
Reborn to be a daddy

Introduction: In his last life, he was willing to degenerate and gambled so much that his wife and daughter died one after another. In this life, he came back from rebirth, reformed his mistakes, and spent his whole life to make up for his guilt. As the Immortal Emperor, I shall suppress all enemies in the world!

Mr_Thief · 都市
31 Chs

Ch 3

"Zhao Tianhai, I'll give you ten o'clock, hurry down and meet me, if it's a minute late, everyone in your Tianhai Club will die."

Lin Yan's voice was like thunder, and everyone in the club exploded.

"Who is he? He is brave enough to cause trouble in King Jiangcheng's territory."

"No matter who he is, there is only one way to die if he is so rampant!"

Seeing Lin Yan say such words, everyone started discussing. After a while, hundreds of men in black clothes came and surrounded Lin Yan tightly, making people tremble with fear.

Like the stars around the moon, they brought a middle-aged man in a Tang suit, and behind the middle-aged man stood a thin old man with naked eyes and a thin body.

A younger brother brought a chair, and the man in the Tang suit sat down directly, looking back and forth at Lin Yan with dark eyes.

"I know you, your name is Lin Yan, I haven't seen you in six years, and you've become a Lianjiazi, but if you dare to make trouble in my Zhao Tianhai's territory, you're tired of living."

As he said that, Zhao Tianhai's face turned cold, and he waved to his younger brothers, "Kill him."

His tone was calm, as if he was talking about something unimportant.

The ten younger brothers with machetes in their hands immediately said respectfully: "Yes, boss!"

Then, they rushed towards Lin Yan full of viciousness, looking like they wanted to chop Lin Yan into a pulp.

With a sneer, Lin Yan snatched the machete from a younger brother, kicked it flying, and then squeezed the blade with both hands. With just one force, the entire blade shattered, and every piece flew towards a younger brother!

Puff puff!

The ten younger brothers who were full of evil spirits just now were shot into a sieve by the blade fragments in an instant, and died directly!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Tianhai's expression changed: "You are a warrior!"

In this world, apart from mortals, there are warriors who practice martial arts and have powers beyond ordinary people's imagination.

At this moment, in Zhao Tianhai's eyes, Lin Yan was undoubtedly a warrior.

Lin Yan put his hands on his back, and said indifferently: "Warriors? Ants!"

I am Lin Tiandi!

Zhao Tianhai was deeply startled by Lin Yan, he tried his best to calm down and said: "Unexpectedly, in six years, you actually became a warrior, but it's a pity, you chose the wrong opponent!"

After Zhao Tianhai finished speaking, as if he was sure that Lin Yan would die, he respectfully said to the old man who was always behind him: "Master Chen please take action!"

At this time, Master Chen looked up at Lin Yan, and said imposingly: "You have become a warrior at such an age, and you are also a genius. If you apologize to Mr. Zhao now, I can still ask him to spare your life."

Lin Yan narrowed his eyes and said, "If you can get Zhao Tianhai to kowtow and apologize to me now, I can spare your life."

Master Chen's face immediately became gloomy: "The younger generation is presumptuous!"

Before the words are finished, the body will arrive first!

I saw a fist directly hitting Lin Yan's head. It was full of power. If he hit it, the consequences would be disastrous!

However, this is only for ordinary people. For Lin Yan, it is like a child playing house, vulnerable to a single blow!

Lin Yan didn't make a move either. When Master Chen jumped in front of Lin Yan, he flew backwards with a bang as if he had hit a wall.

This is just the lowest level of defense in the comprehension world. The real essence is released, but Master Chen can't even break through the defense.

"How can this be!"

Everyone present was stunned, and Zhao Tianhai was completely stunned.

You must know that Master Chen is a martial artist of the Bajiquan lineage. He is extremely powerful and has been in the realm of martial artists for many years. He is a well-known master in Jiangcheng.

Even if Zhao Tianhai was the king of Jiangbei, he had to pay a huge price to invite Master Chen as an enshrinement.

But even Zhao Tianhai's greatest reliance was vulnerable in front of Lin Yan!

"You are not an ordinary warrior at all, are you a grandmaster?"

The most horrifying thing was none other than Master Chen. His mind was about to split right now. With his own strength, he could shatter even a marble with one punch, let alone a bull.

But when he ran into Lin Yan, it didn't work at all. He had never heard of this trick like a gods and demons!

Lin Yan disdains to explain to the so-called Master Chen that Honghu doesn't talk to sparrows, let alone Lin Tiandi!

With a cold snort, the star's true essence was mobilized in the body, releasing an invisible force that rushed directly towards Master Chen.

The latter spit out blood in an instant, and passed out directly!

"How can this be!"

Zhao Tianhai was terrified. Master Chen is Jiangcheng's top expert. He has killed dozens of warriors of the same level with his bare hands, and he is also the president of Jiangcheng's Warrior Association. How could he be so vulnerable.

Could it be that Lin Yan is really the master?

Lin Yan looked at Zhao Tianhai again and smiled playfully.

The sweat on Zhao Tianhai's back wet his shirt, and seeing Lin Yan's smile was no less than a devil's smile, how could he dare to sit still, and immediately bent his legs and knelt down to beg for mercy!

"Master Lin, please forgive me!"

"Forgive me? Are you worthy of begging for mercy?"

Lin Yan's face was cold, and as soon as he pointed out, Zhao Tianhai's knees exploded into blood mist, and his upper body fell to the ground.

"Who instructed you to target the Lin family and make my father owe usury!"

"If you go back to Grandmaster, it's the Li family! The Li family in Jinling! Everything was instigated by the Li family, and I dare not refuse."

Zhao Tianhai's painful forehead was covered with cold sweat. He wanted to scream, but he didn't dare!

Lin Yan's eyes were filled with gloom. Although he had some doubts, he didn't expect that it was really the Li family.

Six years ago, I was just an ordinary person, and the circles I could get in touch with were all ordinary people can get in touch with. Now that I am back again, I have new ideas on many things.

Even a Zhao Tianhai can be worshiped by warriors. How could the Li family be a purely commercial family with such a powerful force.

Thinking about it now, the fact that Weiwei's natural spirit body blood was drawn out may have something to do with the Li family as well!

"Okay, okay! Li family, you wait for me!"

The real master is someone else, Lin Yan frowned when he looked at Zhao Tianhai again.

"Let's spare your life for the time being. I will give you three days to find out where Jiangcheng's elixir is. If there is no news after three days, I will tear you alive."

Lin Yan fell coldly, then turned and left.

The will of the Heavenly Emperor is the will of God, who dares to defy it? Who can defy!

The reason why they didn't kill these two people was because Weiwei's body needs elixir to heal, and the origin of the immortal way can only alleviate, but not cure.

It's not that Lin Tiandi's immortal origin is not as good as the elixir, but because this is the rule, and it has been like this since ancient times.

Although Lin Yan disdained the rules, he didn't dare to risk his daughter.

Zhao Tianhai slammed his head on the ground fiercely, and said word by word: "Respectfully send off Grandmaster, if there is no news after three days, the villain will come and see you."

Then when he raised his head again, Lin Yan had disappeared.

Zhao Tianhai's whole body went limp on the ground. Looking at Master Chen who was lying on the ground and passed out, his mind was still shocked by the scene just now.

"The majesty of the master is so terrifying..." Zhao Tianhai murmured to himself fearfully.

However, this is also an opportunity. If he can do what Lin Yan ordered, wouldn't he be able to hug his thigh in the future? Although he is the underground king of Jiangcheng, he is not a person who is content with the status quo.

At this time, Zhao Tianhai suddenly remembered something: "Someone will pay off all of Lin Wenjun's debts, and there is news that he will find out the elixir immediately."

"Yes, boss."

A younger brother reminded him: "There is also Master Chen..."

Zhao Tianhai quickly ordered: "Wake up Master Chen, no one can get away with finding the elixir! If it can't be done, he will die as well!"