
Reborn to Be the Lord

Lucas, a young teenaged boy led a happy and opulent life. His life was flawless. He fell in love with a girl named Astrid who later was found dead by him in her apartment, along with her sister. Lucas broke down into pieces. He put an end to his life and wished to God to give him one more chance so that he can undo his mistakes. When he woke up after a long sleep, he found himself in another world where they worship the ones from the skies and below. In the world, where he will face a cruel destiny since he gets called as the Lord.

Benami_Sarder · ファンタジー
142 Chs

Chapter 27: Dehydrated Erland and His Approvement Letters

"So, you are going to hit two birds with one stone eh...You're gonna get the second signature and then you'll also be able to talk with him about the incident. Clever indeed." said Svend.

"Thanks. Hey uncle Svend. You are actually a nice person. At first I was scared of you but now I think that you are pretty cool." Erland smiled as they both walked slower than before.

"Is that so? I thought the same about you."

"What? You were scared of me?"

"You were developing so abnormally that I was scared of you."



After quiet a long walk, they reached the Naos. There weren't any puddles and Erland didn't have any wish to jump on any either. He was being carried by Svend.

"*pant* We're here." said Svend as he was taking heavy breathes.

"You didn't have to carry me though." said Erland.

"Are you dumb? You would've drowned in the canal."

"(Drown...Have I ever...)"

"What's wrong?"

"No, nothing. Let's go."

The Naos looked radiant as ever, being moist in rain water. The roses were blooming fine that day. They both looked for Arne. But instead, they got another familiar encounter. It was Belen, the bearded man who was with Arne first time Erland saw him. He was nodding to the broken statue with a flower in his hands.

"Hierius Belen! Greetings. Can you please tell us where Hierius Arne is?" said Erland.

"Oh. You are that kid, I remember you. He won't be here today I'm afraid. Is there anything you need?" said Belen.

"I needed him to sign this paper."

"Let me see...Hm...I would've signed this myself if I was a division lead like him. But I'm afraid that I am just a normal Hierius."

"I see. Oh, Hierius Belen, how have you been though?" "Me? Hehe...Why are you asking?"

"You don't look so good. Can I help?"

"No but you tried. That is enough for me, my child. I have some important matters to handle now. I shall take my leave. *sigh*..."

"Sir- Ahem. Hierius Belen. Can you please tell us where we can find Hierius Arne?" said Svend.

"You will find him in the southern Gaion. He said that he went there to attend some important matter with someone. I don't know what it is or how long it might take. Neither can I give you any exact location of him. May both of your ways be swift." Belen took his head on and left.

"Uncle Svend...Was he about to cry? It isn't even sunny, why did he cover his head with the hood then?" said Erland.

"Sharp eye. Yes, I think that he is going to cry. It was clear that he felt a lump in his throat. Anyway, I should go back to my chamber now. You know that priest well so it won't be any problem with him since he is near your house."

Svend suited his hat and went outside the Naos with Erland. They both bid farewell after they got to the southern Gaion.

"Where can I find him now...How about I ask?" Erland scratched his head. "(Oh wait a minute...I have to read the paper.)" Erland took one of the paper and read it.

He realized that the paper has to be signed by a head of a certain occupation or a district or a division. He took a breath of relief realizing that Svend is the owner of his own hospital and that he is no ordinary doctor.

"(Okay...nine more...But how? Oh, Ceol's Aunt! Yeah maybe I can get help from her. I have to ask her first though. I don't know if she can sign the paper or not. But where is it again?)"

He asked a nearby old man standing beside a tree. He told him that the only library in Gaion is in the southernmost part of Gaion. He went there and saw a small white building.

It wasn't what he expected. For him, a library is a big place with various books and stuffs which is quiet and filled with astonishing books. He entered the library quietly. "Good afternoon Sir- Erland?" said Ceol who has just gotten up from his chair to greet him.

He was surprised to see Erland. "Why is the place so quiet?" said Erland.

"This is how a library is. It isn't that big since not many people in Gaion likes reading or anything."

"I wish Hilda could come here. Anyway, how have you been?"

"I've been pretty well. By the way, your sister comes here often though. She comes here wearing a brown cape, with her beautiful unbraided brown hair. I would love to see her here everyday. I don't know why but she doesn't come here so often."

"Ceol. Don't just talk when a reader is here. Welcome to Library of Frost- Oh? You are a young one indeed. I am Iona Frost, the librarian and the owner of this place." said a woman who came from a door.

She took her glasses off and smiled at Erland. She was a woman in purple. Head to toe everything was either the dark shade of purple or the light shade. Even the cigar she was holding seemed like it was purple to Erland. Her jet black hair looked astonishing as it waved as she walked.

"(Lady in purple. Even the cigar looks purple to me. It's probably just my mind making things. Anyway, it's good to get some shade after such heat. I'm dehydrated.)Greetings. Thanks for taking care of my sister." Erland nodded.

"Hahahaha. You make it sound like she has been wed to Ceol and I'm the mother-in-law taking care of her. Your sister is a bright one. She should come here more often."

Hearing what Iona said, even a romantic free spirited bard like Ceol blushed and hid his face. "No need to hide that face. We saw that, it's cute." said Iona.

"Aunty Iona, stop." said Ceol.

"Um...Ms. Frost can I ask you something?" said Erland.

"That should be 'Mrs.' instead. Let's talk inside. The readers are being disturbed. We have been talking here for too long." said Mrs. Frost.

They entered the room. Erland kept the papers on the table that was covered with a yellow tablecloth. "So, shall we start?"

"Yes ma'am. I am Erland Hephaestus, son of Erik Hephaestus and Gunhild Hephaestus. Me and my big sister Randi planned on starting a place where people can learn things like reading, writing, sewing or dismantling. Randi might add more or have more in her mind. I know a faint amount of her plans. It was permitted by the government and they told us to gather twenty signatures on these papers from heads of any district, division or any occupational head or anything. I don't understand these much but I think that you might be able to help us."

"I see. That girl took quiet a good step forward. I will sign the paper only if you and Miss Randi agrees on my proposal. I wish to co-operate with you, by giving you the books in my library. I will give some short sample or short stories or books just to pique their interest. Of course, even though it will be a short version, it will help them. So, do you agree?"

"I would like to talk to Randi about this."

"As you wish then." "But(The idea isn't bad...She didn't state any consequences either.) Are there any consequences? It doesn't seem bad to me. Will I still get the offer if I come back later?"

"There are no consequences, don't worry. I won't be here for a day or two. So you better be fast." Iona laughed.

"Oh no...Okay, I accept. It doesn't seem like a bad idea and your offer is generous. I accept it."

"Such a clever choice. Well then, let's negotiate from now on, Erland Hephaestus. We will be good business partners or co-operators." Iona got up from her chair and shook hands with Erland as the sunray fell on them. She signed a paper with her dark blue ink.

"By the way Mrs. Frost. Have you seen a man in dark green robe? He wears a off white shirt in it and has brown hair. He has green earrings with green beads."

"The cat eyed young priest. Yes I have seen him. He went that way talking with a gentleman. You may find him in the nearby park. But you should hurry."

"Okay! I have to take my leave now. I'll be going then. Goodbye." Erland got off the big chair, carefully handling the papers.

"Come here soon." said Iona and sat on her chair. Right when he got in front of the counter where Ceol sat down, Ceol asked, "Are you going, Erland?"

"Yeah. I'm in a hurry. I'll be going then. Byee!" said Erland. Ceol opened the door as Erland walked away staring at him, unable to wave back.

"(There are some new rules and words I have never heard of before...I have to learn them from Randi when I get the time.)" Erland walked and walked until he reached the park. His legs were sore and he lost the will to walk anymore. "(Phew...That Randi. She made me walk this long. I hate this...)"

Erland was sweating from head to toe. In all of a sudden, someone lifted him up and wiped his forehead. He looked behind to see the person's face. "Arne?"

" *giggle* Yes, it's me. Oh my, you are sweating. Who made you run such an errand?" said Arne with a shocked face.

"Randi. Anyway, it was my idea in the first place. Can we please talk?" They both sat beside a pond full of fishes. There was a small tree beside them, from where they could feel the scent of fresh fruit.

"Isn't it refreshing Erland?" said Arne.

"Yeah. It's still so hot though, so not so refreshing." said Erland.

"I will buy you something cold on the way."

"No need. How've you been?"

"I've been alright. You always ask me that. I can see some papers, what are those for?"

Erland handed Arne a papers quietly.

"My, you look stressed to me..." Arne took a paper and read it. After ten seconds, he asked, "Is it you, who needs it?"

"Yeah-" Erland smiled. His smile went off when he saw his brother signing the paper in a second with a smile. "There you go. So what is it for again?" said Arne and handed him the paper.

"Uh...Thanks.(Is he another variation of the demon gramps in that anime or something...I was so much of a weeb in my past life, even now I think of anime every second...)" Erland explained his and Randi's plan to Arne. But he gave most of the credit to Randi just so it won't make him stand out.

Either way, Arne praised him. "Aren't you a clever one? A strong one too. But you shouldn't walk around this much when the sun is on your head."

"I am fine. I don't have much time right now so I have to hurry and get seven more signatures. Do you know any place where I can get any?" said Erland.

"Hm...I can give you another signature by another person but you have to wait until the sun sets. Someone has to collect it from Naos afterwards. Can you make sure that someone will collect it?"

"Yes I can. Here're the papers then. Okay, is there any other way?"

"I'm afraid I can't think of any right now. You can try around here. You need six more but still it's a lot. It's indeed a tough work for you. Darn governments..." Arne looked at a blank space as if he was staring at something fecal. "What are you thinking about?"

Erland asked without any clue. "Oh, me? I'm thinking about the government. Anyway, I should go now. I feel sorrowed to leave you here like this. Please come with me. We will part our ways after I treat you something good." said Arne and got up from the ground.

"Thanks. I need one right now even though I said that I don't need any...I lied." Arne took him to a stall where they sold coconut water. Whilst Erland was taking sips with pleasure Arne looked at something as if he was hinting something. "What are you looking at?" said Erland after finishing his drink.

"Oh, you have already finished. It's nothing. Let's part our ways here then. Take some deben, drink something on your way. Don't drink tea. If you do then I'll be mad." said Arne.

"Okay! Goodbye then. Thanks for the coco...I needed it..."

"It's coconut. Farewell then. May you be well...and successful in what you put your mind to." Arne waved with a calming smile.

Erland walked and walked as the sun got brighter. He sub-consciously asked for water even though he had enough deben to buy some or get some from the nearby faucet.

On the way, someone once again lifted him up and wiped his sweat. "Did I rewind time?" said Erland.

"No you didn't." said the person who lifted him up.

"Then Deja vu?"

"I don't know. That Randi, seriously...Let's go Erland. Who gave you the deben?"

"Arne gave me! W-Who are you?"

"It's me, Hilda. Let's go home."

Afterwards, Erland got a fever. Randi got an earful for it and afterwards, Erik collected the rest of it and the paper from the Naos as well. The bedridden Erland, recalled that he wished to visit the orphanage by himself which he couldn't. Perhaps the extreme heat caused him this, or maybe only the sunlight itself.

Okay so, first of all, thank you for reading my novel. I appreciate it a lot. If you like it, please add it to your library. If you think that I need improvments in anything, please tell me in a friendly way. It'd be awesome to get recognition and gifts through my own work. And also, I am not quiet used to the whole webnovel thing yet so I have once stupidly deleted a comment and I stay up at night for that. So yeah, feel free to tell me what you think I lack but in a friendly way for the sake of my mental state :)

Benami_Sardercreators' thoughts