
Reborn to Be the Lord

Lucas, a young teenaged boy led a happy and opulent life. His life was flawless. He fell in love with a girl named Astrid who later was found dead by him in her apartment, along with her sister. Lucas broke down into pieces. He put an end to his life and wished to God to give him one more chance so that he can undo his mistakes. When he woke up after a long sleep, he found himself in another world where they worship the ones from the skies and below. In the world, where he will face a cruel destiny since he gets called as the Lord.

Benami_Sarder · ファンタジー
142 Chs

Chapter 15: Surprise Party

Later on, Erland went outside with his mother. The sky was blue and it was barely cold. Whilst they were on the way to shop, Erland asked a question that has been in his mind for about three years,

"Mommy, is Gaion a small place?"

"Yes. There are countries so big that you could fit a thousands of Gaion in it." Gunhild replied with a bright smile.

"Is it possible to go there?"

"Maybe? Now tell me what happened yesterday. You or your dad didn't tell me anything."

"Oh...that. It was nothing."

"Erland." Gunhild gave Erland a death stare.

"Long story short, I snuck out with Frode to play and then three bad guys caught us to take us away and then I got in a spell-"

Gunhild grabbed Erland's mouth and whispered to him,

"We will talk about it later then. Tell mommy everything when we go home, okay?"

Erland nods. "Okay!"

After they reached the mall, Erland has realized that even though Gaion is a small country, each side is unique. The mall was in the south east. There was a crowd of all sorts of people. The mall's building was as big as a small castle. It had ten floors and even small flower gardens.

"What is this..." said Erland.

"This? It's a mall." said Gunhild.

"Have malls always been this big?"

"Let's not waste time. Come with me." Gunhild pulled Erland's hands. Erland had no other choice but to go with his mother and wonder- "Oh my precious legs, I bid you farewell."

Gunhild moved from one place to another. The mall was filled with light. There were elegantly placed mannequins all around, wearing simple to dazzling cloths.

"Hey, mom. Why don't you buy something for others and yourself as well?"

"Yeah...I'm thinking about that. Will your dad look good in this black shirt? It's gonna cost a lot but it will be worth it."

"Mhm. But it's almost winter. Will he be able to wear it?"

"Oh come on. He can wear it later. I'll take this one please."

"Hey. Mommy look, it's Ceol."

Ceol was buying some cloths. It was clear that he was bargaining a lot and picked some cheap products.

"(He's enduring too much just to marry Hilda...)" Erland frowned his eyebrows. "(Oh right-) Hey mommy, can we call him over to our house? I feel bad for him." said Erland.

"Me too. Poor little man...Let's go and say hi." said Gunhild and went towards the store Ceol was in.

"But you said that it's fifty deben to the lady and you tell me that it's a hundred. This doesn't sound fair, does it?" said Ceol calmly.

"Listen boy, I did not say it. You can't just make a lie up to get a discount. If you don't have the money then just get out." said the shopkeeper.

"I will but the price you are showing, depending on who the buyer is, is biased and unfair. I hope I don't sound harsh but you simply gave a discount because the lady rather piqued your interest."

"You son of a freaking BUM- Oh hello miss, I mean Mrs. What can I do for you today?" The shopkeeper's tone changed as soon as he noticed Gunhild. He looked friendly in all of a sudden.

"Hello, Mrs. Hephaestus and Erland. How have you been?" said Ceol.

"I am fine and so is my son. What was going on over here?" said Gunhild.

"I am a humble owner of this shop who gets little ma'am. This boy came out of nowhere and started to spit bullshit!" The shopkeeper yelled.

"No wonder you don't have enough customers." said Ceol with with usual gentle demeanor yet there was a tinge of fury in it.

"See this ma'am?" The shopkeeper looked furious.

"I understand. Ceol my boy, mind accompanying us on the way?" said Gunhild.

"Sure I will." Ceol put on a faint smile.

Three of them walked away from the shop. Along the way, Ceol questioned,

"Mrs. Hephaestus. Is there anything you want me to do? May I ask why you told me to come with you?"

"Yes. You haven't been at our house for days. It's just that I wanted you to come along and chat with us." said Gunhild and smiled at Ceol warmly, being the welcoming mistress in Hephaestus household she is.

"That is really kind of you but is everyone okay with it?"

"Are you talking about Randi? She has been always like this. Don't mind her, she isn't as cold as you think."

"How is everyone in the house doing?" said Ceol, with the intention of knowing about Hilda.

"You mean Hilda? She is doing fine mostly I would say. Wanna come and see how she is doing?"

"I didn't mean anything like that but I-I would be glad to come over." Ceol got a bit startled seeing Gunhild reading him so well.

After walking for hours, Gunhild finally picked two cloths for Erland and one for herself. 

Suddenly, her vision got blurry and her body felt numb. As her vision darkened, she fell on the ground, fainted.

"Mrs. Hephaestus-" said Ceol.

"I am fine. I forgot to take my meds...Take me to the bench." said Gunhild.

After Ceol took her to the bench, Ceol asked her about the name of the medicine. Knowing that it cannot be bought from here made him feel rather frustrated.

"Uh...Maybe we should go home now." said Erland.

"No...We haven't bought sweaters yet." said Gunhild.

"I am doing fine with your shawl. Should we bring a carriage?"

"No need. Let's go then. I can't go on anymore. I thought I will buy a whole lot of things. I even brought extra money from Erik..."

"Blessing in disguise."



Ceol laughed quietly and covered his mouth. The moon was faintly to be seen. The three of them reached the house, immediately in case something bad happens. The thought of something bad happening, made Erland feel guilt for saying that it was a 'blessing' even though it was one of Gunhild's usual episodes.

"I guess this is where we say goodbye then-" Ceol couldn't finish his words

"No, child. You told me that you will come over. Now get in!" said Gunhild.

"Thank you but-

"Get. In." Gunhild kept her bright smile yet it sounded commanding.

"Huh? Um...Sure ma'am."

"(Mommy is scary sometimes. She is legit planning something.)" Erland stared up to his mother without any expression.

"Mommy, you're home. How did it go? You were supposed to come late." said Hilda.

Ceol moved aside from Gunhild to show himself to Hilda. Hilda felt astonished for a while but then she got herself back up.

"Hey there. Long time no see. Take a seat." said Hilda. She looked calm but to Gunhild she looked rather different.

Gunhild took off her cape and sat on a chair. Erland hopped on the table to inspect the whole condition smoothly.

"Where is Randi?" said Gunhild.

"She's outside, probably running another errand." said Hilda.

"That girl is pushing herself. Why don't you and Hilda go upstairs now? I invited some neighbors of mine yesterday. They will be here any moment. I bet that youngsters like you will get bored."

"We appreciate it. Can we take Erland with us too?" Ceol nodded.

"(There's a chance to see those brats...This surprise party might help me investigating it.) I'll be on both sides. Come with me, I'll show you my room." said Erland.

"Alright." said Ceol and held Erland's small hand.

Hilda started to go upstairs as well. In all of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Some people from the neighborhood came along with their children.

Gunhild greeted them warmly. Erland on the other hand, kept a keen eye if there was any unusual guest. He spotted no one. Gunhild hinted Erland to go to her as she poured some soup on three bowls.

"What is it mommy?" said Erland.

"Can you please tell me what goes on over there? You are smart enough to do that aren't you?" said Gunhild.

"But, mommy. Is it right?"

"I'm just worried about her. A lot of boys are after her like hungry wolves. Whenever she goes out there are always them. I just want to make sure everything is alright. You don't have to tell me everything though. Just tell me some parts, that will be enough for me."

"Okay. I will try."

"Good boy."

Erland went to his room. They were sitting on the bed chatting. Erland came in the middle of them and told them if they can play Tombola. They happily agreed. As the game started, Erland noticed that they weren't talking as much as they were before. After two rounds, he left saying that he wants to drink cocoa milk.

"But we don't have any right now." said Hilda.

"WHAAAAT...Can dad bring some?" said Erland.

"Don't bother him now."

"Ugh...I wanna drink something sweet."

"Why don't you ask mommy to make you a cup of tea?"

"Yay." Erland left with a smile.

"I have never seen a kid drinking this much tea before. Where is he from, Jotunheim or something?"

Hilda giggled "Have you ever been there before?" said Ceol.

"No. I just read it on a book. You know sometimes Erland says, if there was something that could do more than a book, most people would forget about books. I mean that can't be possible. Whatever that holds a bunch of writing or knowledge is pretty much of a book right?"

Hilda sighed. "Him and his imaginations...So, how is everything going?"

"Swiftly. I got a job." said Ceol and looked at Hilda with a warm smile "I guess my songs will be only for you then...love."

Hilda looked away, trying to stop her face from turning rose red.

After a while, she got her demeanor back. "Really? What job did you get? Is it too much of a work?"

"You sound like you already have job ready for me hehe. No it isn't much of a work. I got a job at a library-"

"Woah! What? I didn't know you are this smart..."

"Oh? Can't I surpass my lady then?"

"Ahem. So about the job, how did you get it?"

"You don't want to talk about 'us' I see. I got the job by the reference of a merchant uncle's wife, the librarian who works at the library. I am working under her as an assistant. With a little bit of luck and my standard education, I passed the interview barely. I got the job yesterday so...I'm still at a financial crisis."

"Hm...You should come at our house more."

"No need to worry. I am doing fine mostly. I will win the hearts of the ones you care about. And then I shall take you as my bride once you say so." Ceol held Hilda hands with gentle embrace. "I promise."

Hilda looked at Ceol's eyes. She blushed and looked away even though she didn't want to look away from what is heaven to her. They got closer than before, inches away.

There was a sound that came from downstairs. They moved away from each other in a second and sat still as if they weren't about to be lost in their romantic slumber.

Meanwhile Erland saw their whole conversation from the hole on the wood. Erland went downstairs.

"Mommy, can I get a cup of tea too?" said Erland. He froze when he saw two figures. One was wearing a simple red tunic and the other was wearing a blue one. They both looked innocent in every single way. Erland became startled for a moment. But he boldly went towards them.

"Oh hello there. Haven't we met somewhere?" said Erland and smiled with a slightly nodded head. He reached out a hand to offer a handshake.

The boys became startled for a moment. Then they greeted Erland as well.

"We don't remember seeing you though, right Gorm?" said the one wearing a blue tunic.


Gunhild took a sip of her tea and looked at them from the corner of her eye. She has realized that those boys were no other than the one who bullied Erland before. Since it was a childish matter she has long forgotten it. She went towards the kids to greet them as well.

"Oh, where did you boys come from? Take a seat." said Gunhild.

"No ma'am. We came here to give you all a gift. Please take it. We will be going now." said one of the boys.

"Wait." said Erland and grabbed their hands from behind.

"Where are you two from?" said Erland.

"We are new here."

"Oh? Well, who is your mom and dad then?"

"My mom is a proud landlady and my father is a government officer. We are brothers. I have to go now."

"What are their names?"

"Why are you asking us so many questions you pesky little-"

They froze right at the moment they stared at the window of the house. They fixed their attitude for the moment and said that they will be heading off.

"Wait, let's take you two from this part. I am sure that you will love the backyard." Erland pulled them.

"Oh-Okay..." They started to go along with him. Gunhild seemed like she didn't care even a bit about her son going outside with some boys who don't possibly have good intentions.

"Farewell then." said the boys and left. It seemed unusual to Erland. He decided to fill in Gunhild about all these later. He ran towards the house and got in safely. Gunhild handed him the 'present' and told him to keep underneath the bed in their room after the guests leave. For now, he kept it in Randi's room and locked the door.

It was a rather gloomy night. Even though the moon was shining bright, there were no sound and it felt as if the nature is mourning. Such peaceful nights are hard to come by. Yet, they leave an unease in a being just how Erland was filled with unease in every fiber of his being.

He took his mother in the backyard where there was a lamp lit and said,

"Mommy, can I tell you all the things now?"

"Yes?" said Gunhild.

"Before that, call dad as well. I'm worried." said Erland.

"What could happen to him?"

"Have you heard of him since the morning? Isn't it worrying?"

Okay so, first of all, thank you for reading my novel. I appreciate it a lot. If you like it, please add it to your library. If you think that I need improvments in anything, please tell me in a friendly way. It'd be awesome to get recognition and gifts through my own work. And also, I am not quiet used to the whole webnovel thing yet so I have once stupidly deleted a comment and I stay up at night for that. So yeah, feel free to tell me what you think I lack but in a friendly way for the sake of my mental state :)

Benami_Sardercreators' thoughts