
The better half

I struggle to grasp the notion of referring to one's spouse as their "better half." What exactly does 'the better' imply? Perhaps it suggests giving more dedication to them?

In reality, there's no such thing as a "better half" or "other half." Human beings are fully capable of living independently, without reliance on a partner for fulfillment or longevity.

Lately, I've found myself irked by the public displays of affection that others exhibit. It strikes me as somewhat disingenuous, as I doubt the authenticity of the love portrayed in their pictures and words.

But let's not dwell on that. Let's talk about a fresh start. I see myself as a new person in the making. I'm aware of what lies ahead for me. First and foremost, I anticipate losing my job due to my inability to decline excessive workloads assigned by my supervisor. Consequently, my colleagues may distance themselves from me, no longer seeking my assistance. Unemployment will follow, alongside my cat falling ill and me becoming ensnared in debt after guaranteeing a loan for my friend Hannah. Then, there's the looming threat of a car accident, ultimately leading to my demise. 

Fortunately, today marks the day I planned to resign from my job—September 12th. I'm ready to confront my supervisor and firmly express that I won't tolerate any further exploitation. If she refuses to heed my warning, I'm prepared to take legal action. That's my stance.