's eyes were dazed for a moment, and she looked at Leon with some surprise, some suspicion, and some longing, and said:

 "What do you want from me? I have no interest in your organization."

 Leon walked a few meters towards Michonne tentatively and said in a friendly voice:

 "Ma'am, we welcome any noble and kind survivors. You have been wandering in the wild for too long."

 "No one likes to live alone."

 "I invite you to visit our camp and stay in our camp for a while before deciding what to do next."

 "This is an opportunity for us to strengthen our fellows, and for you, too."

 "Why don't you want to give it a try?"

 Michonne held the samurai sword in her hand and squinted her eyes to carefully look at Leon and Kevera. After a few seconds, she said threateningly:

 "In the time after the disaster, I encountered many bastards, but in the end, without exception, they all died under my knife."

 "There is nothing on me that is worth your conspiracy. If you have malicious intentions and try to hurt me, I will definitely not show mercy."

 Leon felt relieved when he heard that Daomei agreed. He still had a kind smile on his face and said:

 "Don't worry, ma'am."

 "Thank you for trusting us. In today's world, every bit of trust is precious."

 He pointed at Kevila, whose face showed no expression.

 "This is my female companion, Miss Kevella. She is a powerful warrior."

 "What is your name?"

 "Michonne Hawthorne."

 Leon nodded, walked over to Kevila and pulled her hand.

 "Ms. Michonne, there is a temporary camp for us not far ahead."

 "If you don't mind, let's go there and take a rest."

 "If you have any questions, we can discuss them in detail there."

 Michonne nodded expressionlessly, and instead of putting away her katana, she held it in her hand, pulled the chain, and followed the two men quietly.

 More than ten minutes later, under the surprised gaze of Glenn's team members, Leon and Caveira, along with Michonne, slowly walked into the prison.

 Before entering the prison, looking at the living people in the prison, Michonne thought for a moment and did not bring the zombies of her husband and brother into the prison. Instead, she locked them to a metal pillar with chains.

 It has been a long time since she last dealt with living survivors, and no other expression could be seen on Michonne's dark face, but she still unconsciously felt a little nervous deep in her heart.

 It was almost noon at this time, and Lyon didn't care about what others thought. He simply gathered everyone together and held a small dinner.


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