
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 62 Prison

  February 9, Interstate 85.

  Glenn's team is exploring along the highway. They are currently stationed in a temporary camp on Hershel Farm. Over the past few months, they have searched for dozens of survivors and a lot of supplies for Umbrella Corporation.

  Several nearby towns have been plundered by them and there are almost no resources left to use. Now they can only explore more peripheral areas.

  Glenn was driving a modified pickup truck slowly along the road. In his passenger seat, a girl named Judy was carefully observing the map in her hand.

  The girl bit a pencil and drew on the worn-out map in her hand. She suddenly pointed to a place on the map and said to Glenn:

  "Captain, although there is no mark on the map, I talked to a survivor near here. He said there is a prison here and his cousin was once imprisoned here."

  "It's a prison. Maybe there are survivors inside. Should we go and take a look?"

  Glenn looked at the map for a few seconds, but the girl bit him on the ear as a prank.

  "Let me check the location first to see if it's far from us."

  The Korean boy shuddered all over and suddenly retracted his neck. A blush appeared on his cheeks as he listened to the girl's bell-like laughter.

  He coughed lightly, pretending to be calm and maintaining his dignity as the captain, and said:

  "Judy, Mr. Custer told us that searching for survivors is our top priority."

  "Since there may be survivors there and the distance is not too far, let's go and take a look."

  The young girl Judy quickly kissed Glenn on the face, picked up the intercom, and spoke in a brisk voice:

  "Members of Team Glenn, please take note. The captain has already determined today's destination. Please stay alert, follow our car, and be safe."

  Judy repeated this three times in a row, and with the responses from other members, their convoy began to head towards a prison according to the instructions on the map.

  An hour later, Glenn's convoy arrived at the expected location.

  This is a small prison located in the forest with a large yard. The main body is surrounded by concrete walls and metal nets. The overall scope is not large. According to its size, it could only hold a few hundred prisoners in the past.

  Seeing the zombies wandering aimlessly in the prison yard, Judy sighed in frustration and whispered to Glenn beside her:

  "Captain, these zombies have been wandering in there for so long, and no one has cleared them out. It seems that it will be difficult for the people inside to survive."

  "Do we still need to clean up the zombies inside?"

  Glenn did not answer immediately. He took out a telescope from the driver's seat and carefully observed the prison for a few minutes. Suddenly, he raised his hand and touched Judy's short golden hair. He turned around and said to all the team members:

  "Brothers, this prison is a very good campsite. It has a natural protective net and concealment. We can use the metal nets around the prison to easily kill all the zombies inside."

  "If we clear out the zombies here, we will have a safe and hidden base, which will make our search mission nearby much easier."

  The young man, who had gradually grown out of his childishness, looked back at his 20-odd teammates with a determined gaze and said:

  "Our goal at Umbrella Corporation is to save humanity and more survivors. Even if we don't need this prison in the future, this natural camp will definitely bring more safety and protection to future survivors."

  "Now, let's kill all the monsters inside."

  "Take this place back into human hands."

  Most of the young team members agreed with Captain Glenn's words with excitement and were full of energy. A few of the more mature team members sighed in their hearts that they had met a middle school captain, and took the initiative to take on the more dangerous positions.

  After working together for several months, they have recognized Glenn as a brave and kind captain from the bottom of their hearts.

  There were probably more than four hundred zombies in the prison, most of them scattered in the yard outside the cells.

  More than 20 fully armed and battle-hardened security officers, led by Captain Glenn, relied on the metal net outside the prison to keep the zombies outside the fence.

  They used the sharp bayonets and silenced pistols in their hands to lure the zombies outside the yard little by little, and evenly lured these brainless zombies around the metal mesh. They took advantage of the holes in the metal mesh and used bayonets to destroy their brains cleanly and neatly.

  Once their numbers become too dense, Glenn and his men will switch to silenced pistols to quickly eliminate them.

  It turns out that the metal mesh wall is really suitable for killing these monsters. Once they are squeezed on the metal mesh, they will become fish on the chopping board. Even boys and girls aged twelve or thirteen can easily take their lives with sharp weapons.

  Without any surprises, Glenn and others easily cleared out the more than 300 zombies in the yard using this method.

  After a short rest, Glenn took a few of the most agile team members and checked all areas in the prison except the cells, luring out all the zombies hiding in various corners.

  After these two rounds of meticulous cleaning, Glenn's team occupied all areas outside the cells without much effort.

  Even though there were a few of the most threatening prison guard zombies wearing protective clothing among the zombies, facing the attack from assault rifles, after a few bullets, they were turned into real corpses without any resistance.

  Soon, the only cell left in the prison was left. Judy opened the door of the cell, looked inside, and said with a serious expression:

  "Captain, the light in the cell is seriously insufficient. If we rush in, we may be attacked by zombies hiding in the corner."

  "The lighting problem must be solved."

  Glenn nodded and said with a smile on his face:

  "I've thought of it a long time ago. Have you forgotten about the new inventions in the base?"

  Under the curious gazes of the team members, he and a team member took out an oval metal device with wheels that looked like a turtle from the car and placed it in front of the cell door. Then he took out a remote control device with a computer display from the car and said to the team members:

  "This is the latest armed mechanical dog invented by the Engineering Department. It is said that Professor Amlin modified it using those semi-finished armed drones."

  "It has no ability to fly and can only rely on wheels to move on flat ground."

  He pointed to the three wheels at the bottom of the robot dog, and then to the muzzle, speakers and internal cameras on the robot dog's body.

  "It's like a remote-controlled car with a weapon system attached."

  "We don't need to go in. We just need to send this mechanical dog in to cause some havoc, and then we can lure all the zombies out."

  "This thing has a pure steel plate shell, a capacity of 300 rounds of ammunition, and can also use a voice system and a lighting system."

  "In terms of combat capability alone, he might be a little stronger than ordinary people like us."

  Glenn rubbed his palms on his body and said with excitement on his face:

  "This is the No. 1 test machine. Mr. Custer asked us to test it a few more times and collect experimental data."

  "Next time you encounter a dangerous place, let this thing take the lead."

  "Just guard the door of the cell and don't let the zombies escape."

  "Let me try it out to see if it works."


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This fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead in my Patreon