This is a fanfic of Versatile Mage, a novel by Chaos. The novel will not follow the original a 100% and I will tweak the timeline. Written in advance, atleast ten chapters ahead of the published. Check out my p#treon at
The last fight was between Guan Chen and and a Earth / Water Maga, Guan Chen won almost identically to how Natsuko did, by abusing his superior speed.
The team left after collecting the badge from the National Hall, their first assignment would begin soon in Tokyo, or as soon as they got there.
After the victory they were eager to gain resources to cultivate, some of them were nearing break throughs.
General Kai went upto Mochizuki Ken on the top floor of the Guardian Tower.
" How about it are the visuals clear?"
" Yes, this military tech is quite good, it can capture magic without being disturbed, I have already sent it to the national team"
" How would you rate their strength? "
" Stronger than last two tournaments, besides these three at the back had no intention of participating, given there is a relegation and promotion system, they should be Advanced mages if they are that confident"
" Three advanced mages huh, we have only one so far, there is a lot of catching up to do, we would have missed this detail without the video feed, I told you this was the right move "
Cao Guang had intention of staying in that place and being entangled with the Red Demon's ploys right now so he had booked some tickets to Tokyo and influenced the team to leave early.
Tokyo was the most famous Maritime Battlefield in the world and their peculiar construction style had paved the way.
Their battlefield had two dams, a small and a large one, the small one was never meant to keep water out of the battlefield, it existed just to control the flow of the tide.
Water was led to an area with a lot of buildings constructed using Earth magic past the small dam, these buildings were study and high, they had small alleys and in every way encouraged the fighting style of mages against monsters.
The larger Dam on the other hand kept Water and Monsters out of the city, in short they build a mini city between the small and large dams and the idea and execution was so good that this in turn became a key components of their economy.
Monster carcasses and water type resources that came with the tide enriched the mages and the city.
The Chinese team would be here in the Battlefield for atleast 15 days and registered themselves with their representative in Tokyo. They would fight against monsters during the tide for the next 15 days in the area D2 of the battlefield.
After that they would be assessed and rewarded based on their performance, for the next two days they only needed to guard their area loosely as the next tide wasn't predicted to arrive until then.
The team dropped off their importance luggage in their hotel and proceeded to stay in the battlefield 24*7 for the battle.
They alternated between meditation and patrols and waited for the tide.
" Speaking of which do any of have any experience fighting Sea Monsters at sea?" Song Xia asked the group while determining their battle tactics.
After hearing their negative answers she went on " Sea monsters are three to five times stronger than Land beasts in the presence of deep waters, we have to fully use the advantage of the battlefield and the high building, those without Water element should have methods of escape prepared.
Song Xia went on to outline more ideas went the alarm went off at the battlefield.
Cao Guang came running into the room " The tide is here early, it will breach the small dam in ten minutes according to the Hunter on the next Street."
" To the roof now"
The team took their positions on the roof as they awaited Sea Monsters and the tide.
They had discussed some Sea monsters and took a position to counter them. Without Cao Guang's deterrence they were more than willing to follow the instructions.
They had discussed roles and they stood infront with Jiang Shaojun and Du Ling behind them. As for being purely defensive mages, no one was truly willing as this was an assessment, they needed to show off their full arsenal.
A fifteen metre tall wave followed by another managed squeeze water above the small dam as the Minion level Sea monsters who needed the least amount of water crept in to the battlefield.
The area they were guarding consisted of three buildings and an alley between. The building on the left was the largest and where they rested, they stood on the roof of this building as a single unit.