
Reborn to Be the Lord

Lucas, a young teenaged boy led a happy and opulent life. His life was flawless. He fell in love with a girl named Astrid who later was found dead by him in her apartment, along with her sister. Lucas broke down into pieces. He put an end to his life and wished to God to give him one more chance so that he can undo his mistakes. When he woke up after a long sleep, he found himself in another world where they worship the ones from the skies and below. In the world, where he will face a cruel destiny since he gets called as the Lord.

Benami_Sarder · ファンタジー
142 Chs

Chapter 29: Unsolved Plot of Arne

"*sigh*(I'm bedridden today as well. The weather is so good, I wanna go out...Randi came back home but didn't say anything. It's worrying the hell out of me. Did the prank cause me this? I shouldn't have made Colin say nuts. It was an easy prank for me since it's my actual language. It's sort of a coincidence that Arne taught me that haha...Wait...coincidence?...Is it really?...)*gasp*"

Erland got up from the bed in an instant. His face was pale and his eyes were widened with fear.

"(Don't tell me that...Oh no...What...How is it possible? How did this happen?...Am I paranoid? It's not something I can get help with either. Should I somehow make Arne say something about this?...No...He will figure that I am an outlander if I keep giving him flukes. How did he know in the first place? Was my affinity towards my past language noticeable?...Ugh...Why did he teach me that language in the first place?...)"

"I brought you some food. Eat it and listen to what I say- Huh? You look even paler than Gunhild." said Randi who has just entered Erland's room. She got startled the moment she looked at Erland in that state.

"I'm fine. I just don't feel so well for some reason."

"Can you eat by yourself?"

"I'll be fine I think. Leave it here and...what happened? Did they approve?"

"Yes but..."

"But what?"

"They told me that if I can, I should get another signature from someone else. They don't really like Colin it seems."

"(So the people of Gaion don't like these royals either...it's fair though.) But it's impossible."

"Yeah I know. It took me quiet a while to make them understand that.

"Oh...okay so. What now?"

"They want us to begin it in the next few weeks. Since you are bedridden, you don't have to do anything. You rarely get sick...What could have caused this? Anyway, I'll leave it here. Rest well and call anyone if you need anything."

Randi left and closed the door. Erland lied down on the bed again thinking what mistake he might have made on his way.

"(Why did he teach me that?...Does he know where I am from?...But I don't see any advantage in that. It isn't getting me anywhere...So...maybe...He's using me for something? Am I being used?...The thought of it is scaring me...I remember seeing people being manipulated. It freaked me out even hearing or seeing such stuffs...Am I being manipulated now?...)" Erland rubbed his forehead as he visualized many scenarios of people getting manipulated and him being one of them as if he got puppet strings attached to his hands.

"(Mom said that there are people who wants my power. Is Arne one of them?...But, how does he know about my power? I thought that he thinks of my power as an accident caused by a draug...On the second thought, he is from the same family as mine and his shadow power is the same as mine. But don't all of the Hierius and their messengers have it? It's all messed up...But I know one thing for sure...I'm being manipulated. If I was not, then I wouldn't get this many advantages and I wouldn't have gotten spied on this much...There is something up...Every step I take is probably being seen.)" Erland swallowed his own saliva as he felt thousands of eyes watching him, even though it was his intuition overexaggerating it. Or perhaps, it was how it was.

"(Ugh...My mind's messed up. Maybe I should take a nap.)"

Erland got in a deep sleep. As soon as he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a pitch black space.

"I have been here before. Wh-Who is that woman...*gasp*"

Erland woke up as soon as he was about to reach out to a woman he saw.

"(Woman...woman...in white dress...a creepy one...appeared in a pitch black weird dream...Who could this be- Oh, crap! I forgot to inform him about Zelma. Shit shit shit. I have to go. I have to go.)"

He rushed off from the bed. As soon as he got down, he fell. Trying his best, he got out of the room.

"Woah. Why are you here? Do you need anything? You still look pale." said Hilda.

"I'm fine. I want to go and get some fresh air." said Erland.

"Let's go to the park then."

"No, I want to go to the Naos. The Central Naos."

"*sigh* You are a bit too attached to that Hierius. You've been bothering him a lot. I won't take you there, that's too far. Let's have a walk to the library then."

"(No...It might be good for Hilda but not for me or Svend.) Please. I'll be a good boy."

Randi frowned. "Are you Logi? Why don't you play with Logi in the backyard?"

"No, please take me there. I don't wanna be here."

Erland couldn't bear the pain anymore. It felt as if his head was being perished by something and his whole body was sore. Every word he spoke gave him pain. He fell on the ground and pleaded,

"Please. I don't wanna be at home."

"*sigh* Aight, I'll get an earful for you. Go with Hilda. Do me a favor though, ask him if we can associate with them in the future. It's the government's request." said Randi as she poured her soup.

"Thanks...( I can't tell her to hire a carriage. Crap...)"

Erland went to the Naos with his sister. His pale face has turned red and his eyes were swollen. As the sun got brighter, his sickness became worse.

"Erland. You don't look so good. Let's go home." said Hilda.

"No. The thing is that I had something to say to Arne but I forgot and I have to hurry." said Erland.

"You can just tell me what it is."

"No you don't have to deliver the message to him. It's a secret between me and Svend."

"Why does people always involve you in their crappy businesses? I'll carry you the rest of the way."

"Are you kidding me? No. I'll be fine."

"Shut up."

Hilda carried her brother rest of the way. Fortunately there weren't many people.

Erland's sleep broke as he heard two voices and warmth of two dear people being around him. Along with them, he could also sense the scent of men's perfume. 

"Is he asleep?"

"I don't know. Hey, Erland. You there?"

Erland opened his eyes and saw Arne with several men. All of them were wearing exotic clothes. They looked at Erland, sitting on a couch.

He wiped his eyes and shook his head.

"Are you alright? You should have rested. No matter how big of a matter it is, you should put yourself first." said Arne.

Erland yawned. "I'm alright. Thanks for worrying. Who are these gentlemen?" 

"We are some friends of him. No need to pay any heed on us. You two can proceed." said one of the gentlemen.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. But I forgot. Can you please come with me?" said Erland.

"It's a sure thing since the gentlemen has approved as well. I will be back after a short time, gentlemen. Please proceed to discuss about it further." Arne took Erland in his arms and left the room with Hilda.

"How have you guys been recently? I rarely see you so I don't know much about you." said Arne.

"Yeah. It's my first time in the Central Naos actually." said Hilda, holding her hands close to her chest.

"Ah, I see. My my, Erland has gotten heavier than before."

"Sorry, I'm gonna get off. Let's sit there and chat." said Erland.

After they took a seat, Arne took his robe off and asked,

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about? And have you visited a doctor?"

"No, I haven't. I wanted to talk to you about something. Can a person return from hell?" said Erland as he looked at Arne with hope.

Both Hilda and Arne seemed surprised to hear the question. Arne rested his chin on his thumb and spoke- "Oh my, that's a deep and tricky question. Why are you asking though? Did someone tell you a story or something?"

"Yeah. So, something has been crossing my mind. Do the draugs come from hell? If so, then why?"


"Why are you laughing."

"Your curiosity is admirable Erland. But it might devour you. You have come all the way to ask me about a story?"

"Oh really?" Hilda stared at Erland furiously.

"Um...since I have come all the way, it won't hurt to tell me right?" said Erland.

"You have a point. Hilda, if you don't mind, please accompany the children over there. They have asked me to play with them but I couldn't and now I feel guilty chatting in front of them. Will you help me out please?" said Arne.

"Sure thing. Please accompany my brother well and give him an earful." said Hilda and walked towards the children.

"You came here to ask about something important didn't you? I'm all ears. Tell me what happened, brother."

"(He's freaking me out...) I know a woman who came from hell. She said it herself and I don't think that she is lying. I want to make sure that she isn't going to harm anyone."

"Ah, you are still worried about that. Your uncle Svend spoke to me about it yesterday. It has been solved. However, we couldn't catch the woman. She did not have any good intention."

"How do you know?"

"She wanted to take something from here. I don't know what but I think that she partially succeeded."

"Why do you think that?"

"A draug wouldn't escape from hell unless they desperately needed to take something from outside. Since she has left, I assume that she has gotten what she wanted. Why are you so curious about it, though?"

"Because I am curious? I can't find any other reason than that." Erland seemed indifferent.

"I see. Are you wondering why I taught you Jotunheimian?" Arne's calm and soothing demeanor suddenly changed to the one which he keeps while spectating.

"No but why ask if I'm wondering? Actually, I'm curious now." Erland tilted his head.

"Did you just get curious about it? Well, I am an expert on knowing foreign languages so I wanted my brother to know some as well. Since you seem to feel an affinity towards Jotunheimian, I taught you that one."

"Thanks I guess but why ask it out of the blue?"

"Were you really not curious?" Arne narrowed his eyes as his ever lasting smile seemed more and more sinister. 

"No...Why ask?"

"Haha. I asked you because I thought that is what my clever brother would think. I suppose you still have a long way to go."

"What? Does that mean I'm not smart? Aw...geez(As long as you think of me as incompetent, I'll be fine.)"

"It's not that. So how has mum and dad been? Did they forget it all for real?"

"Yeah. They've been well. I still haven't figured out to train Logi though."

"Logi?" Arne raised his eyebrows.

"My dog. Haven't I told you about him?"


"W-What is it?" Erland became startled.

Arne leaned towards Erland "How could you NOT tell me about this? Am I that distant?"


"Well, now that I know, bring him over to my house next time, hm?" Arne's face became sparkling with joy.

Erland let out a sigh of relief. "You scared me!" 

"I apologize for that. Why didn't you tell me though?"

"I did tell you, you never paid that much attention."

Arne leaned back. "I apologize for it as well. My work load has been getting heavy."

"Did I bother you then? I'm so sorry. I wasted your time." Erland looked away, looking slightly guilty.

"It's okay. It actually cheers me up when you come to me."

"(When I come to you by myself so that you won't have to spy on me right?) I will leave then. Oh, yeah. When will I bring Logi?"

"Let's see. How about the next weekend?"

"Deal! Have a good one!-" Right when Erland was about to walk, he fell.

Arne helped him get up and patted on his head. Arne's earrings glowed faintly. It could be barely seen because of Arne's hair.

"Thanks. I can go by myself. Bye." said Erland.

"Don't rush!*sigh* (I couldn't bless him today. Well it's not like he needs my blessing anyway. I might be in need of his blessings in the future.) Hehe."

Arne kept walking as the wind was blowing through his robe and hair, making them dance with the gloomy atmosphere."(I will let him ponder for now...After all, pondering prospers a person's intelligence in some cases. As long as he doesn't ponder about my identity, he is fine, for now.)

When Erland reached home, he fell on the bed, pondering about how his simple life might get in grave danger in the next few years. Thinking about what Arne might be planning, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

On the next day when Erland was still sound asleep, Randi pulled his blanket and said calmly,

"Wake up lazybones. You are doing well now, it seems. You couldn't attend two meetings."

"Me-Meetings?" said Erland while wiping his eyes.

"You moron. We started something with the government, you remember?"

"Oh yeah.(W-Wait a minute. I got involved with the government...I thought that I am a kid and that they won't give me much attention but what IS THIS!?!) Uh...Randi? Why did I give you such idea?"

"Because we wanted to start something productive for both of us and Hilda? She's been rotting in the house and it ain't that cool to be seen like this right?"

"But I don't wanna do such works. "

"Shut up. It's a bright way forward. We won't be seen the same way before you know. Come on, wash your face and get ready. Go eat a lot. You didn't eat much yesterday."

"(...Randi looks cheerful today. She is looking forward to it that's for sure. But she knows little about the governments or these big shots, I'm certain about that. Each big shots has one goal, to manipulate and to profit. If founding an academy like what we are going to found was so easy then why weren't there any founded before?...)"

Okay so, first of all, thank you for reading my novel. I appreciate it a lot. If you like it, please add it to your library. If you think that I need improvments in anything, please tell me in a friendly way. It'd be awesome to get recognition and gifts through my own work. And also, I am not quiet used to the whole webnovel thing yet so I have once stupidly deleted a comment and I stay up at night for that. So yeah, feel free to tell me what you think I lack but in a friendly way for the sake of my mental state :)

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