
Reborn to Be the Lord

Lucas, a young teenaged boy led a happy and opulent life. His life was flawless. He fell in love with a girl named Astrid who later was found dead by him in her apartment, along with her sister. Lucas broke down into pieces. He put an end to his life and wished to God to give him one more chance so that he can undo his mistakes. When he woke up after a long sleep, he found himself in another world where they worship the ones from the skies and below. In the world, where he will face a cruel destiny since he gets called as the Lord.

Benami_Sarder · ファンタジー
142 Chs

Chapter 36: Game of Truths

"Truth or dare?...Alright. I don't mind. But we have to put our hands in the front so nobody crosses their finger and lies." said Erland and kept his hands on the table.

"As you wish. Bring me a bottle please." said Hadrian. A maid wearing black and white robe, who was standing behind him nodded and left to bring a bottle. She came back in a while and handed it to Hadrian gently and left the place in an instant.

Inside, Erland was frowning grimly while on the outside. As usual, his inside doesn't match with the one on the outside. "(What's he gonna ask me? I'm tired of this truth or dare even before playing it...I started it as a game but its turning into a politician's trick of sorts.) Oh, it's me this time. Truth or dare?" said Erland after spinning the glass bottle.

"Truth." Hadrian kept his hands on the table as well.

"Tell me every single reason for the government to chose me."

Hadrian gave a mocking laugh. "That's a clever question. Even though you are young, you suspect us. I'm glad that I referred you. The reason we chose you is because we know about your power. You hold the power of your ancestor Hephaestus. Your flame likely comes from the deceased Hephaestus or the black flame we know today."

Erland got taken aback, not expecting such a direct and genuine response. Even though he felt threatened, he kept his polite act all the way. "W-What do you want to do with my power?"

Hadrian moved his head up as if he's looking at Erland. "Even though you hold the power of a Lord of the heavens you are a mortal. You are a part of us."

Hadrian leaned back on his chair. "Since we mortals are neglected in many ways, we want to do something that will establish our freedom and competence as what we already are. We are looking for the blessed ones who hold power or knowledge such as you. You were an excellent child with wisdom since you were only three years old. You hold both knowledge and might of a Lord. What else do we need?"

"That wasn't all...was it?" This time, he couldn't keep his cautiousness from showing on his face as he slightly narrowed his eyes. 

Hadrian, having a sharp intuition scoffed as if he's amused at Erland's cautiousness and replied. "You guessed. There is another reason we picked you. You know of the Unknown Lord eh? We assume that the Unknown Lord is one among the blessed ones like you. We have to protect him or her at any cost."

Erland fluttered his eyes and then leaned back. "Oh...I thought that you guys are scary but...you guys might be better than that it seems..."

"I'm glad that you changed your mind. Shall I spin it again?" Hadrian kept his long index on the bottle, waiting for Erland's approval. 


Hadrian spun it. This time, it was him. "Ah. It's me this time. Truth or dare?"

"(I don't want him to dare me on telling truth every time I speak...Not that I have to do it but he has a sharp intuition...He might guess.) Truth."

"Okay...What is something that you know but we don't?"

"(Heh...E-A-S-Y) I secretly drink wine sometimes to know it's taste. Each time I have tasted it, it tasted bad to me."

Hadrian's smile was gone for a moment. "Hm...That was unexpected. Let's see what comes next."

Hadrian spun the bottle again.

"It's you again..." Erland gave a short laugh.

"Yes." Hadrian moved his 'glance' towards a side for a moment and then at Erland. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth again." Erland nodded once, rather elegantly with a smile.

"No one wants to pick dare eh? It's gonna be a silly question..." Hadrian kept held his chin between his fingers. "Do you like someone?"

Erland blushed slightly, seeming surprised. "EH? I-I'm too young for THAT!"

"No you are not." Hadrian moved his head as if what he's saying is obvious. 

"Uhm...Really? But mommy said that I am." Erland rubbed his nape.

Hadrian gestured towards Erland, showing his palm. "It depends on you mostly. It was just a simple question and you are supposed to answer me."

"(I don't have anyone like that anyway.) I don't really like anyone in a romantic way. I'm okay with what I already have...and don't wish for more..." Erland looked away. "...for now."

Hadrian scoffed. "You are too humble as a citizen. No worries, you will grow with time. I'll spin it again. This will be the last one since we have some important matters to attend to." Hadrian spun it this time as well. "Oh. You are the one to ask this time. I pick dare."

"Alright..." Erland stroked his chin.

"Here's an advice from me. Never sound hesitant. You often say such things as 'alright' or 'okay' as a form of hesitation. Confidence is a major key to walk in the path of life. I don't want you to further be hesitant about anything. It will take some time but make it fast."

Erland looked at Hadrian and gave a polite nod. "Yes, sir."

"Good. Now ask me."

"I will ask you three questions, answer them truthfully."

Hadrian laughed, mocking as usual. "Why- you could say hundred!"

"I...was making sure you don't get irritated." Erland took a sip of his own tea. The tea has gotten cold but with how much pressure he feels even now, he barely cares about the tea.

"Alright...By the way, I have a question myself. How do you know if someone lies in this game?"

Erland propped his face, resting it on his thumb. "That's a tricky question. I think that you can guess when a person is lying. I'm not much of a lie detector but Arne was so...the last game was fun."

"I see. Well then, ask away."

"How do you see without eyes?" Erland kept both his hands on the table again.

"I have a power myself. I won't explain it any further since it wasn't what you told me to do. Next one please."

"Who do you hate the most?" 

"That question isn't tricky or confusing at all. The one I hate the most is one of the government leader. I won't explain this one either."

"But I literally said 'who'." Erland smirked softly.

Hadrian looked slightly irritated. "Ugh. Okay then. His name is Phillip Hansen, the one handling economy of the government. Even talking about him ticks me off. Stay away from that guy if you can, he is a total...I shouldn't say this in front of a kid but he is a total bastard."

Erland giggled. "Last question, how will my future be according to your speculations?"

Hadrian's tone of voice became soft for a moment as if he's pondering."You want to know your future?"

He then spoke with his normal, proud voice with his legs crossed. No matter what the man does, pride follows him. "I am no fortune teller but I am smart enough to tell you what might happen and what might not. You will one day rule as the head of us all where we won't have to be like this. You will reach that peak at a really young age..." 

Hearing Hadrian's speculation, Erland was eased slightly. His cautiousness faded away slightly.

Hadrian's smirk got a bit dimmer, yet it remained. "Additionally, even though it will sound cruel, you will suffer greatly..."

Hearing the rest, Erland furrowed his eyebrows, looking slightly disheartened. 

Hadrian tapped on the table and then got up from his seat. "That was all then. We have to head off." He walked towards the door and opened it. The door was made of wood, which had a little leaf keychain with it. As Hadrian walked out, Erland followed him as well. 

The dog who was resting assured outside the house, rose up and greeted them like how a dog should. Hadrian caressed the brown dog with his ungloved hands and got on the carriage. He reached his bare hands out to wash it as a man poured water on it, who was certainly a servant of his.

Out of nowhere, the ever curious Erland fluttered his eyes and had yet another question-"Can I ask you a question?"

"You should say, 'May I ask you a question?' or 'I would be thankful if you fill me in about this.' instead." Hadrian finished washing his hand.

"May I ask you a question, sir?"

"Yes." said Hadrian as he wore his glove, moving his 'glance' towards Erland.

"Why is the etiquette of the government too well-oriented?"

Hadrian walked towards the carriage as Erland followed him. "It's because words are tricky things. If you say something with a different expression, it means a different thing. So we made an etiquette for the people of the government so no one will take any words at heart or will not overthink or get hurt from. Even though, it hasn't reached it's perfection, it is a polite and gentle manner of speaking. You can use this etiquette in any royal matters. You would pass without a hitch."

Erland nodded. "I see..."

Hadrian let out a sigh. "Now answer me something, how the heck do you fit so many answers in your head? Don't you feel bored?"

"No it's fun- entertaining. I feel like we are having a friendly conversation rather than some pesky negotiation." 

"That was a good point. I was wondering..." Hadrian stopped walking for a moment and so did Erland along with him. "-Do you think of me as your teacher?"

"Yes I do." Erland nodded with a genuine smile which was genuine inside-out.

Hadrian gave a pleased laugh. "Then I order you to stay silent the rest of the way."

"Aw..." Feeling sheer disappointment, Erland pouted.

"Silence!" Hadrian yelled with a thundering voice.


The time in the carriage went by in silence. The meeting began once again. There weren't many leaders in the place at the moment. There were about only fifty. That day, the speaker was no other than Hadrian. He got in front of the lectern and put some papers on it. He stated the developments they have made so far with a proud look.

"The honorable citizens of Gaion. I hope everyone is passing a wonderful time. Yesterday, we have heard about the issues of Gaion in the past few weeks. So today, I have prepared a document about the recent developments in Gaion in the past weeks."

Hadrian flipped a page as the sound could easily be heard by all. "The southern part of Gaion has been completely constructed. Many has gotten jobs and now are eligible to pay taxes. Secondly, we have acquired enough currency to make another large ship this year. Since Gaion has been blessed with various corps this year, we shall lend our neighbor countries a hand by sharing ours with them at a lower price. The country where we shall export these will be Jotunheim since they don't wish to keep any debt. The ones who wished to clap can clap now." Saying the last sentence, he dropped the paper with a proud smile.

"(He dropped the paper like he's dropping a mic...)" Erland laughed quietly.

Everyone in the room clapped whilst some of them stood up. Erland as well, clapped with them, looking clueless as if he doesn't know why he's doing this.

"Now will come the part where we rant about our problems."

There was a laugh that could be heard. Without any clue, once again Erland laughed with them to blend in. His face looked awkward enough to irritate anyone's mind.

A leader stood up with a paper in her hands. She requested permission to speak politely. Hadrian stood away from his spot as the girl stood there. She kept the paper and took a deep breath. She looked comparably young and nervous than most.

"Greetings citizens of Gaion. Today I am going to state the matter of the orphans and man made diseases. As we know, the one and only orphanage is in the Eastern Gaion, which is far from many places. They provide free foods and primary medical treatment, for which they need specific currency."

She struggled to choose her words for a moment. After a short awkward silence, she spoke-

"-They don't get needed funds to feed their children sometimes. The reports I have gotten also says that some new neighbors who has moved near the orphanage are rude to the children and are unhelpful. Me and as well as the ones of the orphanage demands their necessities and their human rights. Uhm...I...wish to finish my report here." The girl nodded and walked away quickly.

Hadrian got on his spot again and announced,

"Since it is a matter of human rights according to our government principals, everyone please sign the paper that is going to be handed in the next five minutes. The ones who could not attend today, shall sign it as well the next day they comes."

Everyone waited for the paper. The meeting went by for half an hour more. After the ones who were present signed the paper, there began arguments about their disagreements and agreements on several decisions. Some stated that that they don't want the Naos to be a huge influence on Gaion whilst some disagreed. Some stated that they want a vote of the leader quickly and they no longer wants to have such meetings without any specific leader.

Most of the citizens agreed.

Meanwhile Erland was wondering what he has forgotten about and what chances he has let slipped that day. No matter how hard he tried, his brainstorming didn't work. He was left worried and silent for a long time, partially unfocused on the government's issues.

The meeting ended before Erland knew it.

Erland saw Hadrian negotiating with some gentlemen and women so he didn't go to bother him with his questions. He called a guard and asked,

"Could you answer me about something?"

"If it is forbidden for you to know, then I cannot. Please ask me." said the guard and bowed.

"Can a hawk die after eating anything?"

The guard rose its head. "No, but the hawks we use can. They usually fly high and never gets in touch to humans. If one ever gets close to you, please don't feel frightened. And please, do not let the common people know that they are harmless. If it ever comes to you, feed nothing else but meat. They are really friendly and cunning."

"Why does our hawks die?"

"It is because we use several medicines on them to enhance their vision. When they eat any substance that reacts with the medicines they have, they can either die or get sick."

Erland looked down with disappointment for himself. He backed away and asked,

Erland had guilt painted all over his face. "What do they like to eat? A hawk once came to me but I gave it something then it...died..."

The guard spoke softly. "That was unfortunate. Please don't feel guilty. They go to heaven after all."

The guard left without sparing another moment. Hadrian approached Erland from behind with a light slap on his back. He looked at Erland with his eyeless orbits.

"Did you stack up any question for me?" said Hadrian, looking down at Erland.

"I did but I forgot..." said Erland and gave a soft laugh.

"Well then. Go home and have fun." Hadrian walked passed him without any further words. It was certain to Erland that he was in hurry so he left as well.

He got home early when it was afternoon. He went to his father the moment he got back. His father, as usual, had sweat all over him and his tunic was drenched in it. No matter how hot it was, he was restlessly working. Logi was standing beside Erik, with his tongue out, happy to be around.

Logi rushed to his owner, Erland and started to caress him with his tongue. Erland pushed him away lightly with a small laugh as he told his dog to stop.

Erik looked at Erland and gave a wide smile."Ah-my buddy's here. So, what did you do today?" said Erik.

"I talked. That's all, hehe. Where is mommy? I'm starving." said Erland as he walked towards Erik.

"You really like your mommy even over me eh? She is at her room, taking a nap. She said that she will go to visit grandma Ase after ten minutes. Wanna go?- Oh...you're tired..." Erik started to slam his hammer on the metal and let out a scoff. "I sometimes forget that my boy works now...Time's flying too fast..."

"No...if I don't go today I may not get the time ever again. I couldn't visit her because of all these stuffs happening to me."

"What stuffs?" Erik's smile disappeared and he stopped working. "Are you hiding something from me?"

"Haven't you heard that Logi ran to me as if he was about to eat me?"

Logi got his tongue in as if he was confused. Logi woofed towards his owner as if he was asking him a question.

"But you did attack me Logi...Anyway, it's no matter to think of. I'll bring a lotsa sweets to great granny Ase." Erland was about to walk away from his father's workplace until his father spoke from behind, "She can't eat sweets. If she does, she gets weak. It's a new type of disease they are saying. Heh...Let's just hope for her to get well soon...And don't you dare overwork- I'll beat the heck out of you and those pesky politicians-"

Erland kept his thumb on his lips. "(It's probably diabetes...)But she loves sweets..."

Erik started to work again. "I know, but you have to do what's best for her. Bring her something else like pickles or spicy snacks. She has gastric problems so don't add too much spice."

Erland nodded. "Got it. Oh and dad, are you gonna get a day off in the next few days?"

"Why? You wanna go somewhere?"

"Yeah. We rarely go anywhere." Erland uttered the last words softly, trying to remember the last time they went somewhere together.

"We will see. Now go, rest at home. Hilda made cakes for you." 

Erland sighed and walked to his house in an instant. He went straight to the kitchen and looked for his cakes. He took two pieces of it and slowly walked to the backyard to enjoy the shimmering sun.

Since the sun seemed too bright, he felt weak once again. "(From when am I so...sensitive to heat...Ugh...damn it...)" He stroked his hair tight and started to walk inside to eat his fill peacefully.

When he was passing the huge tree, he found a golden strand of hair lying on the ground which stood out more than the verdant grasses.

Okay so, first of all, thank you for reading my novel. I appreciate it a lot. If you like it, please add it to your library. If you think that I need improvments in anything, please tell me in a friendly way. It'd be awesome to get recognition and gifts through my own work. And also, I am not quiet used to the whole webnovel thing yet so I have once stupidly deleted a comment and I stay up at night for that. So yeah, feel free to tell me what you think I lack but in a friendly way for the sake of my mental state :)

Benami_Sardercreators' thoughts