
Being born

Doryu was currently cultivating inside his Mothers Womb and he was still in a meditative state. He didn't even notice but he already broke through to Bone Constellation level 3.Suddenly Doryu stopped Cultivating and opened up his eyes because he heard the System.

System: "Host will be born in a few hours."

Doryu was happy because even though he was Cultivating he was still a bit bored and being alone wasn't that nice either.

Doryu suddenly thought of something and said: "Show Status."

Age: not born

Bloodline: Dragon Kings Bloodline

Rank: Bone Constellation level 3

Offence: 32

Defence: 40

Intelligence: 320

Technique: Superior Cultivation Manual

Quests: Not available

Shop: Available

Inventory: Available

Sp: 0

Doryu: "System why did my Intelligence increase?"

System: "Because with each level Offense and Defense will increase by 10.Also Intelligence will increase by 20 with each Realm."

He was pretty happy that even his Intelligence will increase. Then he thought about the shop points and asked: "System how do I gain sp?"

System: "You need to complete Quests to gain Sp."

He thought 'that makes sense'

Before he could think about other things he heart loud voices and he felt something forcing him out.

System: "Host will be born in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 seconds please bear with the pain."

Doryu felt pain all over his body he wanted to curse the System for not informing him a few minutes before he was born. He didn't even know that so many hours were already gone. Right before he wanted to curse he felt warm as if he was in an embrace and all the pain was gone.

Doryu was to tired to open his eyes, he wanted to know in which embrace he was so he struggled with all his might and finally opened his eyes.

He saw a Lady in her late twenties holding him. I thought 'That should be a nurse right'

He wanted to see where he was but right before he got the chance he felt pain where his butt was and he started to cry. After that, he heard the Nurse saying: "A healthy Boy."

The Nurse brought me to a Woman that looked tired she had blond hair and blue eyes. She looked at me gently and took me from the Nurse.

When he looked at her he thought 'that should be my Mother right, she looks Beautiful' We both looked at each other and strangely we both felt a connection towards each other.

My mother said: "My lovely boy you have the same eyes as me."

When she said this I thought 'that means I look more like her than my Father'

Suddenly the door was opened and a man with a good physique and black hair rushed in.

He looked like he was 1.80 cm high and he got fast to where Mother was.

He said: "How are you dear are you okay? And how is our child?"

She said: "I'm fine hubby and look at our child he is so bright he is healthier than any other child." After saying this she smiled at me gently.

I looked at the brown eyes of the man and thought 'looks like he is my Father'

The man looked at me and said with eyes full of tenderness: "He looks like you Aiko."

Then he went forward and hugged me with his arms his eyes showed affection.

I felt really good and was happy that I have parents that love me. I showed a happy smile.

My Mother said: "However I think he will become a good Man like you Danuja."

My mother said: "It's decided his name will be Ju-long Hamasaki."

I thought 'so that's my new name Ju-long and that means Chinese - Powerful and gigantic; Strong and mighty like a dragon I like that'

With that, I slowly fell asleep because I felt secure.

When I woke up I found myself in a Baby crib and say a big room and next to me a big bed where two people were asleep. They were my Parents. I thought 'Seems like it's night'.

From their conversation, I could make out that My mother name is Aiko and my Fathers Danuja. However, there was nothing more.

Ju-long: "System what is the Name of this World?"

System: "Fighting lands."

Ju-long was surprised by this name and asked: "Why is it name Fighting Lands?"

System: "Because other than those Worlds in your memories and the Divine realms. This world is one of the strongest it doesn't have many Realms but with every realm, they do have they have a harder time to break through than in other worlds."

Ju-long:"Then why did I break through so quickly?"

System:"Because of Host Dragons Physique and Talent."

Ju-long: "I see then what should I do now?"

System: "Right now Host should cultivate or just enjoy the time for one year.Because after one year Host can slowly start Body training and even Quests will activate for Body training."

He thought 'At night I will cultivate and then during the day when Mom and Dad think I sleep. I don't want to make them worried that I am to abnormal so I will only cultivate then and not the whole day'.

Slowly 6 months past by.....