
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 50 Living Sample

  After finishing the dessert, Kevlar left immediately, leaving Amy and Maggie chatting there.

  Although Leon wasn't very interested, he also chatted with them to change his mood.

  Through the conversation, Lyon figured out Hershel's purpose. It turned out that the old man was worried that Lyon would waste the opportunity for autumn ploughing, so he sent his daughter over to teach them how to cultivate the fields.

  This is a good idea, Leon thought, growing vegetables is not a tiring or dangerous job, so let all the children learn how to grow vegetables. They can study in the morning and grow vegetables in the afternoon. It is a combination of work and rest, and they can also get a small amount of pocket money. Isn't it great?

  Regardless of whether there are any results in the end, it is a good education.

  I immediately talked about this with Amy and Maggie.

  Amy agreed with Leon's opinion. Her mother died young, and her father was very strict in educating her and her sister, which is why he was able to produce two outstanding college students.

  Maggie grew up on a farm, helping with farm work since she was young, and took such a life for granted.

  The three discussed the details. Currently, there are more than 30 children of Umbrella Corporation employees, 10 of whom are under 10 years old, and 20 are between 10 and 16 years old. It should not be a difficult task to let Maggie and the two teachers take more than 30 children to cultivate a few acres of vegetable fields.

  After talking about this, Maggie wanted to leave, but it would be rude not to reciprocate, and Leon was not a stingy person.

  He asked Amy to assign a single apartment to Maggie, converted the gifts sent today into contribution points, and made an identity card for her.

  "Since you are here, you and Amy should go to our store today and exchange these contribution points for supplies. Let the brothers who escorted you take them back. We will not take advantage of our friends."

  "You can teach the children how to grow vegetables here, and you will also get an income. It is the principle of our company that you get what you work for."

  After Maggie left, Leon sat in the office and studied the map he had marked today. After looking at it for a while, he called Professor Amlin.

  This senior software engineer had previously helped the company complete the deployment of the radio communication system, allowing Umbrella Corporation to have communication capabilities within a range of 500 kilometers, and he can be said to be a great contributor.

  As a result, this hero did not stop. After completing this task, he immediately put forward dozens of suggestions for the intelligent system Red Queen. After obtaining Lyon's approval, he immediately started to develop other functions and applications of Red Queen.

  One can almost say that he is a workaholic who forgets to eat and sleep for his work.

  Amlin's face was still a little pale, with messy stubble all over his face. He hadn't shaved for at least three or four days. He put on a pair of black-framed myopic glasses, facing Leon, pushed the frame a little uncomfortably, and asked:

  "Boss, what's the matter with you calling me up here?"

  Leon pushed the map in his hand in front of Professor Amlin and asked:

  "Professor, we have identified several important locations today, including a museum, a police station, a TV station, a solar power plant, and a large department store."

  "What do you think is inside these buildings that could significantly strengthen our company?"

  Amlin pushed his glasses up again, took the map and looked at it carefully. After thinking for several minutes, he spoke:

  "This solar energy plant will definitely be useful. Our current electricity production method is too single, relying entirely on the base's fuel generators."

  "If we can get a large number of solar panels, we can save a lot of unnecessary waste in many aspects, and even provide electricity for some ground buildings, creating a portable power source."

  "The police station's office computers should have the latest and most complete map information for Atlanta. If you bring some back, I should be able to crack them and get the complete map."

  "The TV station's equipment is quite advanced. I don't know much about it. If you can find relevant professionals, maybe you can get the right to use part of the satellite."

  Professor Amlin thought for a moment and added:

  "If we can obtain the right to use some of the satellites, remember the military base that produces drones that I mentioned?"

  "We can even remotely control drones, not just a few kilometers, but tens or even tens of kilometers."

  "Of course, what I've mentioned is all about my professional knowledge. Maybe you can ask a few other professors to see if they have different opinions."

  After Professor Amlin left, Lyon fell into thought again. Currently, all his labor and soldiers were invested in the construction of the wall. In the short term, it was not suitable to make too much movement. The only idle troops were the more than 20 soldiers under Colonel William.

  The several tasks at hand are not something that can be completed by a single person. Fortunately, with the increasing population in the base, the number of workers he has invested in the construction of the wall has reached nearly 200 people, which is twice as many as expected.

  This huge project will be completed in about a month and a half, which will free up a large number of workers and it should not be too late to do other things.

  Lyon sighed. Alas, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Success requires waiting.

  After checking the time and talking to the professor, it was already past 4pm and the sun was about to set. Leon thought for a moment, picked up the radio in his waist bag, and connected to Moore's communication.

  "Hello, Moore, I'm the boss."

  "It's been three hours, haven't the two who escaped been caught yet?"

  After a second or two, Moore's slightly hoarse voice came out.

  "Boss, we've caught him. Daryl is heading back to the base."

  "But there's a bastard who's been bitten by a zombie. Should we get rid of him first?"

  Leon was about to say yes, when he suddenly remembered that Dr. Melfa had asked for this kind of transforming sample before.

  Their soldiers have always suffered zero casualties and have never encountered this situation before, which has delayed them until now. This is a good opportunity.

  Then, Lyon said to More:

  "Don't worry about the normal prisoner for now, lock him up, and bring the bitten bastard to me as quickly as possible."

  "Remember, at the fastest speed."

  Soon, in about 10 minutes, Moore and a strong man came to the first floor, panting a little, carrying a prisoner tied with ropes.

  He had a bite wound on his calf, his face was full of tears of despair, and he looked like a thin middle-aged man.

  Leon had nothing to say, so he waved away Moore and his subordinates, grabbed the man by the back of the collar, and dragged him into the underground laboratory.

  Just finished disinfection and walked out of the elevator.

  He saw that Dr. Melfa and Dr. Jenner had been waiting there for a long time, and Leon seemed to see a hint of excitement in their eyes.

  He didn't think there was anything strange about it. Scientists are often very curious, and live virus samples are indeed rare for the two of them.

  He pointed at the tied man and said:

  "Doctor, this guy is dead."

  "You don't need to care about his life or feelings. Just do whatever you want with him. For your safety, I will stay here and help."


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