
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 53: Underground

  The next day, Peggy told Leon with dark circles under her eyes that the door to the second basement floor had been opened.

  "Boss, I took a look and there was almost no light below. Visibility was very low and there was only darkness."

  Lyon nodded to show that he understood, and then when he set off, he took out 10 sets of brand new night vision goggles.

  This was obtained last time at the Wicks Outdoor Products Center. He had anticipated that he might encounter insufficient light when entering the military base, so he simply brought this equipment with him.

  After everyone put on their night vision goggles, they couldn't help but praise the boss in their hearts. Although the boss is sometimes more capitalist, he is always reliable when getting things done.

  Entering the second floor, the first thing that catches your eye is a huge exhibition hall, where more than a dozen drone models are displayed, and each model is placed in a glass display case.

  According to the text outside the glass display case, these drones are a joint project between a company called Sterman Arms Group and the military.

  There are many models of products, including transport drones, reconnaissance drones, fire support drones, assault drones, etc.

  What surprised Leon and others was that they did not find any guards-turned-zombies in this huge exhibition hall. They only found tattered clothes, scattered guns, and large traces of blood on the ground.

  The zombies here seemed to have been dealt with and dragged to other places, and no one even took away the weapons on the ground.

  This made Leon feel a sense of danger, because this was not the way humans would deal with things.

  He spoke to everyone.

  "Be careful, there may be some danger here."

  After some inspection, they found a sliding wooden door at the back of the exhibition hall, and the traces of blood dragging also came from here and entered behind the wooden door.

  Leon pointed the assault rifle at the door and motioned for others to open it.

  Daryl hunched slightly and pressed himself against the wooden door.

  The others followed suit and drew their weapons.

  As soon as Daryl opened the wooden door, Leon and others saw a huge gray bear covered with fur standing behind the door.

  The scarlet eyes stared at the people behind the door.

  A heart-pounding stench filled the air.

  Without thinking, Leon kicked the wooden door that Daryl had opened, with such force that it directly shook Daryl's hand away.

  The wooden door slammed shut with a loud crash, accompanied by a huge bear roar, and three tiny cracks were torn open on the wooden door panel by sharp claws.

  It's really terrifying. If this thing were caught on a human, wouldn't it immediately rip open the stomach?

  Leon's eyes narrowed slightly, he picked up the assault rifle, and fired wildly through the wooden door.

  Seeing this, Rick and Sean also started shooting.

  Da da da!

  Da da da!

  There were faint cries of pain as hundreds of rounds of ammunition were fired, leaving countless bullet holes in the wooden door.

  Leon did not push the door open immediately to chase after him. Instead, he calmly replaced the magazine with a new one and then carefully opened the wooden door.

  But at this time, the giant bear had disappeared from behind the wooden door, and only a lot of smelly blood was found on the ground behind the door.

  Unlike ordinary blood, the blood on the ground was black in color and abnormally viscous. This strange blood made Leon think of a possibility.

  Could this be a zombie bear?

  But it doesn't seem to have lost its mind, it actually knows how to escape.

  "Boss, is this bear also infected with the virus?"

  Seeing some doubts on the faces of other team members, Leon thought for a moment and said:

  "I'm not sure, but this is something that is worth studying."

  "I believe Professor Melfa will be very interested."

  "Whether it has the zombie virus or not, everyone should be careful not to get hurt by it."

  "When attacking, try to hit it on the head."

  Smelling the stench in the air, Leon's five senses were stronger than those of ordinary people, and he was able to quickly determine the direction in which the giant bear escaped.

  "Everyone stay together, pay attention to the surroundings, and don't get attacked by zombies that may be hiding."

  "Follow me, we should be able to find it."

  Leon gathered his mind, heightened his senses, and slowly began to chase in the direction of the strong smell.

  Colonel Kevila and Colonel William, holding assault rifles in their hands, stood closely on his left and right to protect him.

  After leaving the exhibition hall, behind the wooden door is a not very spacious corridor. There are wooden doors on the walls of the corridor from time to time, most of which are closed. I don't know what is stored inside.

  But at this time, everyone's target was on the giant bear. They just leaned on Leon and explored carefully, and did not open the door randomly because of curiosity.

  Soon, they walked down the corridor, pushed open a half-open metal door, and came to a huge factory building.

  The factory is filled with various equipment, connected by a conveyor belt to form a complete assembly line. On the assembly line, you can also see many unassembled drones.

  "Is this the production workshop?"

  Kevlar took Daryl and William's soldiers to look around carefully. Apart from some finished drones and many semi-finished products that had not yet been assembled, they didn't find much.

  She returned to Leon and said:

  "There's not even any blood on the ground. People must have been evacuated before the disaster."

  Leon nodded, gathered his thoughts, and continued to explore with everyone relying on the smell in the air.

  Ten minutes later, they left the drone production workshop, walked through many warehouse-like rooms, and came to a location near the corner on the second floor of the military base.

  It was a room where many pipes converged. The temperature was much higher than other places, and even in the current winter it did not seem very cold.

  The smell of blood was very strong here, the ground was covered with bloodstains from dragging, and there was only one route in and out.

  It is such a warm and humid place. If nothing unexpected happens, the place ahead should be the lair of the giant bear.

  Looking at the various pipes on the surrounding walls, Leon began to worry. He was not sure whether these pipes contained flammable and explosive gases such as natural gas or gas.

  Then he turned to his companions and said:

  "If we fire randomly here, it might cause an explosion. We'd better think of a way to lure that beast over here."

  The atmosphere was silent for more than ten seconds. Most people here were good at fighting, but it was a bit difficult for them to think about problems.

  At this moment, the armless girl Peggy raised her hand and said:

  "Boss, I brought something that might be helpful."

  Without waiting for Leon to ask, the girl didn't waste any words and took out a remote control car with a remote control from her brother Sherman's backpack.

  "I exchanged this for something from a warehouse. I modified it so that it has a camera and a music player. It can be used as a reconnaissance device and as a bait."

  Leon took the remote control car in his hand and observed it carefully. He found that the girl had modified it very well. This remote control car was quite advanced, with a good moving speed and could carry a weight of less than 10 kilograms.

  He thought about it, took out a C4 bomb the size of a cigarette box from Kevlar's backpack, tied it to the remote-controlled car with tape, and installed a remote control device on it.

  He patted the girl on the shoulder and said:

  "I have installed a bomb on the car. Here is the remote control for you. You will use the remote control car to drive to the beast's lair and lure it out."

  "Blast it."

  "The power of this bomb is not very strong. After it explodes, it should cause serious injuries to the big beast, which will facilitate our subsequent battle."

  Peggy nodded, stretched out her prosthesis somewhat awkwardly, a hint of bitterness on her face, and said:

  "I understand, boss, but the remote control car is not controlled by me. It is my brother Sherman, who is an expert in this field."

  Leon's expression remained unchanged. He patted Sherman's shoulder beside the girl and said:

  "I'll leave the task to you two siblings. You'll be rewarded after you complete it. Don't let me down."


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