
Reborn with perfect instant mastery skill

Reincarnated in the world of Naruto with the ability to perfectly master any ability seen, sigh the only side effect is a bad sense of direction

Itachi101 · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs


{MC is two years older than Kushina, and 4 to 5 years younger than Teuchi. he is currently 16, sorry if I didn't clear that up. for your trouble, I will reward you all with a piece of wisdom.

even if your anime waifu did exist, she will just ignore you like everyone else... no need to thank me, just passing down my wisdom}

Sora sighed helplessly as he sat in the ramen shop while reading a newspaper. Kushina was sent off a few days back to the battlefield, it was currently him, Teuchi, and Aika running the ramen shop.

"what's in the new today boss?" A middle-aged man asked with a smile as he walked in with his son.

"I guess the most impressive this is that the son of the White Fang has become genin at the age of 5. He even the 3 Senin only graduated at the age of 6." Sora said calmly,

"haha, thats my son." The middle-aged man said with a laugh, Sora's brows raised slightly as he put the newspaper down to look at who it was.

"Sakumo, what's the White Fang doing here," Sora asked with a smile, Sakumo the white fang, a legend that many people looked up to. it was both a kind man, willing to put his own life on the line for others, he was one of the most humble people Sora have ever seen,

"My son became a genin, I promised I will bring him here, but you were closed the past few days," Sakumo said with a smile, Sora smiled slightly as he looked at his son.

Kakashi Hatake, even Sora knew him before coming to this world. Although he knew the adult version, he had seen stuff people say he was the most talented person of the hidden leaf, he had seen a few of his deeds before coming to this world, but Sora didn't look too deeply as to not be spoiled. although Sora didn't believe he was that talented

this was a time of war and many talents were needed, so Kakashi could along with many talents become genin quicker if this was a normal time there was no way a 5-year-old could become genin.

Of course, Kakashi was not going to be thrown into the battlefield just like that, but on smaller missions.

as for how Sora knew so much about Kakashi, it was simple. while doing his research on Naruto, he was seeking a realistic name MC, not some loud-mouth anime MC. of course this anime didn't make the mark, but he found someone who caught his eye.

Sasuke, his backstory was something that made him want to give this anime a chance. but he was spoiled on Itachi's backstory slightly, which only made him want to watch this anime even more.

"Alright kid, what do you want?" Sora asked with a smile, Kakashi had a mask covering his mouth and nose, so one could only see his eyes. but Kakashi was displeased with Sora calling him a kid

"i'm genin now, i'm not a kid anymore," Kakashi said in a calm voice, Sora shrugged slightly

"then answer this question, what do you call a 5-year-old?" Sora asked with a smile, Kakashi was annoyed with Sora's words.

"haha, he has your talent but not your mindset," Sora said with a smile, Sakumo sighed helplessly at Sora's words, Kakashi was very independent and self-confident, at times even arrogant and condescending.

Kakashi born a talent didn't see many as his equal, making him quite arrogant. Sora went on to take the orders and walk making small talk.

3 days went by and the war got heated once more, this time even the hokage set off to the battlefield, and Sora was forced onto the battlefield Kushina was on.

She and Minato were placed together on the same battlefield. Minato was given the name yellow flash, and was quickly titled the fast ninja alive. not just his teleportation ability, but because of his shocking level of reaction speed which seemed almost instant.

Kushina was, of course, safe, Sora didn't believe any ninja lives could stand up against her. she had the 9 tail chakra to use, and if things get out of hand the 9 tail will step in. the 9 tails was known as the strongest tail best, and could take on the others 9 tail best together with Kushina help.

Sora training was not to be looked down upon, Kushina a 14-year-old girl already had kage level strength or Nuclear tier. She could hold herself against these with capabilities to destroy mountains and stuff. although she could barrier destroy a mountain with the use of her chain, she had mastered many things Sora had taught her.

add that with the 9 tails chakra, she could even fight people like the hokage, but she of course will not show that level of power. Sora orders.

meanwhile, Jiraiyal around this time, After three years of training the orphans, Jiraiya decided they were ready to forge out on their own and he returned to support the hidden leaf in this world.

news of a battle between the 3rd hokage and Hanzo quickly reached Sora, but to Sora and everyone else disappointed, there was no clear winner. it was 3 way battle between the 3rd, Hanzo, and The Third Kazekage,

but as the months went by, they clashed more and more often, each side offering losses, and of course many assassination attempts. the 3rd hokage although compared to the strongest was also injured during these wars, and these injuries added up. luck for him, Tsunade was around.

time went by and soon the war calmed down once more as each power retreated, Kushina returned to the hidden leaf, the first thing she did upon returning was eat for all those months she was away.

"When is this stupid war going to be over." She said annoyed, this war has been going on for around 5 years now, and half of her life was lived through this war, thats not to mention the other children who were sent into war.

Sora grabbed a piece of her hair, Kushina sighed seeing her hair color. already began losing its red, it was slowly becoming a pale red color.

"if you don't want to go to war just stay," Sora said calmly, Kushina shook her head. she couldn't just sit and watch as everyone fought, she was one of their trump cards. her home was destroyed years ago by many villages grouping up to take down the Uzumaki clan, her only home was this village and of course, wanted to protect it.

"then let's go," Sora said calmly as he said bye to Teuchi and Aika, and took Kushina home. he had Kushina sleep on his bed,

"stress is not good for both mental and physical health, your stress reflexes on your hair. it turns into that pale red color, other's hair falls out, lose weight, heart problems, and so on. too much stress could even kill a person." Sora said as he gave her a massage,

"you're now 15 years old, think of this as your 15th birthday parent. I will allow releasing all that stress out, and give you a long-deserved rest." Sora said as Kushina nodded weakly as she seemed to melt into the bed. without even knowing it, she began sneering.

Sora went on to make some food, which he sent to the 9 tail fox who was calmly waiting for his treat.

"so, you lived for a long time right?" Sora asked as he sat in front of the 9 tail fox which was eating like a human, the 9 tail fox nodded calmly,

"you must have a wide arrange of knowledge right?" Sora asked with a smile, the 9 tail fox was stunned for a moment before nodding slightly

"i'm seeking a path of my own, so I want to ask for your help," Sora said calmly, Sora understood that since the god of Otsutsuki, was as strong as he was with all of his abilities still died, he couldn't relay on them by themselves.

So, using Superiority, Sora planned to also combine the knowledge from other anime worlds, and stuff from earth to make himself stronger. reach heights the Otsutsuki god could never reach. one of the stuff he wanted to do had to do with genetics,

he wanted to give himself perfect genetics, similar to what ben 10 watch The Omnitrix did. it allowed its wearer to become a genetically perfect specimen of an alien species, that was just the first thing.

a while back, Sora sensed a middle-aged man using a technique he called the 8 gates. He of course copied this ability and understood more about the body, the limits placed throughout the body,

The Eight Gates are eight specific pressure points along with the chakra pathway system. The Eight Gates exist to limit the flow of chakra within an individual's body. Ordinarily, individuals can use no more than 20% of their body's full potential, the brain's way of protecting the individual from harming their body through overexertion.

With training, individuals can learn to remove these limiters, referred to as "opening" the gates. With each opened gate, individuals are given access to more and more of their body's chakra, thus increasing their physical strength and speed.

When opening one of the Eight Gates, users typically open all preceding gates as well. To have all of the Eight Gates open at once is known as the Eight Gates Released Formation.

The first gate is known as the Gate of Opening, located in the brain's left hemisphere, which removes the user's mental inhibitions. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Front Lotus.

The Gate of Healing, located in the brain's right hemisphere, increases the user's physical strength. This has the added effect of re-energizing the body, enabling it to rapidly recover from exhaustion.

The Gate of Life, located on the spinal cord, turns the user's skin red when opened. Other effects include the user's pupils disappearing, their hair standing on end, and bulging veins all over their body. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Reverse Lotus.

The Gate of Pain is located on the spinal cord. opening this greatly increases one's speed, but one's muscles start to tear if not mastered

The Gate of Limit is located in the abdomen. opening this greatly increases one's strength, if not careful opening this gate could lead to one being a cripple

The Gate of View, located in the stomach, increases all the user's abilities. The power that emanates from the user is enough to displace surrounding bodies of water. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock, wherein the user's punches are so fast that friction with the air produces flames. Opening this gate could create an aura around the user, which is green in color.

The Gate of Wonder, located below the stomach, causes the user's body to secrete a blue sweat. The sweat immediately evaporates, creating an aura around the user that can be mistaken for chakra. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger, a single punch that creates a pocket of compressed air. After opening this gate, one's muscle fibers rupture, causing intense pain if anyone touches him.

The Gate of Death is located at the heart. Users open this gate by puncturing their chest with their thumb to direct the chakra there. While open, the user's heart pumps at maximum speed, granting them power a hundred times greater than they are usually capable of, far beyond that of the Five Kage.

When Opened a "Steam of Blood" is emitted from the user's pores and hair, resembling a flaming red aura. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Evening Elephant and Night Guy. The eighth gate causes the body to continually heat up until it's been cooked from the inside out, reducing the user to ash.

Unless one has abnormal healing capabilities which would allow them to survive such a thing, opening the gate of death would kill anyone.

Sora could of course open all gates he could open the 8th gate. so long as he is it is not opened for too long, Sora was not going to be in trouble.

the 9-tail fox and Sora spoke for a while, and Sora did get to learn something useful. for one, the 9-tail fox was created by the sage of six paths using the chakra from the 10 tails which he sealed away.

Sora didn't stay long and soon left, he planned to find a talented sentence who can he can copy to learn all he needed about genetics and stuff. for now, he wanted to find someone to teach healing jutsu, and through them, he would copy and further improve.

for example, if Tsunade could learn and master the air of limbs regrowing, SOra could then copy that, allowing Sora to regrow body parts and other stuff, and whatever was 10 times better than that

right now Sora had only copied Advanced Level healing, which can't regrow body parts. but thanks to this 10x mastery, Sora was an expert when it came to healing, allowing him to do stuff like healing critically and fatally damaged cells and preventing scars. regrow Lost limbs and internal organs, and heal damaged nerves to a certain extent.

of course, Sora couldn't easily regrow body parts. if only he could have someone before an expert, he could then copy them, but he couldn't teach Kushina too much, she was the best fit to be a fighter. Tsunade was the best fit for the job,

this is also why Sora was taking his time to watch this world, he wanted talent to teach. Minato was one of such people he was looking at, Orochimaru seems to be into doing reaching as well as something about being immortal. He is also someone Sora was looking at,

Sora also wanted to copy someone's sage mode and many others. there were many things to consider and look at, but Sora was not in a rush, he was cool with taking his time. he was only 16, he had his whole life before him. and Sora was sure that the Naruto world will be alright for the next few years.

He didn't know how Naruto would reach the level of the Otsutsuki god, there might be something he might overlook. so it was best to one, slow down and watch this world, while also spending time with Kushina.