
Chapter 11

A few days passed, Erica seemed to have no recollections of what happened that night. She went to school the next morning, and that same day she applies for her dormitory. Even days passed, Lloyd doesn't even send her a text or called her. This made Erica worried, that he might be upset about her moving into her dormitory.

The dance that they going to performed was done. They going to practice it until the program start. It was the choreography of their student council president along with his dance crew.

Everyone knows that the student council president was Jei Zhou, even he was gone for a few years, his popularity is still the same, and never affect the student council. And now the dance step that they going to use is from their council president, and it makes him more famous.

Everyone is excited, of hearing that Jei was the one who is going to teach them the dance step. He was a handsome young man whom all the girls like and want to be his girl. Only her who was calm and did not seem to be affected by this news.

She hated the guy, every time she heard the name the only feeling she feels to him is hatred. Every time she remembers how he helps Rachel in betraying her, she wants to cut his face that no one will like him.

"Erica, you seemed unhappy? Are you not happy that Jei will be the one who will teach us the step." Rachel said. She is already in the bad mood, yet there's one that wants to get on her nerves. "Do I have words on my face, that said 'I'm not very happy.' She asked coldly.

"No, that's not what I mean. I just thought that you are going to be happy to hear that the school hunk will be our coach." Rachel explained. "Did you like following him around the campus, are you pretending to be naive now? It's because of you that's why Rachel pick this dance routine. Don't be ungrateful!" May say in a rude way.

"What?! Because of me? Are you kidding me?" She replied and letting out a chuckle. "Didn't my sister invite him, because she is the one that truly likes him?" Hearing this from Erica, May change her facial expression, looking at Erica's face turned, then she sudden realization as she went on to say, "Oh, you probably didn't know about it. She said if I really like Jei, she will not fight me over him. I already forgot about it, but since you remain me about it just now. And the incident happened one year ago. I have a boyfriend now, why would I still be attracted to him?"

She looked at Rachel. "Sister, aren't you already know that I have already a boyfriend? You even meet him. Why do you doing this and make others misunderstand my relationship with Jei. If my Honey were to hear this, he would be upset..." She gives a smile while she was talking.

Rachel's face was run of color, she didn't expect Erica will tell that she was in a relationship with Llyod. Even she is afraid to mention Erica and Lloyd's relationship. That man was powerful and can track everything to her with a wave of his hand. For that, she doesn't want to tell anything about him. However, Erica said the information like she was just telling a story to everyone.

"Wait, you have a boyfriend?" May widened her eyes and was shocked by that info that Erica said. The rest of the group was shocked as well. Erica actually had a boyfriend and they thought she like Jei. But now Jei is not worth her time anymore.

"Do you think after what happened a year ago, I will still pick up a rotten glass in the end? There are many men that better than him." She said looking at them. She raised her hair and looked proud. "My boyfriend is 100 times better and more handsome than he is. So don't tie us together again those broken things can't be fixed," she said to them while looking at her sister.

"So sister Rachel, if you like him don't hold back in my account. I don't need it now. I remember that Jei likes you very much. When he was with me, he always talks about you." She looked at Rachel with a smile on her face, while Rachel's face was pale as paper.

Rachel was angry, <how can you do this to me, how dare you insult me like this.> She just wants at this moment there is no one around, so she can teach Erica a lesson. Looking at Erica who was proud in front of many people.

"Rachel," May face was pale as hers. "Is Erica said is true? Does she have a boyfriend?" She remembers what Rachel said to her that Erica wants Jei to be her boyfriend, and because of that she hated Erica and let her roommates bully her. Because of Rachel, she finally got in touch with Hei. When Rachel told her that she ask Jei to teach them to dance for Erica's sake, she was really angry about it.

But now Erica said that she had a boyfriend, and Rachel know about it. and didn't tell her about it. What else did Rachel is not telling her, for her sake. She was thinking of being played with. Why didn't she notice it?

Over the years, Jei is a girl catcher, but even many girls like him. He only talks to Rachel, she even meets Jei a few times and he always talks about Rachel. And when Rachel asked him to teach them to dance, he agreed and promised to teach them.

Knowing that she feels excited and not think anything wrong at that moment. Now that Erica said those things, made her realized and make it clear. After all, she is not stupid.

Erica, I'm possible that she like Jei like Rachel was said to her, and from there she was thinking that they ambush Erica by misleading Rachel. "No it's not like that, May listen to me." Looking at May with panic on her face,

"Erica has always liked Jei very much. I went to see her and she asked me to meet Jei. She didn't know she will back in school, that is why she wants to meet him, I really didn't..." Rachel explains with red eyes, that tears are going to fall.

May look at her coldly, Erica said she has a boyfriend. Does she want to have Jei still even she has a boyfriend? Thinking about it she looks at Erica, at that moment looking at them too. But when she told that she has a boyfriend and Rachel knows about it, is she going to help Erica to have two boyfriends. She know that Rachel always been famous of her kindness, will she help her sister to have two boyfriends, or she will stop her sister to do it.