
Reborn with perfect instant mastery skill

Reincarnated in the world of Naruto with the ability to perfectly master any ability seen, sigh the only side effect is a bad sense of direction

Itachi101 · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

walking training

after Sora when on to befriend the 9 tail, he was able to have it and Kushina become closer. but it was up to Kushina to build up the relationship

"now, time for your training... let's do something new, I will teach you to walk," Sora said calmly making Kushina frown as she thought Sora was playing around with her.

"I never will teach you anything new, maybe the Tranquil State, but other than that nothing new so shockingly cool," Sora said with a smile as he stepped on air and began walking around shocking Kushina who saw this, she sensed no chakra at all. Sora was so skilled at walking, that he could walk on air. her eyes instantly brighten as she couldn't wait to learn such a skill

"but before then, you must learn to crawl. everyone learned the basics of crawling before they learned to walk. why do you think animals are usually twice as fast compared to a human." Sora asked as he stepped on the ground in front of Kushina.

"it's because they run on all 4 legs compared to humans who run on 2," Kushina said softly,

"why is running on all 4s make one faster compared to running on simply 2," Sora asked calmly, Kushina thought for a moment before speaking

"they have 2 extra tools to push off the ground with, allowing them to reach further in a short amount of time." She said softly, Sora nodded slightly

"begin crawling, once you can master this you will gain the right to master walking," Sora said calmly, Kushina was hesitant she didn't want to crawl, time quickly went by and 2 days quickly went by.

Sora sat under a tree while watching Kushina running around on all 4. Kushina didn't want to be caught, so they went somewhere no one would see them. deep within a forest.

"good, you mastered crawling, only a week or so. now we need to start to learn to walk. but carrying over what you learn from crawling... which is?" Sora asked as Kushina walked towards him, Kushina frowned slightly as she through

"... we need to push off something in order to move. out anything to push off against we are frozen still. although we could twist our bodies, that will not be the same. the next step should be to kick off the air in order to move, similar to the ground but to force all of my attention on where I want to kick off." Kushina said while in deep thought

"air moves out the way as we move, but if one could stop air from moving around. than waling on hair will be simple." Kushina said softly

"..." Sora had a look of shock as he looked at her, Kushina pridefully smiled. she, of course, had to go over this with the 9 tail and they both came up with this theory, but Sora didn't need to know.

"the 9 tails are so smart," Sora said, a vein popped on Kushina's forehead, Sora smiled as he got up

"while the 9 tails are right. but how do you go about walking on air? it's through of course force, you learned to walk on air, walk up trees, and what was needed for all of them." Sora asked calmly

"chakra. I don't see how it's possible to do this without." Kushina said with a frown, she was still confused about how Sora walked on air without the use of chakra

"enter that Tranquil State, move your body. sense those changes in the air," Sora said calmly, Kushina closed her eyes as she became completely relaxed. slowly she began moving while trying to sense the air around her,

"your movement is wrong, follow my movement," Sora said as he stood next to her and began moving around, his movement was sharp. yet Kushina felt his move made the most resistance against the air.

She tried to copy Sora, but Sora's moves were too complex to be simply copied by normal eyes. Sora sighed slightly as he went on to move her body, correcting her mistakes for her, if Kushina didn't know Sora was trying to help, she would have buried him with a punch, Sora's hands were all over her, making her blush madly.

But she had to get serious and quickly went on to master Sora's movements. soon, Sora didn't have to help her, Kushina's hands moved against the hair, but it was greatly restricted by the air around it.

"why is the air around you slowly moving around you?" Sora asked calmly

"because i'm trying to push against it. like walking on normal around, with the right amount of force, and being connected to the changes allows to not pass through the air. with the wrong amount of force, while trying to walk on the ground, one could end up falling or piercing the ground. similar thing, but much harder and more force is needed." She said softly with closed eyes, Sora nodded pridefully.

after a few more hours, the training for the day came to an end. as they headed out of the forest Kushina frowned as she noticed the time.

"I will be late, that wimp asked to meet him today," Kushina said with a frown,

"wimp?" Sora asked calmly, Kushina snorted slightly as she told Sora how Minato asked if she could meet her privately.

Sora frowned slightly as he felt slightly uncomfortable with this, he just didn't like the idea of Kushina hanging out with Minato. although he didn't know why he believed it was because he didn't want Minato to affect Minato's future.

but since the future of this world has already been changed, he didn't care anymore. he even began making copies of his story One Piece, of course, they were made by machine, but this allowed those who couldn't buy the original work to have a small taste of what they were missing out on. this made Sora, even more, richer, as the books were sold out in days as soon as they hit the stores.

Sora was even planning on making a Manga of the story, but he also wanted to make his own thing. he didn't improve upon what was already made, he wanted to also be original or something.

Kushina soon left and went to go see Minato, Sora returned to the shop and began reading the new paper which reported on the thing that happened in the past few weeks on the battlefield

something quickly caught his eye. Amegakure's leader Hanzō defeats Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru. In exchange for their lives, they have to call themselves Konoha's Sannin. Tsunade was traumatized by the death of her boyfriend, but no news on her current condition was given.

"Things are getting heated out there," Sora said softly as he flipped through the paper, Teuchi nodded slightly as he gritted new customers.

as Sora flipped through the newspapers, his senses were also spread out as he secretly listened in on Kushina and Minato. he really spread his senses out like this, he liked the idea of minding his own business, but he was curious.

"I wanted to ask you out on a date," Minato said with a slight blush, Jiraiya told him he had to fight or else Sora might take Kushina. and since Kushina and Sora seem to always be together, he couldn't help but panic slightly.

when he asked Kushina to meet him, he was going on a mission that was a B rank. knowing how dangerous the mission was, he steeled his heart to ask her to meet him when he returned. although Kushina was late by more than 4 hours, he still waited.

"w-what?" Kushina asked in shock as she instantly took a step backward, this was the last thing she expected from Minato.

"I have always admired her red hair, I think it's beautiful," Minato said with a blush. Kushina panicked slightly, she was not expecting this. but thinking back on Minato's behavior around her, he always acted strange as soon as she looked at him

"I-i have to go," Kushina said as she ran away, Minato was stunned seeing her running off. he wanted to run after her, but stopped himself as he just stood there in disappointment before he slowly headed home.

Kushina couldn't get any sleep that night, that was the first time anyone ever said anything like that to her. all this time, she only had Sora and Teuchi as her only friends. Sora was annoying at times, but he was nice to her and taught her many skills. Teuchi treated her like his own sister. she didn't know how to react to Minato's words so she ran away

the next morning, she went to the ramen shop where she went to work. but she was still in deep thought about what happened yesterday, but she soon realized there was no teasing from Sora today. looking over, Sora was of drawing something in his book.

meanwhile, Teuchi was annoyed with the two. for the past few days, Kushina has not been working, today at least she showed up to work, but she was daydreaming, and ever since yesterday, Sora had been blank.

suddenly Tsunade entered the ramen shop, she seemed alcoholic, clearly, she has been dreaming. Sora looked at her, before remembering what happened to her, her boyfriend died in her hands a while back leaving her traumatized

Tsunade had promised to bring him here after the war, she was not planning on coming here if the 3rd hokage didn't order her to come to order something called Going to Heaven.

"... you smell like defeat," Sora said softly, making Teuchi frown as this was an extremely rude thing to say to someone who just lost someone close to them. Tsunade frowned as she looked at Sora

"you gave up, you lost all hope... the smell is a bit too strong," Sora said with a frown as he rubbed his nose slightly, the sudden change from the Tsunade a few weeks ago was huge. if Sora couldn't see, he would not believe he was facing the same person. the aura, smell, and even the small things like her footsteps have all changed.

"you lost faith in the idea of dreaming for anything, that true defeat," Sora said softly, Tsunade was enraged by Sora's words, what did a 12-year-old know. but before she could speak, Sora turned around and began cooking

"hope is what carries people on towards the future if you don't believe there is a better outcoming, you heading to a future that will be met with nothing but failure," Sora asked as Tsunade was eyes were caught by his cooking. she felt warm and loved as she looked at this scene, Sora's words had a strange effect that moved her slightly.

the whole shop was filled with a powerful smell, as it leaked out everyone around the village were drown over to the shop to see what could smell so good.

Sora soon finished and placed something which seemed to glow a bright golden color before Tsunade.

"it's never a good idea to forget the past, after all, it is what made who you all. but living in the past is depression, and living in the future is anxiety. So, live in the today, look at what you have and hold it close, or else you will lose it..." Sora said softly as he looked at Kushina for a second.

"why are such words coming out of a brat?" She asked softly as she looked at the food in front of her with wet eyes.

"someone told them to me, i'm simply giving them to another... this is called Going To Heaven. it's on the house." Sora said softly, Tsunade looked at the food for a long second before she took a bite. everyone who watched her takes that bite swallowed thier saliva loudly, the smell alone made them feel hungry as if they haven't eaten for hundreds of yours.

Tsunade closed her eyes upon taking that bite, upon opening her eyes she found herself standing on a cloud. looking around, she quickly saw the first, and second hokage. along with her brother, and her boyfriend.

Going To Heaven, an omelet which is made from love, once eaten a person would find their loved ones they have lost taking shape and give them peace before they enter the gate of heaven.

of course, they are not the real thing, Tsunade's love for these people made them. they would say and act in the best way to allow Tsunade to move on and regain hope.

Tsunade eat the omelet while tears ran down her face, she soon finished the omelet and found everyone was looking at her. she ignored them and looked deeply at Sora who was rubbing his nose slightly

"Welcome back," Sora said with a smile, Tsunade smiled slightly. the 3rd hokage knew what she needed, thanking Sora she promised to repay Sora before she left.

everyone looked at Sora with hopeful eyes, they too wanted a taste of that omelet, but Sora snorted at all of them

"V.I.P statues required or have a smell of defeat too much for me to handle," Sora said with a sneer, everyone was speechless. a million Ryo will take a few years to spend on this place, thats not happening the price for that omelet. as for smelling like defeat, how would they go about such a thing?

"... i'm going home," Sora said softly as he got ready to leave

"what about training?" Kushina asked in slightly surprise, Sora never missed training, she also looked forward to training hard

"... i'm not feeling it," Sora said calmly as he left, Kushina was stunned as she looked at him leave. she couldn't help but wonder if she did something to upset Sora, but he was already yesterday, looking at Teuchi he took was confused by Sora's action.