
Chapter 29: Demonstrating the Incendiary Fire

" How so?" asked Fei Jiao.

" The spells we cast usually run out after they run of energy right. Basic and intermediate spells last for a very short while, Advanced spells a some time while higher spells can last for a while"

"I discovered that petroleum and certain other forms of it can make Fire Magic last longer, become stronger and even spread. Even if rain, or Ice and Water magic of higher grade if applied against it, the fire will continue burning and spread up to a point"

" Are you sure about this principle" asked a flabbergasted Fei Jiao " If this can be harnessed"

" I have already designed a delivery system suitable for Fortresses" interrupted Cao Guang " I was hoping to demonstrate tonight, I will also need some help acquiring some more petroleum and transportation"

"Alright, Tonight I'll lead your team beyond the wall to try your system out, explain the theory behind it to me now while we have time"

"So the system consists of a tank that you can place inside or behind the walls of a Fortress or underneath the battle zone and ideally speaking the safer option would be underneath the battle zone. Both of which will need some Maintenance and a layer of protection. The tank is also insulated with wind magic.

The tank will have a sprout that will spray and spread the substance into the midst of enemies. At the other end of the tank, there is a recieved. Wind magic is needed to activate the Incendiary Fire system. The stronger the Wind Magic applied the better the spread and range the petroleum can be diffused. There is a function to adjust the flow of the Petroleum.

When the petroleum is spred a Super Fire spell of a layered spell of fire needs to be applied on the area of coverage. The reciever for the Wind Magic also need not be near the tank, we can place it inside the Walls and activate but placing it outside the walls is also a safety choice. It also saves materials"

Fei Jiao remained Silent for a while closing his eyes as if he were picturing Cao Guang's words. As for why Cao Guang pushed for bothe the Tank and reciever to be outside the Walls was because he didn't want people like Black Vatican using it to their advantage.

Members of the Black Vatican hid themselves among the people and could use to their advantage if the Tank was on the walls. They could breach it and break the walls. Or they could activate the Receiver while the army was stationed out and just blast a spell. But placing them out made sure that their actions would atleast have to overt.

Also if the tank failed and a Monarch used fire magic then it could blow back on the army.

"Indeed Safety measures would need to better than even you have described" said Fei Jiao after a long time.

"Prepare for the demonstration, I'll bring a superior of mine we'll try a Super level fire spell as well".


At night Cao Guang had brought out his the system with the help of the mage sent by Fei Jiao. The mage was confused what the blob of metal was. Cao Guang conveniently lied to him that it was a cast for an artifact.

His squad had come with him to see the demonstration along with Max, he was the most excited afterall he was the only one other than Cao Guang who knew about its capabilities.

The squad waited at the entrance leading outside for five minutes when Fei Jiao came with a stoic, bulky man with a moustache, General Lu Xu. He was the chief commander in Ancient Capital.

"Are you guys ready, we'll be testing in phases, there are a few changes to our plan, I arranged twice as much as Petroleum as we discussed, we will be trying all level spells upto Super level with it. General Lu will be representing the entire army today, there won't be anymore demonstrations." said Fei Jiao after he introduced the General and Cao Guang's group to each other.

" Fei Jiao had high hopes for this system. I share his optimism as well" General Lu added.

General Lu was known for his fiery character. If he said he was optimistic then he expected a show. 

"We'll need to go deep into the battlefield first and the help of a Advanced wind mage as well" Cao Guang said explaining his plans for today.

"Leave that to me, I am an Advanced Wind mage, no need to hold back it's capabilities we'll be checking it at the full potential alright"

Cao Guang led the team into the middle of the Undead swarm. He could occasionally see an Undead or two that were stupid enough to approach the General's part. For the guy this was no different from a stroll. From his observation of the General and Fei Jiao it seemed they were student and teacher as well.

After Cao Guang had come out to an optimal distance. He asked Fei Jiao to pool some Servant class Undead for him. After the Undead were brought together, Fei Jiao would strike the reciever with an intermediate wind spell while Cao Guang and Luo Heng prepared Basic Fire spells.

Fire Burst Rupture

Greater Fire Burst