
Chapter 1

Erica, this is the child you and Wang Lei had. you're such a fool, aren't you? you were already pregnant. why would you lose your temper and run away from home?" A woman with a white dress weaving a clear glass in her hand. she has a vicious smile on her face and shakes the bottle as she speaks. Erica is looking at the clear glass that she was holding. trying to see it clearly, she was still drenched in medicine, trying to clear her thought and her vision.

"Oh, right. Brother Jie and I will be having our engagement party tomorrow. since you're here at the hospital and not able to get out to attend our engagement. I will arrange a reporter to report it on tv so you will watch it. even here at your hospital bed.

At the moment the woman in white finishes her sentence, Erica saw who is the woman in white, it is her older sister Rachel. "How can you do this to me? I'm your sister?" Erica mumbles with a soft voice coming out of her. "Yes, you're my sister. But ever since I want the things you want. And now I will have it all." while she was talking she was looking at the glass bottle in her hand. "And sister, this little baby of yours, will not be known until you died. And the accident that you and your husband were into is all my doing. Ops! did I say it loud?" laughing like a crazy woman.

"Look baby sister, there are many reporters on the ground floor. They are waiting for you to make a statement about what happened. What will you tell them now baby sister?" Rachel was looking outside of the window looking down on the people in the ground. "Oh, your doctor said you are not able to stand again or walk. So daddy said the Li family can only rely on me for now on." Saying that to erica with a smile on her face. "Thank you for your help everything you have done for the Li family. And I hire people to kill your Husband."

"What do you think? Are you surprised!? well, it's his fault for being so devoted to you. I was clearly more beautiful than you. Yet he only has eyes for you. Now, he is dead. And now this baby here," she was looking at the glass bottle that she was holding. "I will give you a chance to get him to my hand, get up Erica and come here and get your baby, or else I'm going to drop it." Rachel said while she was playing on the bottle.

"Give my baby back! give him back to me!" Erica's eyes were flamed with hatred, she looking at the bottle in Rachel's hands! now she told her everything who had been manipulating her and responsible behind the scenes. But she never thought that her sister, who she trusted could be this cruel.

As Erica recalled everything and recalled the person who is lying in a pool of blood, she felt as if someone had punched a huge piece of her heart. The pain that she was feeling is beyond her imagination. Now, even her child that doesn't have anything to do to any of this is suffering like that. Her baby was gone.

"Give me back my baby!" Erica was trying her best to get out of bed. She was trying to reach the glass bottle in Rachel's hand. "Come over here, get up on the bed." Rachel still teasing her, holding the bottle in the window. And threaten to drop the bottle in the window.

Erica bit her lip and give her all her straight to get out of the bed. She falls in her hospital bed and crawls at Rachel's feet. And when she got hold of her dress she pulls herself up to reach the glass on Rachel's hand. "Give me back my baby."

"Erica! You dirtied my dress." Rachel drops the glass bottle in the window in a flash. Erica's eyes shrank at once. "My baby!" She gives her all the straight that is left on her to throw herself to Rachel and scream like crazy. "Give me back my baby!" Rachel holds her hand and forces her to the side which Erica's body crashing onto the side of the window.

There was blood that flows in Erica's forehead, but her eyes were instantly drawn to the shattered glass on the ground outside of the window. <I'm sorry. I'm sorry, my baby. Mama will come and keep you company now...>

Erica was suddenly awakened with sweat as she sat up on the hospital bed. holding her chest while she gasped for air, looking as though she had just gone through a terrifying accident. "Master, please wait for a second!" Then the hospital door opens, then a man with a suit comes rush in.

"Erica!" His expression turned in to dark when he saw the person who was curled up in the bed, he doesn't care about anyone in the room he just wants to get close to the hospital bed and look close to Erica. Then he stops when he saw the woman who was sitting in the bed. Erica saw who is the man rushing into her room; her red and puffy eyes were filled with disbelief. <Llyod, Llyod Yang!>

"Erica, are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?" when he saw her pale complexion, Llyod reach her face with his trembling hand. Looking at the man who is looking at her. "Honey, are you here to take me home, take me home now please," Erica said to him.

Erica holds and grabs the sleeve of Llyod cloths. "Shhh, stop crying. I agreed with your request. I'm saying yes Erica." He was talking about the divorce that she was asking for. <So please don't scare me like this, please!>

Llyod looking at her with his eyes grew red. She was thinking of getting a divorce on the first day of their marriage. He loves this woman very much that he keeps his eyes close to the things that happen in their relationship. But this is the last one he will sign the papers to divorce her. He is not scared of many things but when he learns that Erica tries to kill her self that is what scares him the most. He was defeated, he knows that in their past year's relationship she didn't love him even a little. So he will give her what she wants the freedom.

Lloyd did not understand why she is crying so much! Even she has known that he agreed to her request, so why is she still crying? should she be happy? With him not knowing what's make her cry so much, he carried her in his arms, walked out of the hospital room, and said to his right man. "Inform the doctors to go to the Villas and wait for us there."

"Yes, Master!"

"Master Yang, there's nothing wrong with Madam. She's just in shock, causing her to be slightly emotional. She'll be fine after resting in a few days." One of the doctors said with s trembling fear of voice while talking beside the bed. As they explained the condition of his wife. They are puzzled about what happened to Madam that makes Master be so worried.

The doctors wiped their forehead of their cold sweat and keep their eyes on the floor. None of them dared to speak. Around them are the people who stay in the Villa, they sign of relief too. They had been truly terrified when they saw Madam weeping with their Master's arm earlier and thought that something serious had happened. as a result, everyone in Yang's resident had been in a panicked and chaotic state.