
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Golden Lion Pill

A day after Sora's birthday party, videos of what happened that day spread, and Sora's company name spread, reaching far and wide, and catching many people's attention. the company name was called Apple, named after the company which went by the same name 10,000 years ago.

Sora was shameless, so he called his phone iPhone, something which countless people were looking forward towards. many people contacted Sora, wanting to pre-order the iPhone, Airpods, and Heavenly Perfume, sadly for all of them Sora rejected many while giving them a chance to get it 2 months earlier than the rest of the world.

at the same time, Sora got in touch with many people worldwide who he wanted to work for him. many seeing the potential Sora held, agreed without a second thought, some could work from afar, while others had to move closer to Sora.

Sora didn't need to put too much attention to this, Lisa was there to handle this. he on the other hand was sitting under a tree, sitting next to 2 graves, and reading the book he shot as a gift.

"Happy Birthday." Sora looked up and saw his elder sister standing in front of him, holding out a box. Sora nodded slightly and took the box, Ember did leave and simply sat down under the tree with him, while Sora opened the box. It was a Pill and a high grade at that.

All of Sora's siblings and other family members didn't come to the party, only his mother came. some just didn't give Sora a face, and others were busy and didn't have the time to come. among them was Ember who didn't come because she hates parties,

As someone who grew up only being loved by her mother, Ember tried to be a good elder sister to Sora. but she was too cold and didn't know how to show her emotions, the fact she hate speaking more than needed didn't help much.

the pill in Sora's hand was called the Golden Lion Pill, a famous pill that could only be found within their family. eating this pill could allow those of the Golden Lion family to strengthen their blood, increase their strength, and cultivate.

Because of Sora's talent, he never had a high-grade version of this pill, yet his sister was giving him a 5th-star version of the pill, which was the 3rd highest grade. the value of such a pill was in the millions,

"... Thanks." Sora nodded before putting the pill away, this pill would be wasted if he took it right now.

the city Sora and the many other families were within was called the Gate City. if one had noticed, all of the families within this city had a lion theme name. Raion meant Lion in Japanese, and Lomi might also mean Lion in some language Sora didn't know.

All of the names within this city or even the whole kingdom had a Lion or big cat original, which is related to the bloodline of the families. back in time when the human race gained cultivation, they didn't magically gain cultivation wisdom,

Back then, the 12 constellations seemed to have come to life and absorbed 12 humans, these humans would go on to be known as the 12 zodiac warriors, the nobles and other families were simply the decedents of these 12 warriors. the commoners were simply those who were not related.

The Golden Lion, and other cat-type family names of course came from the Leo constellation. they were within the Leo Empire, which could be located in Africa. The Leo Empire pretty much owned Africa, but since parts of it were taken over by the animals, they were in a tight spot.

lands like Europe and parts of Asia have been taken over, this was pushing their kingdom downwards towards South Africa. which is why people his brother and siblings went to the battlefield so much, they needed all the manpower they could get.

Sora family, the Golden Lion family was considered a descendant of the Leo family, thereby they were subordinate to the main family.

Bloodlines were power, a normal human bloodline was not strong enough to take on an animal. humans were delicate things, but the 12 zodiac warriors were as powerful as something like a barrier which would need 20 trained men to defeat it.

but there were only 12 of them, and it was hard for them to have children. so even to this day, those carrying their blood barrier reached 500 thousand, and that number was spread out between 12 kingdoms, with most of that number being from those of the subordinate household.

You might think this pill was enough to help Sora improve his talent or something like that, but it was only capable of awakening his bloodline, strengthening his strength and cultivation, that was all.

so one could see how wasteful it was if it fell in his hands, but this could help Sora improve his physical strength by a great degree, so he put it away, planning on using it while working out.

His sister just sat there like a rock, with Sora simply reading a book. none of them said anything to each other, as none of them had anything to say or felt like saying. but the silence was broken when a maid walked up to Sora and respectfully gave him a letter.

Sora took the letter and saw it was from the Lomi family, Luke's mother was personally inviting Sora over, so she could show her deepest apologies for her son's actions. Sora simply put the latter away and nodded at the maid, who bowed and left.

"what is it?" Sora asked calmly, he didn't need to look up to see Ember looking at him,

"... Lindy was a caring and loving person," Ember said softly before getting up and walking off, Sora frowned while looking at her. For someone who didn't speak much, she normally went to the point of the matter.

Lindy, Sora's ex was a caring person. even after her family abandoned her to die in the cold, she never hated them and spotted Sora when he planned to have them pay. The reason Sora fell in love with her was because she saw the good in everything, she was pure, something which Sora was unable to help himself but fall for.

even now, She would have stopped Sora from getting revenge. she would have said something like 'more hatred only birth hatred. the cycle would never end if you only put hatred out into the world. revenge fixes nothing, it's just an easy path for the weak.'

"Well, I will have to disappoint you. I'm the weakest man alive..." Sora said softly before shooting the book closed and walking off, heading to his gym where he saw working out. once he arrived, Sora did some warm-up before taking the pill and began pushing his body to its breaking point

hours passed, and when Lisa entered the gym, with was hit with a powerful heat. looking over, she saw Sora wearing a 15-ton suit while doing push up. the heat his body was giving up caused the air to turn hot, she was far from him so she couldn't feel the full heat coming off him, yet she knew how hot he was as she accidentally touched him once when he was working out like this.

Her flesh was burned, leaving behind flesh that was meeting. she healed up without leaving a scar, but that day made her realize that Sora turned into a beast once he began working out, it was like he was burning out his lifeforce or something,

Sora normally trained for 3 hours a day, but to her shock, Sora went for 10, every feel hour he increased the weight he had on. by the time he was done, he had one 25 tons, which he took off,

"Even for you, a 10-hour straight workout can't be good for you," Lisa said while looking at the tools Sora was using, which had signs of being deformed from the heat. Sora ignored her and walked towards a chamber,

"active cooling and healing," Sora said as the chamber doors opened, Sora entered and the chamber doors closed behind him. moments later, ice-cold water shot toward Sora, only for it to turn to steam before it could touch him,

but due to the amount, they soon made contact and began to cool Sora down. it took some time, and the process caused the whole chamber to fog up. but once Sora had cool down, the water was drained, and a tub came out of the chamber walls, which Sora sat down in, and medicine which helped in healing and strengthening muscles filled the rub.

"I didn't expect to break through to level 6... it seems like my guess was right," Sora said softly, Sora had guessed that since Lisa's growth was so fast, it might have something to do with her cultivation,

one should know that every 10 levels in cultivation were different, just because they didn't have a name or something. although names have been brought up, for example, some wanted to call the first 10 level body refinement, while others wanted to call it Houtain, but no set name had been picked,

anyways, level 1 to level 10 was strengthening the body, it was pretty much evolving the body from a mortal to a cultivator. By level 7, one can form a Qi Sea within their dantian which can hold Qi

Levels 11 to 20 cultivated the Qi within the Dantian, within this realm, the Qi would go from a mist-like state to a liquid, before it gets so dense it's almost a solid. those at this level can live up to 150 years without the need for medication

level 21 to 30 turned that liquid into a solid, known as a core. if this core is broken, one becomes unable to cultivate. this core becomes denser and denser throughout these levels, and once it can't get any danger one would have reached level 30. they can live up to 200 years

31 to 40 challenged the heavens. when Qi was birthed, this world seemed to have been awakened, it was like planet Earth's mind had been sleeping and it awakened. those who wish to reach would be tested by the heavens, failure means death or being crippled.

those who pass used to mold their core into a nascent soul which they move their soul into, because of this, even after their physical body dies, they could live on and take over someone else body. they are also able to fly as a gift from the heavens, they gain something called spiritual sense, which gives them a 6th sense and the ability to control things with their mind within the range of their senses

level 41 to 50 is the current world's highest level of cultivation, the highest being at level 43, which was the current 12 strongest humans. not much is released to the public about this realm, so Sora didn't know much.

for experts like this father, they were at levels 38 to 39. One should know that the level difference was huge. skipping levels was something rare for those with powerful bloodlines, or who had more experience. so, if one even has a level higher than you, they didn't even have to try much to defeat you, unless you have something which counters them. but the gap in strength between levels only increases as the levels increase

Sora guessed that if one could reach level 10, then naturally working out should be easier than those he didn't. the same way around, and this theory seems to hold as Sora broke through 2 levels. of course, he has already neared a breakthrough to level 5, and that pill had a huge amount of energy which pushed him even more to level 6

But Sora didn't simply spend 10 hours working out, he was here 2 hours before Lisa came in, this was a 12-hour straight workout. That was because Sora wanted to use all that energy in that pill,

Sora spent 10 minutes in the bath before he was back to 100%, he walked up to the tools and saw their damage, and sighed softly. he looked at the computers which the gym and saw they were slightly affected as well,

"here," Lisa said as she gave Sora a tower to cover himself, at a piece of paper which Sora took. Sora looked at the paper and saw it was a layout for a hideout. it was big enough to hold pretty much everything Sora could need, from a room for research to a bedroom

"I have been thinking this place is a bit small, so I have been working on it for you." She said softly, Sora looked at her and smiled slightly

"Thanks, I guess I can start looking for where to build this," Sora said with a nod, but to his shock Lisa had everything planned out. in a run-down diamond mine, she planned to transform it into their hideout, which Sora agreed with after some thought.

but before anything else, Sora wanted to see his strength. Sora found that he could easily bench press 25 tons, which was a huge improvement in his strength. 2 months ago his limit was 10 times, but thanks to that pill his strength increased by 2.5 times in a day.

Sora's strength was now equal to someone at level 19. once he could bench press at 35 tons, his strength would have stepped into level 20.

"so, what do you plan to do now?" Lisa asked calmly, she didn't want Sora to work out and damage the stuff here. at least he had to wait until they moved the stuff around, and yes Sora's sweat didn't smell mad.

"waiting for Luke to head toward the academy," Sora said calmly, making Lisa sigh softly, but she nodded and headed off. Sora ignored her and went on to seat on his Verte chair

"Jarvis began layout for a humanoid robot. use all the parts you can find online in the layout," Sora said calmly, the scene came to life, and before Sora's eyes, a layout of a robot was slowly created, with a 3d model for him to view appearing in front of him as a hologram

"No, it weighs too much and usages too much power, remove this and replace it with..." So, Sora got to work on creating a robot. he of course was taking some knowledge from his past as humans of the past had already made huge steps into creating robots, so he was easily able to correct the A.I. and refine its layout.

"buy the parts needed, but enough to create.... 10 of them. they would be my human labor." Sora said calmly while looking at the hologram of a human, which was none other than a robot.

"Should I not buy more just in case something goes bad?" a robotic males voice asked to which Sora shrugged

"how much would its case to make these 10?" Sora asked calmly,

"1.2 million, and the time needed to create them is estimated to be 3 months if everything goes as planned to make just one robot. this isn't taking into account tests, and programing needed." The A.I. said to which Sora sneered slightly,

"thats too long... shorten the time. the robots don't all need to look so human-like, they only need to have the strength needed to move 10 tons, when I have time we can work on stronger ones." Sora said with a sight

"Understood." the A.I. said while Sora sat back, pulled out his phone, and began watching people going over the new phone he planned to release, and how many thought it was too good to be true