
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 46: Trap Truck

  September 18, outside Richmond County, Georgia.

  In the vast and quiet suburbs, a convoy of more than a dozen vehicles was speeding. In the front was a black modified heavy jeep, followed by four military trucks, and at the end were eight large trucks.

  Leon was smoking a cigar, holding the steering wheel with one hand, avoiding obstacles on the road, and driving at a very fast speed.

  On his passenger seat, Keveler held an M41 automatic rifle in both hands, bent his body slightly, extended the muzzle of the gun out of the car, and fired a single shot.

  Da da da!

  Da da da!

  She was wearing a tight red and white stab-proof suit and was an extremely accurate shooter. Any zombie that came within 30 meters of the jeep on the road would be killed instantly. Every time she fired a shot, her fiery red high ponytail would tremble slightly with the sound of the gun.

  While driving, Leon observed the girl's plump and exquisite curves. The pair of flesh resting on her arms and squeezed into an oval shape always attracted his attention involuntarily.

  Less than a month after her recovery, the girl has restored her body to the level it was before her injury.

  A healthy and wild body exudes feminine charm all the time.

  She was indeed very competitive. After being recruited into the security department by Leon, she immediately challenged all the members. No one could match her, whether in fighting or with firearms.

  This made the tough guys in the security department very embarrassed, and they even worked harder in their normal training.

  After firing three magazines in a row, Kevila did not miss a single one, and most of them were headshots. With a slightly arrogant smile on her face, she casually threw the smoking rifle on the back seat, winked at Leon with some pride, and said:

  "Well, I didn't lie to you, did I? I've already said that my marksmanship is very strong."

  "Although you can easily defeat me in combat, if we were enemies, I would definitely shoot you first."

  Lyon's face remained calm as he said:

  "Girl, you should have seen my learning ability. I have only been using a gun for three months. I believe that in another six months, you will not be my opponent in gun skills."

  Another evil smile appeared on his face.

  "Besides, your attitude now is a bit arrogant. Doesn't your butt hurt anymore? It seems that I didn't spank you hard enough yesterday."

  Kevila subconsciously covered her buttocks, her cheeks flushed, and a hint of seduction appeared in her sky-blue eyes.

  "Hehe, that's because you are a monster. In the past three months, your physical fitness has improved by at least one level compared to the last time I saw you. This is an effect that cannot be achieved through training. I have a say in this regard."

  Leon didn't talk more about this topic, but changed the subject and asked:

  "Is the Wicks Outdoor Products Center you mentioned the largest gun store in Georgia?"

  Kevila nodded, found a yellow sun hat from somewhere and put it on himself, and explained:

  "You outsiders may not know that all the large gun stores in America are located outside of towns and their names are not so obvious. They are usually called outdoor goods centers."

  "This Wicks Outdoor Products Center is privately owned. I've been here several times. They usually have about 2,000 long guns in stock, and a little more handguns, about 5,000. It's a lot of guns and a lot of different types, but the actual value is no more than $100 million."

  "Of course, since it's called an outdoor goods store, we sell more than just guns. We also sell various bows and crossbows, outdoor tools, camping equipment, and some military equipment that is allowed to be sold. We have them all here."

  Leon nodded, feeling a little doubtful. Three months had passed, and he wondered how much of the equipment had been taken away by others.

  But soon, Lyon's doubts disappeared.

  Outside a huge building named Wicks Outdoor Products Center, there are all kinds of abandoned vehicles and thousands of zombies. From a distance, it looks pitch black. There should be no survivors who dare to go there to take supplies.

  Leon was thinking about how to deal with these zombies when he suddenly felt a soft and warm touch on his arm, as well as a fresh lemon-like scent.

  Kevila pressed her body against his arm, with a charming look in her eyes and a light smile on her face as she asked:

  "Master, what are you going to do?"

  Leon ignored her, but picked up the intercom in the car and said:

  "Black Ant Troops, go!"

  Hearing the boss's order, the eight large trucks at the end of the convoy quickly drove to the front of the convoy, then turned around and retreated side by side towards the group of zombies in reverse mode.

  When the distance to the zombie horde was less than 50 meters, the rear door of the large truck automatically opened upwards, revealing the empty box inside.

  The zombies also heard the sound of the trucks behind them and turned their attention to the eight huge cars.

  At this moment, there was a very lively sound of music coming from the truck compartment. It was the "Jingle Bells" familiar to all Americans.

  Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells!

  Such an obvious and loud sound immediately excited the zombies nearby. They scrambled to get into the carriage. In less than half a minute, more than 60 zombies, like chickens returning to a coop, filled the carriage.


  The heavy iron door suddenly fell, directly blocking the path between the zombies inside and outside the car.

  After a few seconds, a huge buzzing sound suddenly sounded in the car, and three high-powered rotating meat cleavers like electric fans slowly descended from the roof, and the cutting area almost covered the entire car.

  The zombies in the carriage became excited again when they heard the sound from above. They waved their hands, raised their heads, looked at the huge sword slowly descending, and roared with their own terrifying voices.

  Then, within a dozen seconds, their heads were chopped into pieces by the cleaver.

  About two minutes later, the rear door of the truck opened again, and the conveyor belt at the bottom of the carriage began to run, spitting out dozens of headless corpses, leaving a spacious box inside.

  After completing a cycle, the drivers moved the truck slightly forward to make it easier for subsequent zombies to enter.

  These zombies had no fear at all. In just a few tens of seconds, they filled the carriage full again.

  Just like that, he got into the carriage and spit out a headless corpse, he got into the carriage and spit out a headless corpse.

  The eight trucks could carry away hundreds of zombies in each cycle. Gradually, after more than a dozen times, the speed at which the zombies emerged could not keep up with the trucks' processing speed, and about half of the originally dense swarm of zombies had disappeared.

  All that was left were eight rectangular hills made up of countless headless corpses, shocking the minds of everyone present.

  Kewell's eyes sparkled, and he said with a sweet breath:

  "It's a really smart move. If this method is promoted, we humans can still win even if there are billions of zombies in the world."

  Colonel William, standing on the other side of Lyon, had a look of shock, joy and anger on his face.

  The middle-aged officer couldn't help but slap himself, causing blood to ooze out of the corner of his mouth. He growled in a low voice, "Damn it! Bastard! It only takes such a simple solution, why can't the military think of it, why can't I think of it."

  "Those were not many brave soldiers, their deaths were not worth it!"


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