
Reborn in The Perfect Run

A man gets reborn in The Perfect Run with a single wish.

SaltyGamer · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


Genome: Someone who has taken an elixir and gained a superpower and enhanced bodily functions giving benefits such as greater strength, resistance, and slower aging. Genomes are pretty much immune to diseases and high a high tolerance for drugs and alcohol. They are often referred to by the color of the elixir they drank.

Psycho: A human who has taken two elixirs, causing the destabilization and mutation of that person's DNA. Their original power mutates while they gain the new one on top of the original. This process usually causes the person to be driven crazy. It also requires the afflicted individual to drink more elixirs every once and a while to stabilize their DNA. This elixir can be a true elixir, a knockoff, or even the elixir in the blood of Genomes. 

The Alchemist: The person who first discovered elixirs and their effects on humans and then spread the elixirs all over the world at random. 

Elixir: Sentient symbiote-like beings that come from higher planes of existence/dimensions. They fuse into a human's DNA, forging a connection between the recipient and their respective colored dimension. This gives the human a functionally limitless well of power to draw on and use their ability. They desire for lesser beings, such as humanity, to break past their barriers and ascend to higher planes. They were all influenced by the Alchemist to accept the process of bonding with humans.

The Ultimate Ones: They are basically Gods in the higher colored dimensions that the elixirs come from. 

Elixir Colors:


Red Elixirs: Give energy manipulation powers which are generally more destructive than powers gained from other elixir types.


Orange Elixirs: Give powers related to physical matter, either turning the recipient into an element/substance or allowing them to control it, or both to some extent.


Yellow Elixirs: Give powers that affect metaphysics or concepts, usually accompanied by weird rules affecting the activation or limitations of the power.


Green Elixirs: Give life-based powers, usually either controlling living matter or transforming into various creatures.


Blue Elixirs: Give powers that focus on information manipulation, such as precognition, cloning, or being able to drive others insane.


Violet Elixirs: Give spacetime-related abilities like teleportation or stopping time. One of the rarest elixir types.


White Elixirs: Give powers that affect the abilities of other Genomes, such as copying, powering up, or canceling other powers. White elixirs are the rarest out of all the obtainable elixir types


Black Elixirs: There are no black elixirs since the Alchemist was never able to tame the denizens of the Black Dimension and encourage them to bind with human hosts. However, they would give the power of paradoxes and allow the unmaking of the rules of reality.

Knockoff Elixirs: Mass-produced elixirs created by Dynamis that give a fraction of a true elixir's power, but you know for certain what ability you are getting.

Last Easter: The day when the Alchemist spread elixirs randomly around the globe, giving rise to the first Genomes.

Genius: Slang for someone who has drank a Blue elixir.

Mechron: The man widely regarded as the most powerful genius ever to live. He is the one who is responsible for the Genome Wars in which his drones destroyed most of the world's most populated cities, leaving only irradiated wastelands behind. The technology he made is leagues above any other made since his death. 

The Genome Wars: The war in which most of the world was destroyed, giving powerful Genome Warlords and corporations to take charge of large chunks of land. The Genome Wars only ended with Mechron's death at the hands of the Carnival's leader, Leo Hargraves.



Dynamis: A large corporation that is trying to rebuild Italy and then the world while also getting as rich and powerful as possible. Their headquarters are Dynamis Tower which stands in the north of New Rome. Dynamis's biggest obstacle to the domination of Italy is the Augusti, but even with multiple powerful Genomes in the organization, they are wary of antagonizing the leader of the Augusti, Augustus, and starting a war. 


Il Migliore: A group of superheroes that work for Dynamis.


Augusti: A crime family that deals in various activities, such as arms dealing, drug trafficking, gambling, and many more. Their hierarchy is similar to that of the Italian mafia. They are a powerful organization, with their leader being one of the most powerful Genomes in the world, Augustus. The Augusti are at odds with Dynamis and Il Migliore by extension as well as the Carnaval and the Meta-Gang.


Meta-Gang: A group of powerful Psychos led by Psyshock and Adam the Ogre. Adam and Physhock are more dangerous than your average psychos due to their intelligence.


The Carnaval: A group of wandering superheroes that fight against evil warlords and psychos. Their leader, Leo Hargraves, is another of the most powerful Genomes in the world as well as the mortal enemy of Augustus. The Carnaval, while powerful, regularly loses members due to going up against the most powerful threats in the world.