
Reborn into BTTH World

Dreamer_2001 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs


Hai Bodong hearing this said I am lacking in a medicinal material which is found in the snake peoples area.

Hearing this Xiao Tian cut off and said show me a secluded area hearing this Hai Bodong said but I am lacking one medicinal material.

Xiao Tian Said My teacher used to teach me this type of pill which needs a heavenly flame to make so I have it.

Just remember this favor also in your mind he went inside the shop hearing this Hai Bodong became some more excited and said let me show you the place.

A moment later Xiao Tian who was inside a closed area opened his system and checked for the pill called the "Breaking Adversity Pill". But after seeing the points he wanted to retrieve he was somewhat at a loss since it would cost 60 000 points. He only has about 3 60 000.

[Ding! Current points Available 3 00 000]

He buys the pill without any more consideration and puts it in the bottle.

He is currently having the feeling of breaking to the next level so he sits there and decides to break through to 5 Star Da Dou Shi.

After this breakthrough, he also came to realize something after the fight with Hai Bodong he could use both his eye skill and observation skills which both used for almost the same purpose. He quite looking forward to the 2nd level of Observation skill which can foresee the future.

He went outside of the room and handed Hai Bodong the pill while saying I am leaving now. If anyone asks you just tell them that it was my master who made this pill for you.

Hai Bodong was too excited so he readily agreed to it and said, ok kid. Xiao Tian said I am leaving just hand me that map fragment.

Hearing this Hai Bodong handed over the map fragment to Xiao Tian and rushed in with a little agitation in his face.

Xiao Tian after placing the piece of map fragment into his ring went outside and decided that from now on he would practice in this place for a while.


More than 1 Year later in a remote cave Xiao Tian.

who is having intense training stood up from the state and after relaxing for a while. He spoke to himself I am currently at the peak of 2 Star Dou Ling while saying so he opened the first 3 inner gates which

made him somewhat comparable to a peak Dou Ling powerhouse and he then opened the 4th gate, even though he showed a little pain he now comparable to a 3-4 star Dou Wang with a deep breath he opened the 5th gate which he was trying so hard for a long time and practicing.

All of a sudden the surrounding air stopped for a second and Xiao Tian showed the power of a 1 Star Dou Huang.

While running he appeared a slightly long distance and he began to move here and there. After a while laying on the ground, he began to take huge breadth of air continuously.

He knew that opening the inner gate that exceeds him might affect his physical body and his mental state, so by setting a limit he would only open it for a small amount of time gradually he began to adjust toward the tearing of his body many times. He knows that he has almost achieved a high level in his body cultivation as the only thing that is affecting him in the opening of more gates is the Dou Qi level.

Also as his level increases the Inner Gates benefits reduce along with the torment that he is going through now when he is opening the Gates every time.

While sweating and gasping for breath, one can see the well-developed abs outlined which gives a perfect structure to his upper body.

His Physical appearance also changed a lot when compared to the last year. His current face is now surrounded by a mature aura around him. And his long black hair always shows a guite unique aura around him.

He stood up and decided to go back looking around the place once more he craved this place in his mind since this was the place where he had spent his 1 year torment training of being torn apart little by little for the whole year. After a while, he left that place and headed towards his home.


Today Xiao Clan in Wu Tan City is the absolute overload. Even the Ao Clan and the other clans tried several ways they could not fight against the Xiao Clan at all not to mention that Xiao Yan the fallen genius rose at top speed even almost overtaking the 1st Genius of the Xiao Clan, Xiao Tian.

Also because of the emergence of a new Alchemist who is considered Xiao Yan's teacher who helped Xiao Yan suppress the other 2 families who tried to resist with their all power and wealth.

This caused the rise of the Xiao Clan and not to mention that Xiao Yan almost reached the level in which clan members had to stay in the clan or else they might be sent to the branch family for work within 1 year time which caused a commotion throughout the Wu Tan City.

Xiao Tian without alerting anyone first went to his mother's room. Seeing Xiao Tian his mother became joyful and he and his mother spent almost half a day talking to each other after that he went to Xiao Xuner's room where at first when she saw him have an excited manner it turned into somewhat distinct and asked who is Xiao Yi Xian.

Hearing this Xiao Tian became stunt and asked how do you know her.

Hearing this she said that girl came here for a time and since you were not here she left a letter behind for you. Xiao Tian In a somewhat embarrassed manner said where is the letter?

Xiao Xuner said oh that letter she has given me so no one has seen it

Hearing this Xiao Tian said awkwardly so did you read It

Hearing this Xiao Xuner who has a little strict face becomes somewhat embarrassed since she cannot tell that she has read the letter for him.

Xiao Tian while laughing out loud seeing this said 'Since you have not read that then what is the attitude you are giving me?'

Xiao Xuner became even more embarrassed by this situation and asked how you knew her. Xiao Tian hearing didn't answer her he asked for the letter after that he read the letter after reading it he said you girl didn't you see that this letter is clearly meant for you as I told her that I had one girlfriend and that's the reason she came here to provoke you.

After a silence, he said in a sighing manner alas I can only be taken away by that girl if my Xuner is not strong, while saying so he has an attitude of looking forward to it.

Xiao Xuner knew that even though he said so he was only having her in his mind at that moment but that girl actually showed a faint threat to Xiao Xuner in the case of Xiao Tian.

So decided that after spending a while longer she would return to the clan.

Xiao Xuner asked Xiao Tian Ge-ge what is your current Dou Qi level hearing this Xiao Tian said I was not able to improve a lot because I was concentrating on my body cultivation and one of my techniques which needed superb training.

Hearing so even she at first saw that Xiao Tian's physical structure had changed a lot and also his face also changed a little.

Xiao Tian said but don't worry you will be able to do that thing with me which you promised me. While saying so he looked all around Xiao Xuner and said "Looks like you also grew a lot during last year."

Xiao Xuner hearing this became slightly reddish all over her face and said Xiao Tian Ge-ge you are again teasing me.

Xiao Tian hearing that while taking her on his arm said Do you think I am teasing you? While saying so his eye was looking at Xiao Xuner and said with his lips close to Xiao Xuner's lip in a slight heavy breathing, I am telling the truth. When they were about to kiss each other a clan member came near the door and said Is Xiao Tian is here then please come The clan leader is summoning you.

Hearing this sound both Xiao Tian and Xiao Xuner separated and after hearing it all he said Xuner I will come to you in a while in an ambiguous tone.

Xiao Tian left Xiao Xuner's room and went to the meeting place. seeing the first elders can't even suppress the emotion and ask what level are you at the first sight they say him.

Xiao Tian after telling not to mention anyone about his current level said Dou Ling 2 Star. They all agreed to Xiao Tian's request as he is now considered a person who can make the Xiao clan rise. Even the clan leader also showed a slightly happy expression as they can see within 5 years surely he can reach Dou Wang which might help them to enter the Jama Empire capital city again.

After a moment of enthusiastic chat, he left the meeting.

Xiao Tian while returning back saw Xiao Yan who was preparing to go out for training. Seeing Xiao Tian, Xiao Yan came forward and greeted him. A while later calling Xiao Yan to a secluded area and said old man why don't you come and see me?

Hearing this Xiao Yan was not surprised as his teacher had already mentioned that he had seen Xiao Tian.

Hearing the words Yao Lao came outside the ring and said good kid seems like you have broken into Dou Ling even in the central area at your age is considered a rare genius. Xiao Yan is speechless by their conversation and also the level of Xiao Tian shocked him the most.

Xiao Tian said not to mention it I am just lucky.

Yao Lao seeing this said kid what is the purpose of your meeting now.

Xiao said ofcourse I came here to make a trade since you were born before me you might have taken something good from somewhere right.

Yao Lao felt not at all shocked by the behavior of Xiao Tian as he knew what type of kid he was. Yao Lao with a smug expression said "Said so what?"

Xiao Tian seeing this said do you have any flight technique.

Hearing this Yao Lao became somewhat awkward and said no but I have other ..

Before he could anymore Xiao Tian cut off and said Forget it after saying this Xiao Tian gave the purple flight technique and said this is a flight technique take it while saying so. He turned back and began to walk seeing this Yao Lao said kid do you need anything?

Xiao Tian while waving his hands said Forget it, you don't have anything useful anyway.

Hearing this Yao Lao's mouth slightly twitched and knew that the kid was teasing him.

After going into the room he went through the system and bought the level 4 and 5 Alchemy inheritance which caused him about 96 000 points.

Which made him leave with only 2 04 000 points. After looking at the list and seeing that the eyes can be upgraded to the 3rd level if there are

3 00 000 points. He decided to become a Tier 5 Alchemist which reward him with at least 9 00 000 points which is the reward of being a Tier 4 and Tier 5 which is sufficient for him to upgrade his eyes.

So for the next coming days, he used the herbs and another thing he bought from the system and began to understand and prepare from tier 4 pills to tier 5 pills eventhough the tier 4 pills were easy to understand and preparing tier 5 was completely a different level it actually took him about 2 months make a Tier 5 pill it's commotion schoked the entire Xiao Clan and even some bystanders but thinking about the after effects many people began to retreat.

Seeing the tier pill he decided it was time to get the medal of a tier 5 badge so after a short delay he went to the capital itself since only there was a tier 5 Alchemist along with Ao master Who was from Black Rock City which caused him some privileges to meet directly with Elder Fa ma.

Elder Ao master said Xiao Tian kid look like you are going to become Tier 5 Alchemist before us and by the look of it you will be the youngest Alchemist in the Jama empire.

While saying so he entered the place where Elder Fa Ma was situated seeing Fa Ma elder, Ao master said respectful Elder this the kid I mentioned you about who is going to take the tier 5 Alchemist examination.

Hearing this elder Fa Ma began to look him with his small eyes. After a while, he said such a young Alchemist of tier 5 and this power at this young age. Good good. Xiao Tian said is neither overbearing nor humble manner I was just lucky that's all.

Xiao Tian kid you don't need to be humble even Gu He was not as good as you, you will soon surpass him.

After a while of chats, Xiao Tian prepared a tier 4 pill in an easy manner but the tier 5 pill he was even though he was not able to refine it perfectly due to a certain mistake he was able to make the tier 5 pill which he was asked to prepare. Even though the pill caused some commotion everyone thought it was made by Fa Ma as they saw Fa Ma in that place.

After getting the Tier 5 pill he decided to go back to his clan while taking the flying beast which would save him time. Before leaving Elder Fa Ma and Ao's master both told him about the Alchemy competition which is going to be held in the coming year. After agreeing to come to the competition he left the capital city.

During his trip took the badge of a Tier 5th Alchemist and heard the rewards in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations on becoming a Tier 5 Alchemist]

[Rewarding the user with 9 00 000 points]

[Current points available is: 1 104 000]

Without any delay, he upgraded his eyes from level 2 to level 3 which cost him 3 00 000 points.

[Current points available is: 804 000 ]

[Ding congratulations on unlocking the illusion art ]

Hearing this he knows that he is now able to use illusion on others before that the system doesn't provide him with this ability.

After seeing the points to retrieve the Mangekyo Sharingan which require

10 00 000 points and for the Rinegan he needs 50 00 000 points seeing this he becomes speechless again.

He knows that it is all beyond his reach for the current him .

After using his righting wheel eyes, in his eyes 3 dot mark appeared.

Seeing the surroundings in a more clear and paused manner he is somewhat contented with the eyes.

After reaching the clan he didn't mention that he had become a Tier 5 Alchemist.

He decided to spend the rest of the time till the academy recruitment with his mother and Xiao Xuner.