
the Cullens

Massager from the author: Jasper will have a different mate unlike in the movie. Alice will be with the MC of the story. Other than that announcement the story will be like the original story. So please enjoy.


(Alice POV)

I came back from hunting, I saw Edward playing the piano. Jasper and Emmet were playing video games, Esme was cleaning the kitchen as usual,

Rosalie and Edythe were looking at new fashion trends, as I was about to join them I suddenly had a vision in the the vision I saw Edward with a girl who was pale and she had brown hair with brown eyes, they were watching the sun set together on the balcony.

The vision change showing a person with red hair and Amber eyes, he had a muscular but lean body the person was hugging someone from the behind and as they turned around I was shocked to see that the the person who was being hugged was me. And mostly this person looked like a girl rather then a boy.

What does this mean am I going to meet my mate soon. Getting back to reality I saw everyone near me besides Edward who stopped playing the piano and looked at my direction. He probably read my mind because his face changed to a surprised face.

I explained to the entire family about my vision I had.

"Congrats Alice you finally going to meet your mate".said Esme while hugging me.

Everyone congratulated me and Edward, tomorrow was school so I just went to "sleep".

In the morning I got ready for school as usual, arriving at school with my family everyone looked at us. We chatted for a bit and started heading for the entrance but then we heard a car entering the school and we all looked at the car.

And soon came out a person with red hair and Amber eyes just like in my vision but with a pillow in his hands. I felt an overwhelming argue to make him mine, but I quickly controlled myself. For the entire time I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Soon the bell rang and I went to meet up with my family and soon we headed for the cafeteria.

Entering the cafeteria I saw the guy I could not stop thinking about. I felt his gaze follow my every step, we soon sat down and I looked into his direction and as soon as we made eye contact I felt like I was drown to him.

We stared at each other for a few minutes, he then pulled a book out of his bag and soon made his way to our table.

He than gave the book to Rosalie and thanked her for letting him borrow it while looking at me the entire time.

I stood up and extended my hand as I greeted him,"Hi I'm Alice the step sister of Rosalie nice to meet you".

He extended his hand and as our hands touched I felt a little electricity and he pulled his hand back.

(Harlequin POV)

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch, I quickly walked to the door and looking back I saw Alice with a sad look on her face. "Sorry but if I stayed any longer I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to control myself" I whispered to myself knowing fully while she can hear me.

Soon the sad look on her face changed to a happy one. I then headed to my following lessons which were all boring.

Soon school came to an end, as I was walking to my car I was greeted by Alice." Hey I didn't have the chance to ask but can I get your number". She said to me with a bright smile. I gave her my phone while I took hers and put my number into it. She gave me my phone back to which I also gave hers back.

She than went back to her family while skipping, I guess she must be happy.

Soon I got to my car and then started the car and drove off to my house. Once I arrived I had a nice warm shower and after finishing I took a paper and pen and started writing.


• Disaster: My signature magical power. With it, I can control life and death by manipulating molecules. It also grants me control over nature, letting me grow and manipulate plant life.

• Status Promotion: Lets me elevate or diminish something's natural status. I can turn shallow scratches into gaping wounds, turn a weak poison into a deadly toxin, and turn a minor growth into a cancerous tumor capable of devouring a person's body whole.

• Condense Power: Condenses liquid into a single point before firing it like a bullet.

• Levitation: Like all fairies, I can levitate and fly at high speeds. Using this, I can also levitate objects with my mind to telekinetically manipulate them without touching them.

• Mind Reading: A fairy ability that lets me read the minds, thoughts, and memories of humans.(Currently off.)

• Transformation: I can change my appearance and clothing at will. However, this takes a lot of concentration to use.

• Longevity: Like all fairies, I don't age or get sick, and i can only die through external methods like murder.

Spirit Spear forms:

• Spirit Spear Chastiefol: My Sacred Treasure, a weapon that brings out my full power when i use it. Chastiefol is a magic spear crafted from a sacred tree in the Fairy Realm, making it stronger than steel and letting it regenerate if broken. As such, only one worthy to control the Fairy King's Forest may wield it. Chastiefol's main ability is its power to change into multiple different forms at King's command. When not being used in combat, it takes the form of a green pillow for King to ride on.

• Form One: Spear: Chastiefol's main battle form. In this form, Chastiefol is a seemingly-ordinary lance, though I can use my levitation powers to telekinetically control it to attack foes.

• Form Two: Guardian: A large stuffed grizzly bear made from moss, which I can control to attack or immobilize foes. The Guardian is strong enough to hold down Ban, and the water inside its mossy body makes it highly resistant to fire attacks. However, it is highly susceptible to ice.

• Form Three: Fossilization: A spear that turns whatever it pierces to stone. King used it in an attempt to kill Ban, despite his immortality, and nearly succeeded.

• Form Four: Sunflower: Turns Chastiefol into a giant plant, which absorbs sunlight before raining it down as numerous deadly blasts of energy, causing large amounts of destruction.

• Form Five: Increase: Transforms Chastiefol into an army of small kunai-like weapons, which I can control to overwhelm foes with a barrage of endless attacks from all sides. I can also manipulate the kunai into a barrier for defense.

• Form Seven: Luminosity: Turns Chastiefol into a ball of light to illuminate dark areas.

• Form Eight: Pollen Garden: Forms a barrier out of pollen from the Sacred Tree that shields and slowly heals anyone inside the barrier.



• Physically very weak, and needs Chastiefol to fight properly.

• Guardian is susceptible to cold.

• lacks combat fighting skills.

To Be Continued