
Reborn to Be the Lord

Lucas, a young teenaged boy led a happy and opulent life. His life was flawless. He fell in love with a girl named Astrid who later was found dead by him in her apartment, along with her sister. Lucas broke down into pieces. He put an end to his life and wished to God to give him one more chance so that he can undo his mistakes. When he woke up after a long sleep, he found himself in another world where they worship the ones from the skies and below. In the world, where he will face a cruel destiny since he gets called as the Lord.

Benami_Sarder · ファンタジー
142 Chs

Chapter 117: Gaion's Astrid's Request and Encounter with Thomas

"Come in." Said Erland and opened the door. The messenger behind the door came in. Once again, Erland was delivered an abundance of letters, the senders being possibly from Gaion.

The messenger took his sign and left.

"You got some fans..." Frode said, jokingly.

"I'm sure that its something else this time." He kept the letters on his table and took one out. The letter was from Astrid in Gaion asking for a small help from Erland. Seeing that it was from Astrid, Erland read with care and attention. "(She's asking me to try to see how her family on both sides are doing?)*sigh* (Guess I will if I find some time.)" He kept it away.

He took another letter and read it. It seems that it was from the government. They were insisting him to make a connection between the two nations.