
Reborn to Be the Lord

Lucas, a young teenaged boy led a happy and opulent life. His life was flawless. He fell in love with a girl named Astrid who later was found dead by him in her apartment, along with her sister. Lucas broke down into pieces. He put an end to his life and wished to God to give him one more chance so that he can undo his mistakes. When he woke up after a long sleep, he found himself in another world where they worship the ones from the skies and below. In the world, where he will face a cruel destiny since he gets called as the Lord.

Benami_Sarder · ファンタジー
142 Chs

Chapter 33: Chicken Crisis

Erland could be seen sitting on a bench with Frode and Arne. Erland rubbed on Arne's back, who was leaning down the whole time with pain. The ones who were having a hangout, went towards them to check what was going on.

"Hierius Arne, what happened to you?" said Hilda, looking concerned with half opened mouth.

Arne put on a smile and replied with agony written all over his face as he struggles to utter the words. "It-it's nothing...I just wanted to pick Erland and place him down. *grunt* I never expected to nearly break my bone.*laughs*"

"Do you have weak bone?" said Frode looking as concerned as Hilda.

"Actually...I am a weak person. I am physically weak from my birth. My mother almost died giving birth to me. Then I got sick and lost half of my weight. I was-*grunt* dumb to pick Erland up who looks like an eight years old with mature body."

Erland kept rubbing on Arne's back as he spoke. "I am not that mature. It's just that I am pretty tall, that's all."

"You are not only tall, your body structure is bold as well. *sigh* Okay then. I will rest for now. I have to send someone with a letter of apolo-" Arne widened his eyes and let out a grunt as he felt his pain getting worse because of his brother being rather incompetent when it comes to curing such pains. "-LORDS, Erland!...Stop rubbing...okay?...I guess now I have two excuses to get a break from work hehe...Farewell everyone. May your ways be swift and you be prosperous."

Arne left the place with the help of some guards.

"Master, do you need an ice bag?" said a guard.

"I need a doctor. It hurts like shi- crap." said Arne. His voice was enough to tell the agony he was in.

Afterwards, the guests of the mansion all started to walk away, towards the gate. While they were walking, Hilda suddenly remembered a question she wanted to ask Tove.

"Tove. Didn't the director adopt you?" said Hilda with a bent index on her lips.

Tove answered with a wide smile as she remembered the sweetest day in her life. "Yep! I ran away from that place and then I got caught in front of the director then she adopted me! I got another Heba after that too!" 

"Can we go home now? We have bothered him enough." said Halfdan with a frown.

"Wait..." Arne looked back with a horrifying dead face without even a slighted bit of joy in it. Even his voice sounded raspy and dead, with his playfulness and serenity completely gone.

"Y-Yes?" said everyone, looking rather concerned than scared.

"Please take the carriage from the stable. Guards lead them." Arne looked forward again and started walking with the guards.

The next day, Erland and Erik went to the backyard. They stood in front of Logi as their shadow fell on him.

"Did you bring it...son?" said Erik with narrowed eyes.

"Yes dad..." Erland spoke with narrowed eyes as well. Without any context, this would have looked incredibly sinister. He held a piece of meat high up and then put on his happy go lucky smile. "Here is his meaty! Come on, Logi. Eat it. Embrace your hunting instincts." Erland gave Logi a piece of raw meat.

Erik crossed his arms. "I don't think that he will get used to it that easily- Woah what?"

Logi ate it with pleasure. He chewed it like a wolf and left not even the bones in it.

"Woah..." The son and father were surprised.

"What are you two doing here?" Gunhild came from behind holding a pot of stew. She looked better than before. Her pale skin became shimmering like gold.

"You look beautiful today." Erik smiled at his beloved wife. He looked astonished as soon as he saw her.

"*giggles* Thank you. Erland, Frida is calling you to her workplace. A man wearing blooded cloths came here holding a huge knife and told me that."

"Oh. I wanna see him." said Erland and left the backyard.

The thing Erland could see was a serial killer who has just killed a victim and now is joying with a laugh, and with a weird moustache. He was obese and cheerful.

With a cheerful and loud voice the man spoke. "Haha. It's the little worker. How are you? Would you like to see my new knife?"

Erland bemusedly smiled at the man. "(He looks like a serial killer from The Purge...)N-No thanks but thanks. I will see it some other day if possible. So, Aunty Frida called me right? I am going with you. Just a moment please." He raised his hand with enthusiasm, hinting the man to wait and walked back to his house.

Erland put his vest on and went outside. As he walked out of the house, he saw a little girl passing by who looked charming. The girl was only about three years old but as the world's laws are, every child looks rather older than what they would have looked like in Erland's past world.

Her shimmering Titian hair moved with the breeze as she walked. Her large eyes were both blue and green. Despite her age, everyone looked at her with amaze.

The girl playfully walked in front of Erland with her hands held behind her back and giving Erland an innocent look. "Erland~ Nice to meet you. I heard of you from my parents." Then the girl looked at the man standing beside Erland. Her smile got dimmer and then she spoke. "Oh and uncle, long time no see."

"It's my little Jessee. How have you been?" said the man, sounding even more enthusiastic.

"I have been alright. I wonder why you are so silent...Eeeerland."

"(Is this girl trying to hit on me? Is she...wait I shouldn't jump into a conclusion but I feel an urge to be careful around her.) I'm sorry. I don't know you so I was silent. I am indeed Erland Hephaestus. I have to go now, my employer is calling me." said Erland with the slightly harsh tone of a 'minding his own business' gentleman.

"You are pretty ignorant. You are at a loss if you ignore me now. I came here with an invitation. There will be a banquet in my house, I came here to invite you and your family personally." said Jessee with her index pointed at Erland and with a prideful smile.

"(Geez, I have went to more than enough banquets in my life...Does she really think she's gonna lure me to her house with this attitude and with that invitation?) No need. Job is more important." said Erland and walked past the girl. 

"Can I come too?" said the man.

"No need. I ran out of invitation cards anyway. On second thought, take this one." Jessee handed her uncle the invitation paper she prepared for Erland.

"I will go then." said Jesse. She left the place in a hurry. With every step she took, she made stomping sounds as if she was greatly displeased.

The man laughed and spoke. "She has attitude problem. It's okay, she will be fine after she grows up. By the way, call me uncle Jorn. I named my niece haha." the man, who's name is Jorn laughed as if it was not a problem even though it certainly is. 

Erland started to walk slowly as the man easily caught up with him. 

Erland frowned and sighed. "(This is how most of the kids become assholes in their lives...) Uncle Jorn, I see. Let's go. Oh and you are a butcher right? You probably know my sister. Her name is Randi."

"Ah, I know her. She came to my shop to deliver some dismantled meats several times. I heard that she is quiet well known. She didn't seem like it but you mustn't judge a meat by it's skin, HAHAHA."


They walked to the pet shop which was far enough to tire an old man's bone. Just at the moment they reached the gate, Jorn fell on and ground taking heavy breaths.

"*huff* *huff* You- You walk a bit too fast boy. I am an old man. Give me some rest, heh." Jorn got up from the ground, still gasping for air.

Erland gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry. I will try to walk a bit slower..."

Frida walked outside the shade and appeared in the sunlight. "Oh, you have reached this place. Come with me."

Both Erland and Jorn walked into the pet shop. The pets gathered by Erland. Some of the dogs started to lick him whilst the cats rubbed their face against his legs. As usual, Erland petted them all and then walked towards the room where they dined last time. There was a tied chicken lying on the table.

The three of them gathered around the chicken as the chicken stared at them with its gullible little face, horrified for its life.

"So...you wanted me to play with this chicken while you go outside to visit great-granny Ase." said Erland.

"Yes. He is going to be eaten in a while. It costed me a lot of deben to buy it. I was about to kill it but the issue here is that I have to go out. Now I need someone to look after it. I don't want the cats to kill it before I cut it fresh and juicy and then roast it." said Frida as she looked at her pristine, sharp nails and then the chicken.

The chicken stared at Frida, wide eyed with doubt and fear.

"I can just kill it now. Leave it to me." said Jorn with hands on his hips, along with his usual gullible wide smile.

"Thanks Jorn but you are busy right now. I will be heading off then. Take good care of them." said Frida and took a bag. She left in a hurry as the sound of the door getting slammed shut could be heard.

"I will be off to my work then. See ya!" said Jorn and left as well.

All it lied in the pet store was Erland and the animals. The chicken clucked loudly as Erland got close to it.

Erland reached out his hand to pet on its head which he couldn't do yet because of how less the chicken trusts him. "Don't get scared. There isn't any kitty here. It's fine. Wait, I will bring you something." Erland rushed back to the shop through the door. He brought the chicken some nutritious bird food and gave it to it.

The chicken hesitated at first but then, it ate it from Erland's hands. Erland was about to pat on it's head but it clucked even louder than before.

Erland got started and backed away. "Woah woah woah. Okay, okay. I won't!"

The chicken calmed down and looked at Erland. It clucked again, but this time softly, hinting something.

"Do you want me to untie you? Okay I will but let me close the windows and move the things that you are gonna ruin."

Erland moved all the things off the room and placed those in the kitchen. He closed all the doors and windows and then finally freed it.

The moment it was freed, it flew from the table and fled from Erland, making him even more startled as it flew past an inch away from Erland. "Woah-"

The chicken started to fly all around the room, trying to find an exit. Erland, seeing no problem with it, gave a soft laugh and waited until it calmed down. But as the chicken's movement was getting out of hand as it started to bash itself into the walls, Erland got up and tried to corner it. 

Finally, Erland chased it to the corner. It was covered in Erland's shade, panicking with fear. It landed on Erland's face and then fled again. No matter how hard he tried, it didn't go to him.

At last, when Erland treated him some foods again, it came. He saw it eating with pleasure. For some reason, he felt an attachment with the chicken. 

The sound of the door-lock opening could he heard. Frida finally returned with a bag and moved it to the kitchen. 

The chicken's time has finally come to an end.

"Three...two...one..." Frida sliced it's head from it's body.

Erland looked away from it and backed away with a gloomy frown.

"What's wrong?" Frida asked as she was cutting the chicken.

"I-I'm fine." Erland almost sobbed.

Frida gave a soft smile as she sensed Erland's grief for it. "It's fine. You gave it a good time. I killed it without any pain as well. It didn't even see when I killed it. It seemed pretty relaxed with you around." Frida was trying her best to assure Erland that the chicken was completely fine dying, just to soothe Erland's grief.

Erland frowned even more. "That makes me feel even worse...He looked up to me...(Mr. Chicken...We will meet in heaven...)"

Frida kept cutting the chicken and spoke. "*giggles* You are like Svend. He looks like a total grump but in reality he's soft inside. But he eats it thinking that they all go to heaven...I don't know if its a truth or not...Does heaven really have that much place?"

"Hm..." Erland didn't say anything. Svend being this soft inside was something he never expected yet he stayed silent.

From the window, two people saw them. They were rather deducting them.

"He didn't make any progress today either."

"Maybe he is doing this on purpose. Let's report it. The old man will be furious if we are late."

"Shouldn't we observe him a little more?"

"Why? Didn't you hear? A spectator died keeping an eye on him. Rumors say that his dog caused it."

"Why doesn't the higher ups know about it yet?"

"I don't know. Maybe they do. I mean it's still a rumor so...it's better to be kept as a secret."

"Oh...did that Hephaestus power up his pet? Oh Lords, if this goes on, I will quit this job and go abroad"

Frida moved her neck fast as a gust of wind, staring with hawk-eye and yelled,

"Who's there?"

The two figures in front of the window disappeared like shadows.

Erland widened his eyes as his gloom was slowly turning into caution. "(So I am being spectated. Shit...Since I have signed the paper, I have no other choice to but to co-operate with them. I was too careless...) 

"Hey. What's up, my boy?" said Frida.

Erland shook his head. "I'm fine. I just still feel bad for the chicken."

"Eat it. He will be happy that you accepted his body being devoured by someone who took care of him...I will roast it well."

A drop of sweat was dripping from Erland's forehead. "(Aunty Frida...that doesn't make it sound any better...)"

Erland had a pleasing lunch with Frida and Frode on the table of the store. The worry of him being spectated made him completely forget about his chicken friend. All he could feel was the pleasing taste of the roasted chicken and worry surging in his mind. The windows were closed as well as the curtains after Frida anticipated spies.

"I sold three kitties today. Uncle Jorn helped me when you were at the bathroom." said Erland with a slight smile.

"Was he a good owner? Tell me which family he was from after you finish your food. I want to make sure that the kitties don't get tortured or mistreated." said Frida as she took a sip of tea.

Frode took a bite of the chicken and spoke with his mouth filled with food. "Oh um...Mommy...Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah. Go ahead. What is it?"

"Is it possible to get magic?"

"Hmph...If you don't have any ancestors who were blessed from the Lords in the old ages, you will probably not get one. Why are you asking?"

Frode pouted and looked down. "That creepy curly aunty said that...I can't become what I want...Is it true?" 

"What do you mean?" Frida kept her tea cup on the table.

Frode's words became unclear as his voice became shaky "Evewyone has mawic in the academies... *sobs*I will- *sobs* fall behind 'cause I don't have it..."

Tears fell off Frode's cheeks. His light eyes were filled with tears of sorrow

"She was just scaring you-" said Erland and got up from his chair.

"What she said was true." said Frida, without even a glimpse sympathy in her voice as usual.

"Huh???" Erland looked surprised as Frode was taunted and became silent.

Frida propped her head and looked into Frode's eyes which were still looking downwards. "Yes. Not having such power will make it difficult."

Gently, Frida held Frode's head up holding his chin between her fingers. "But you don't need it. You are exceptional. Your weight of knowledge far exceeds the ones at your age. Tell me my son, is it lesser than magic you speak of? Can't my son who came in my womb on a glorious day get ahead of everyone with all he has and prove them wrong?"

Frode wiped his tears and got off the chair. In an instant, he rushed towards his mother and held her close. He rubbed his face on his mother's tummy and said, pumping his chest,

"I will prove them wrong...I will throw dirt at that creepy curl... *sobs*"

"Frode. You shouldn't. Seeing your success will be enough of a dirt on their face." said Erland.

"*sobs* Hm..." Frode nodded, with his face still being buried in his mother's belly.

Frida stroked her son's hair and then looked at Erland. "Erland. You shouldn't stay here any longer, your family will be worried. I have to close the store fast today. I've got other works to do. Goodbye then."

The sky was still clear and Erland was still walking towards his house, taking his sweet time, enjoying the fine weather.

In all of a sudden, the sky became filled with black clouds. Erland got drenched in rain water in no time. He took shelter under a tree and noticed a grave. In front of it, there was a woman sobbing under the rain.

Erland narrowed his eyes, wondering is the woman was okay. As his soft heart had it's calling, he walked towards the woman, even though it drenched him in rain even more.

"Ma'am. Are you okay?" said Erland trying to see the woman's face.

The woman sobbed and said,

"No one came to my grave in a long time..."

Okay so, first of all, thank you for reading my novel. I appreciate it a lot. If you like it, please add it to your library. If you think that I need improvments in anything, please tell me in a friendly way. It'd be awesome to get recognition and gifts through my own work. And also, I am not quiet used to the whole webnovel thing yet so I have once stupidly deleted a comment and I stay up at night for that. So yeah, feel free to tell me what you think I lack but in a friendly way for the sake of my mental state :)

Benami_Sardercreators' thoughts