
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 58 Victory

  "Where the hell is Lieutenant Newick?"

  Connors wandered around the tent anxiously, his face flushed, and asked a soldier who stayed behind anxiously:

  "He took away half of the soldiers without saying a word, and didn't even inform us."

  "Damn it, you know what? A bunch of zombies came out from nowhere and we can't even find anyone to talk to."

  He is a plunderer who joined halfway and has more than a dozen brothers under him. They used to be gang members in the city. They thought they could get a lot of benefits by joining the army, but now, most of the supplies have been taken away by the soldiers. Sometimes when they want to eat some meat, they are always stopped. There are a lot of shitty rules here, which make these gangsters feel very uncomfortable.

  The soldier who stayed behind was a little embarrassed. He stammered and replied:

  "There's a special situation outside. Lieutenant Nawick has taken people to deal with it. They should be back soon."

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Snap! Snap! Snap!

  The sudden sound of gunfire made the atmosphere in the camp tense in an instant.

  Connors knew it was useless to say this to the soldier, and wanted to complain a few more words, but suddenly he heard sporadic gunfire outside, and his heart suddenly tightened.

  He glared at the remaining soldiers, picked up his rifle, and rushed to the outskirts of the camp.

  The camp in Feisel Town is located in a toy factory, with low walls protecting three sides. Only the gap in the front needs to be defended against attacks from zombies.

  As soon as Connors rushed out of the defense line, he saw a dozen of his companions guarding the gap in front of the camp, constantly shooting and killing the zombies outside the factory.

  However, the noise of more than a dozen rifles firing at the same time was too loud. At a glance, the surrounding zombies were attracted by the sound. Hundreds of zombies had already gathered outside the camp, densely packed together, forming a black mass.

  This scene made Connors' eyelids twitch, and he couldn't help but think of the memory of the camp he had followed before being attacked by a group of zombies.

  "Assholes, what are you doing?"

  "Didn't I tell you to try not to use guns?"

  Connors gritted his teeth, his face fierce, and while cursing, he directed his subordinates and said:

  "Go and drive the truck over here, we'll block the way..."

  However, before the middle-aged gangster could finish his words, his men saw that the boss's head was smashed like a watermelon by something.

  The red and white object suddenly exploded, splashing onto several people around.

  As if it was some kind of signal, at the same time, some companions defending in key positions were attacked one after another.

  Some people were shot in the head, while others were hit in the limbs or torso. The bullets were extremely powerful, and more than a dozen people lost their combat effectiveness in an instant.

  A thug with long hippie-style hair screamed:

  "Enemy attack!"

  Then a bullet blew his head off.

  The defensive force was already reduced by half, and now more than a dozen were lost in a surprise attack.

  The defense of the camp suddenly fell into an extremely bad situation.

  The dozen or so soldiers standing in front of the zombie swarm to defend also lost the courage to resist the zombies. They retreated back to the factory one after another, trying to find cover to avoid the enemy's sneak attack.

  At this moment, more than a dozen fireballs spewing flames appeared in the sky. They were very fast and flew into the group of zombies and the crowd in the blink of an eye.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  A violent explosion erupted from the point where the fireball landed, and the flames instantly enveloped the zombies and the soldiers who wanted to escape.

  The flames and explosions were relentless.

  A shrill scream suddenly broke out and then stopped abruptly.

  Hundreds of zombies and a dozen soldiers were instantly blown into pieces.

  However, the enemy's attack has not ended yet. From time to time, rockets fly out from the darkness and hit the dense hordes of zombies. The surviving soldiers are also hit by gunmen hiding in the darkness from time to time.

  No matter they resist or kneel down and beg for mercy, the bullets in the dark will take their lives without any mercy.

  More than ten minutes later, the camp of the toy factory gradually fell into silence. Those ordinary survivors without weapons had already hidden deep in the factory, covering their mouths tightly, their faces full of fear, not daring to make any sound.

  The same was true for the few soldiers who escaped death. They forgot their identities, threw away their weapons and hid in the chaotic crowd.

  When Lyon came out of the darkness with more than 100 fully armed warriors and surrounded the camp, no one dared to stand up and resist.

  He held a lit cigar in his mouth, looked up at the enemies who had died miserably at the entrance of the camp, and sighed helplessly.

  After occupying the camp, Lyon thought for a moment and ordered Moore and William:

  "Captain Moore, Colonel William, your two teams are responsible for clearing the zombies around us. No zombies are allowed to threaten the safety here before we evacuate."

  He turned to Aggie and Daryl and said:

  "You two will be in charge of maintaining order here and helping Andrea calm the survivors. If anyone dares to resist with a gun, they will be shot directly."

  "Remember, don't be soft-hearted, your own safety is the most important."

  After giving instructions to the combat team, Leon said to Andrea behind him:

  "Andrea, go and take Robo, Alante, and Jinli with you. They are all from this camp and should be able to help you comfort the survivors here."

  "Tell the survivors to cooperate well. We will not harm them."

  Everyone took the order and immediately took their subordinates to complete the task assigned by Lyon.

  Leon took another puff of his cigar and said to Kevila beside him:

  "We originally had a bunch of battle plans, but we didn't expect that they would be shattered by a bunch of rabble. Suddenly, we lost interest."

  Kevila rolled his eyes at Leon and said in a cold voice:

  "That's how combat works. The more prepared you are, the weaker the enemy will be."

  "I once laid traps and bait to hunt a male lion. I lay in a mud pit for a whole day, but I still killed it with one shot."

  Seeing that the man was still a little depressed, Kevera walked to Leon, grasped his palm with his slender hand, and put it against his chest.

  "This is also good. Although it takes away a lot of the fun of fighting, it protects the people you are familiar with and prevents them from getting hurt."

  "This is what a wise leader should do."

  Leon glanced at Kevila. The girl had blurry eyes and a face full of wild charm, with a faint encouraging smile.

  "You're right, I'm just a little hypocritical."

  They were busy until the evening and finally sorted things out. Leon and his soldiers did not stop and set off for the return journey with a team of several hundred people. The previous battle made a lot of noise, and zombies began to gather one after another. If they continued to stay here, they would probably be surrounded by the surrounding zombies.

  He did not choose to take the team back to the Umbrella base, but instead took them to the Maple Leaf Apartments, which had been cleaned out before.

  There are enough houses here and the environment is quite good, which is quite suitable for this group of prisoners.

  Although these people were all ordinary survivors, they were not worthy of immediate trust. He left two teams to guard them and let them temporarily live in Maple Leaf Apartments.

  For a long time to come, he will carefully confirm the character and personality of these people.


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This fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead in my Patreon