
What Did I Just See?

Things were going well and I was having more fun than I thought possible. I found myself singing along and I can't lie, Chae-won had quite the voice but I don't think she had what it takes to be an idol.

She wasn't there yet and I watched her friends cheer her on. If only I didn't know how shitty they were I would think that these people had a conscience.

All I ever wanted was a normal life, if only I could get that I would have been satisfied but these very people made sure that wasn't an option.

I was dead and everyone carried on with their life like I never existed, which left a bitter taste in my mouth.

They looked like a wholesome group but I knew what they were and my rage didn't dull with this display of humanity that they showed one another.

There was an order to this group and I had to find a way to first disrupt this order for my plan to be effective. Chae-won tried to make this all about her like the narcissist that she was. 

She didn't even invite anyone else to sing with her but was ready to sing another song, already shuffling.

I knew her ego would want all the validation it could feed on but I wasn't going to let tonight be all about her. 

I got up to my feet and rushed towards her. Chae-won naturally stopped what she was about to do because she thought I wanted to pick the song.

"Hey, ladies! Come up here, let's all sing a song!" I urged the others to join me.

I momentarily saw Chae-won's facial expression change and I knew I had her but her friends didn't see through this and came rushing towards the stage.

Chae-won naturally had to adjust her face and persona because she was trying to impress me.

I had no plans on singing but I noticed that Sora was seated and watching us. No, she was watching me.

The ladies played a song and began to sing, I rushed back to take my seat and they didn't try to coerce me into joining them.

I knew that they had ties with agencies that trained some popular idols so it would only make sense that they could sing.

But now I had successfully secluded Sora from her pack and I was about to pounce.

The girls were lost in their world and the fact that had openly flirted with Chae-won already told them that it was Chae-won I fancied so they paid little to no attention to this.

"Hey, why didn't you join them?" I asked Sora, not taking my eyes off Chae-won for even a second.

"I'm a terrible singer! I'm not as good as the rest of them," Sora pointed out, almost embarrassed.

"That is weird," I muttered to myself but loud enough to be heard.

"Why is that?" Sora asked.

"Pretty girls usually have awesome voices," I responded, that was the punchline right there.

"That explains why I don't," Sora said bluntly and I had to admit, that was a funny response.

It took everything in me not to laugh out loud but a snicker escaped my lips.

"Laugh it up," Sora said with a slight chuckle, she could understand why I would find this funny at least. She had a sense of humour.

"Chae-won is an amazing woman," I said, changing the conversation.

I didn't give her the free validation she was looking for, she put herself down so I would compliment her, I invented that move.

"She is amazing, she is everything a woman should strive to be," Sora said.

I misread the situation, I thought these girls would dislike Sora but they all liked her.

I could tell by looking at her that she meant these words but it made what I was about to do all the more worthwhile.

"I'm glad she finally found someone that compliments her perfectly," Sora responded, and I knew she was referring to me.

"You must admire her," I knew I had to keep it cool. This was an unexpected development but it was one I knew I could exploit.

"I do!" Sora said without missing a beat but this was beginning to sound like she was envious.

"I plan on surprising Sora later so I want you to give me your number so you can assist me," I whispered, slipping my phone under her table,

Sora thought nothing of this but this was the second part of my plan, I now had her number but I wasn't done.

I placed my hand on her thigh and she froze up, her thighs were so soft, my fingers almost sunk right into her flesh.

"You're a good friend, Sora…" I looked right into her eyes as I said this, knowing damn well that she couldn't hold my gaze.

"Come on Minsuk!" Chae-won called me to join them but I declined, quickly removing my hand from Sora's thigh but I noticed that Sora didn't attempt to remove my hand.

"I need to use the bathroom," Sora said, excusing herself. She must have probably eaten something bad and I went on stage to sing with the ladies.

I knew my voice wasn't any good but the moment the words escaped my lips, I sounded like a fallen angel singing a final symphony before dropping from the skies.

The girls were so surprised that they froze in place, they were speechless.

Heck, even I couldn't believe it but here I was, singing at the top of my lungs like the reincarnation of a K-pop star.

"Wow, you sound heavenly!" Chae-won praised me but then a sharp pain shot right through my brain, giving me a migraine as I clutched my head in pain.

"A-Are you okay!?" Chae-won quickly asked.

"I'm fine…" I managed to respond with a reassuring smile but I had seen something that threw me off, a memory or was it an event yet to happen?

I did not know but I saw Minsuk lying on the floor with a huge hole in his chest, there was no way anyone was surviving an injury like that so it was safe to say it hadn't happened.

"Do you need to leave? I can walk you back home!" Chae-won offered and I had nothing to lose by this, I had already bypassed her physical boundaries so fucking her should be a lot easier.