
Chapter 2

In Alaric's office, Landon and Rafeal were looking at each other. ' He was tall and rude, ' they thought. " He was kinda rude, " Landon said and Rafeal nodded. " He had a tough life, so would you kindly excuse that, " Alaric replied and Landon was about to ask what am I. " What kinda creature is he, he figured out I'm a werewolf when he first stepped in here, " Rafeal asked and Hope looked at him. " He's a werewolf like you, but a lot different, " Hope answered and Rafeal nodded. " Does he not like me for some reason, " Landon questioned and Hope giggled. ' That's kinda cute, ' she thought and Landon looked at them. " Let's stop talking about Jayden, but let's talk about what's gonna happen now, " Alaric stated.

finished my meal, cleaned myself, and got dressed for my class. I went to my class, ignoring the stares from everyone because of earlier. Class went the same as yesterday and I went to the party the wolves started. I'm sitting at my usual tree, when I feel someone coming towards me. " Jay, so you usually don't come to these, " Hope said and sat down next to me. I can tell Landon is sitting next to her. " I really don't know why I came, " I replied and looked at Landon. " Sorry about earlier, I'm Jayden Jones, a werewolf, " I introduced half of my identity. " Landon Kirby, a human, " Landon replied with a joking tone and I chuckled. " Why were you kinda rude earlier, " Landon questioned and Hope was about to tell him not to ask. I looked at Landon and sighed. " My parents were killed by humans when I five in front of me, I lived alone for 6 years and then came here 7 years ago, I didn't talk with noone except for Alaric and Hope here this whole time, I'm also an outcast werewolf, " I answered and it got quiet. I looked at the moon. " Well time for me to go, " I said and disappeared before anyone could say anything.

I arrived back in my room. There was a raccoon in a cage. ' It's my dinner, ' I thought and heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and it was Hope. " Jay, can we talk, " Hope asked and I let her in. I closed my door and we sat on my bed. " So Hope, what did you wanna talk about, " I asked and Hope looked at me. " I think I still have a fee…., " Hope was saying before I stopped her. " Hope if you're gonna say what I think you are, I'm going to have to get this off my chest, " I said and she nodded. I took a deep breath and looked at Hope. " Hope, I have been in-love with you, it started a month after we became friends, I never told you, because of what was going on with your family, ex-boyfriend, and when you went to the same school as Landon, now Landon showed up again, I know your feelings for him will come back, so I just wanted to get this off my chest, because if I never said it, I would've broke in the future, " I said and lowered my head. Hope then made me face her and I could see that she was happy I told her. " I really wished you told me, I loved you too, but when I never got any hints or clue about your feelings, I moved on, but this is the only thing I can do for you, " Hope said and kissed me. "~Mhmm~, " she moaned softly as she opened her mouth and let my tongue slip in. She pushed me down on the bed, not breaking the kiss. I didn't want to let go of this warmth. The warmth of her lips. The softness I taste from kissing her. After 3 minutes, she broke the kiss and a line of saliva was between us. She then left my room.

A couple minutes later, I ate my dinner and was laying down on my bed. Why? Because I have a fucking headache. I mean like, after Hope broke the kiss, my head started hurting. Weird sentences were popping up in my head. I tried to remember more of my talk with god. ' When you kiss a witch or someone who's part witch, your magic will be unlocked, don't worry, I'll make all spells knowledge go inside your brain and you will be able to do the spells without having to gather stuff or say incantations, but one or a couple words or you can say the incantations if you want, ' was what God said and I jumped up out of my bed. " I can do spells now, " I said and was happy. I then looked at all the knowledge of spells in my head. ' Compound Protection Spell, ' I said in my head and could feel a type of magical barrier in my room. ' This should protect my room from tracking magic and any magic, ' I thought and fell asleep hours after practicing hundreds of spells.

I woke up to the smell of someone bleeding, who's standing right in my room. My ghoul claws and teeth showed. I could tell whoever's in this room is scared. I jumped on the person, but calmed and gained a little control to not kill her, when I saw who it was. I went straight for her neck and gave her a hickey where she couldn't hide. That's the only thing I could do not to kill her. I then just brought my face close to her's and gained full control. " Joise, " I said and my claws and ghoul teeth disappeared. Joise, one of Alaric's twins, and a person who would sneak into my room once a week to talk to me, since 2 years ago. " My d...dad, um, wanted to talk to you, " Joise said blushing, and the position we're in is dangerous. I'm on top of her, my arms are pinning her to the ground. Our lips are 4 cm away. " I wouldn't mind if you kissed me, " Joise said very lowly and blushed even more. I heard every word she said and once she remembered what I am, she knew I heard it. I got up off of her. " I'm sorry, I'm just a little agitated, " I said and helped Joise up. Joise nodded and took me to Alaric's office.