
Reborn In The Multiverse

The MC is Reborn as Percy Jackson with an basic power set template system. The MC will not travel through the Multiverse until the next book. The system will appear less until it barely appears at all.

DarkHelixDragoon24 · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

Form Regression And Monkee Training And Allies Chp 17



"Percy, this is incredible," said my mom as I showed her around camp Jupiter and where she will be staying

"Right, just make sure you don't mention the Greeks," I remind her as I shouldn't even be here

The Romans have already set up a building and multiple guards to protect the Imperial Gold sapling as it has quickly become their most important source of the metal

I did find out that the gold is actually blessed by Jupiter himself which is why it can hurt air spirits even more.

This brings the question can gods bless other types of metal and make them magical?

The answer is yes

However, it would depend on the metal itself if it can contain and keep the magic permanently until it runs out. Then it just becomes normal gold

I reminded myself that it is an artificial magical metal

Celestial Bronze and Othrytic Silver are natural metals while Stygian Iron is also the same

From studying the metals, I found no differences in their normal counterparts

Its as if the metals themselves were just better

I can't truly find out more as this is just way above me in terms of magic and science

I look at mom as she goes to unpack in her new room and I go into my home base

I frown at my own lack of intellect

I am not a genius in any sense of the word

I just study hard

Taima and Gabriels's templates can only do so much

Due to the damage to my system, whenever I use a template I instantly get the powers and body added to my own.

The memories come in later

I can make my system fully repair the Templates portion of it but if I get any other template after it is fixed I would have to wait until it is fully assimilated instead of just being finished from the get-go.

I open the panels on the screen and look at Dracula(LOS2) template

The guy is a fucking menace even more than when he was just Gabriel Belmont

He can recover from being 'fatally' wounded in a few seconds

He learned both Light and Dark/Shadow magic as he was no longer being held back by the brotherhood.

He is powerful

There is no doubt in my mind that he can destroy Olympus alone

Gabriel drank Laura's blood giving him the powers of a vampire with a surprise, no weakness to the sun or silver

At least until the blood fully changed him making them annoy him

He was able to go toe to toe with The Forgotten One

Holy Shit, he is strong

The Forgotten One, I am going to assume was at least as powerful as Kronos with most of his power breaking the seals keeping him locked away

With his full power though

He would have defeated Satan by himself

Gabriel took most of his power

I have no idea just how truly powerful Dracula truly is

There is a huge downside

The weaknesses of the typical vampire at least ones that are not holy in nature

Including drinking blood

This template is the most dangerous one to use right now with my system broken as it is

Taima was not a typical meathead battle-crazed Sayian in fact he reminded me of a smarter Goku at most. Taima does not struggle with keeping his instincts in check.

I do

It takes a huge amount of willpower not to fight everything in my way

It has become easier with Gabriel's(LOS1) template as it helps me balance out my instincts

My system would not have made me struggle with my instincts as much as I am right now but due to the damage, I am suffering from its effects

I will go to another multiverse that I can train in

There is very little that I can do here as I can't exactly use weights anymore in my training

I can't even feel them anymore whenever I work out

It doesn't help that the Seraph Wings gave me an increase in potential which in turn made everything else so much easier

I have been making leaps and bounds in terms of Ki control

My manipulation of it, has increased to the point that I finally managed to make different shapes with it

From simple KI cubes to Teserract-shaped figures

I can even make a small hand blade made of KI similar to the ones Cooler's soldier made

It may not have increased my raw power much but my control has improved a lot

I needed to see some progress as I found out something rather annoying about the 'gods'

I defeated Ares easily, sure

In his mortal form

Mortal form

He was essentially just a peak human when I defeated him

The gods have three forms

Their mortal form which is what is mostly seen in the books

Their Semi-Demigod form which is what Artemis most likely used in her fight against Atlas

Then there is their True 'Divine' form which is what makes mortals die when they see them in it

I chuckle as a shiver of excitement passes through me

It reminds me of what Frieza and the rest of his race do

They have different transformations that instead of increasing their power decreases it instead.

That is such a fucking hack

That explains so damn much

Frieza in his first form has a power level of 530,000

His true form is 120,000,000

226 times his first form

This must have been how he became so damn strong so easily

Imaginine if I have a power level of 10,000,000 in base and I managed to decrease it to say 10,000

I can train in higher gravity and then my power level goes up to my real form say 2,000,000 and my real form is 1,000 times stronger than my regressed form so 2,000,000 times 1,000 equals a power level of 2,000,000,000

I shake my head as I have no idea if this is essentially what Frieza did or not as power levels are inconsistent at best and an absolute mess at worst

But, that doesn't mean I can't exactly try to find out myself later

Right now though I have to learn how to access the True Saiyan form

For that, I will need to master my Oozaru form no matter what

"Now, if only I can remember anything about the fake moon thing," I say to myself as leave my home base and head to Alaska to practice

I can't rely on the moon, especially with the many idiots that control the one here

I force myself to remember anything about the power ball

I arrive in the same place I defeated the bane of Hades and begin to try to make a power ball

The first one explodes on my face

The second one just disappears after I launched it

After a few dozen tries with the last one being the most stable one

"Sure, just combine KI with the atmosphere," I say to myself huffing in exhaustion and frustration at my failures



"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK," I scream out loud as the power ball explodes on my face again

I have managed to succeed most of the time in making a power ball and transforming into a Great Ape and my god is it an amazing feeling when I turn into one and control it for a bit before I lose my mind

I feel free when I am in that state and anger is slowly going away each time I practice the transformation when I manage to successfully create a PowerBall

I lay down on the Ice mountain and move the water and freeze it in order to repair the landscape

My tail moves in front of my eyes and I remember just how much of a weakness it is and how much power it will give me in the future

I have an idea

A stupid idea

This is a world where myth exists which means a way of becoming invulnerable also exists up to a certain point of course nothing in myth is perfect

I have an idea that is so stupid that it might just work

First, I have to kill a Norse dragon and if they reform or something, I will look for Fafnir and kill him. Bath in his blood to gain incredible durability if for some reason there is not enough for my entire body at least my tail will be fine, drink some of the blood as Siegfried is said to have drunk some drops of it that then allowed him to understand animals or maybe just birds.

I would probably eat the whole dragon just to make sure I get any other hidden benefit as I remember that someone wanted to eat its heart of it in order to gain a boost of wisdom

If Fafnir doesn't respawn, I will just look for another dragon

If it is successful, I will go to the second step

Take a bath in the River Styx

I never understood why someone truly needed a mortal point when Achilles instead was just held by his ankle, heel, or foot

I will most likely just get a bathtub full of water from the Styx and take a quick dip and let the water drain out thereby avoiding the whole mortal point bullshit

Oh who am I kidding, I got an imperial gold bathtub that I have absolutely no use for

If successful I would have probably gotten rid of the weakness of my tail


I make another Powerball and throw it into the sky and I concentrate on making it work

Soon it works and I look at it

My heartbeat starts racing

My bones begin cracking and growing and my muscles tear and repair themselves at an incredible speed as I grow in size

My mind begins to fill with anger and I force it to listen to me

This is my damn body



Soon the transformation was complete and I was standing in this frozen wasteland as an Oozaru

I kept looking at the Powerball as I thought of every happy memory that I had

My first mom and dad and how they encouraged me to pursue my career

My little brothers smiling after I helped with their homework

Seeing my sister smile at her graduation and smiling as I helped her introduce her boyfriend to our parents

I let out a scream as my happy memories take over the anger and get rid of it completely and I begin to shrink down

I close my arms as the ground appears to come closer to me and when I open them I see myself wearing some black gi pants with a red belt alongside some white boots similar to what Vegeta wears

I see arms covered in dark brown almost black fur

As I clench my fists it is like a burst of pure power bursts from them

"I feel amazing," I said to myself as I realize that it was as if my body was completely new

I look at an iceberg and simply will for it to turn into water and it does

I grasp most of the water that came from the iceberg and hold it over my head

I turn it into ice and let it fall down on me and I punch it breaking it into pieces

"This is incredible," I said as I felt around for my KI and I wanted to smile

My KI is ten times the amount I had previously however, it feels...


I have ten times the amount of KI yet, I can only describe the feeling of it feeling thin something I had no idea KI could feel like this

I close my eyes and focus on circulating my KI around my body as I begin to meditate on the air

After, a few hours I am finished with my meditation and start moving around with my body

This form is very powerful

Not only do I have ten times the KI, but it also seems like my body is far more agile, studier and my senses have increased a lot

I am not using KI to enhance my hearing or sight yet everything seems more colorful, more...

"Vibrant," I say while going to my home base and going to the restroom for the mirror inside

My hair was was black just a lot longer, it looked like Xeno Vegito Super Saiyan 4 hairstyle and I am a lot taller now

I look like I am between 19 to 23 years of age

I went back out of my home base and began to practice with my KI and surprise

Everything is easier now

I could make another Powerball without any effort

My KI blade was able to change shape easily

I tried to make more complicated shapes and it was a bit easier however, it does seem to have a limit as I tried to make even more complicated shapes

I look at shapes a bit above my hands and took back my KI and I felt any energy that was used was returned to me

I don't even feel the aggression of my instincts anymore or rather they are easier to ignore

"This is just the True Saiyan form," I say in awe at the difference before a pain shoots through me and I detransform

I fall down and the pain hits me all at once

I pant in pain and exhaustion

I lay on the ground as my bones creak and they feel like they are in pieces

As my face is about to hit the icy ground I use whatever energy I have left as my vision goes dark

I turn the ice into water and I sink into the sea below

As soon as I am fully submerged my pain starts decreasing bit by bit

I pass out


I breathe in and out while a few dozen KI constructs of different shapes move around me

Squares, rectangles, diamond shapes every single shape that I can think of was rotating around me as I meditated

After, turning back from my True Sayian form, I was broken

I didn't feel most of it due to passing out soon after

I don't know how bad my body was but I know that I got a Zenkai

A huge Zenkai

When I woke up I was at least 5 times more powerful in my base form but I instantly noticed the difference from my transformed state even with the Zenkai when I woke up

I felt raw, exposed...


Not a feeling I particularly like but one I soon got used to

This leads me to my new powers from the [Seraph Wings]

[Power Regained 100%/100%

Bond To Host: 100%/100%

Current Powers Bestowed Upon User

Flight with the wings

Protection against 'Unholy' attacks 30%(10% Previously)

(Incredible Resistance To 'Unholy' possession For A Total Of 180%(60% Previously)

Parameters exceed the limit for a natural defense, therefore, Resistance to 'Unholy' possession has been turned into 'Unholy' Possession Immunity )

Increase The Physical Strength Of The User By 75% (25% Previously)

Increase The Physical And Magical Resistance Of The User By 45%(15% Previously)

Increase The Overall Speed Of The User By 75% (25% Previously)

Increase The Regeneration Of The User By 75% (25% Previously)

Give minor Resistance To Cursed Objects For A Total Of 15% (5% Previously)

Increase the Effectiveness and Power Of 'Holy' Artifacts By 225% (75% Previously)

All effects have been boosted 3X and the potential of an Archangel has been added to the new Owner of this artifact due to his Template of a Sayian.

The User is also able to use [Light Magic] and it will be easier to learn and improve upon it.

The Owner will also be able to perform "miracles"

Notice all of these have become part of the User.

The Powers Are Now Permanent with or without the Seraph Wings]

Fucking OP

Thanks to Gabriel's limited knowledge of [Light Magic] I have started on some spells that are perfect in the short run

I can make some floating balls of light magic that can harm 'Unholy' creatures when they come in contact with the light. But, it is just a source of light for any other creatures

I can also move them at incredible speed at a target and explode causing even more damage but again, it is useless against any other creature

My next spell is the best one that I have come up with in my opinion

I can manifest an aura of light magic around me that increases both my defense and attack against 'Unholy' creatures

Also, it can heal me and help my body purify any harmful substances like poison and even diseases

I use it for a few minutes before going to bed every night

It helps get rid of the soreness in my muscles

Problem is that this aspect of it is not very suited to what I want even with the boost the [Seraph Wings] gave me

I originally made the spell to be more offensive so I have been trying to make two other versions of it one as a source of healing and the other to help me increase my defense, attack, and speed separately

If possible I will make a fusion of the two in order to increase my aura spells

Soon, I will be able to heal from water and the [Healing Aura] spell I have been working on

The next and last list of spells that I made were something a bit more interesting

I can use Light Magic which has been referred to as Holy Magic by the system in some situations

So, I made a spell that I call

[Holy Fire] which allows me to light my weapons or fists in Holy Fire and is incredibly effective against 'Unholy' creatures

The next one was a bit simple

[Holy Fireball]

Making them was a complete pain due to my nature as a son of the sea deal

I did empower water with Light Magic, making spells such as [Holy Ice Spears][Holy Mist][Holy Water Wall]

These are the only spells that I have made

It is really difficult when I barely have a frame of reference for them due to Gabriel's teachers not really giving him anything to truly work on

I have done my best with this magic

It is helpful sure

Especially since I know a bit of DnD

I am trying to figure out any Resurrection spell I can use

Especially a self-resurrection spell

I have a huge learning advantage on Light Magic, especially with the boosts I have

I know I can reach that level one day

I don't care how long it takes me

I will create a spell like that

I sigh in frustration at my lack of knowledge

While I would get Circe to teach me magic, she is a bit busy with finishing some arrangements with the gods that are tired of being treated like trash

She has an island that I am going to make use for

Proving myself better than the Olympians is unimaginably easy

Her island will become a place where the gods will be able to spend time with their children and raise them

Getting monsters on my side will be a bit more difficult but something I can manage later hopefully

The gods I am hoping to get on my side are Hypnos, Morpheus, Hecate, Nike, Nemesis, Attis, Dinlas

Her island will just be the beginning

I need to get a foothold in this world and I can't stay at either camp just yet

The tree protecting Camp Half-blood hasn't been poisoned yet

Camp Jupiter contrary to popular belief does actually have a small barrier which was made by Lupa and due to her small connection with the moon and alongside being a friend of Diana/Artemis, the barrier is empowered with moonlight essence

I can thankfully resist the effects a bit better now but thanks to it I haven't had much time to befriend Jason

He is a good person if a bit naive right now and I am sure that will change in a few years

I look down and see a bracer lighting up as Circe has the gods I want to be on her island for a meeting

I quickly power up into my True Sayian form and begin the flight from the Hubbard Glacier over to her island


"Why would you swear allegiance to him?" Asked my mother as she berates me about swearing an oath of loyalty to the Percy Jackson

That insufferable demigod has been a pain in my ass

His control over water to the point of turning it into ice

I have never even heard of another son of Poseidon doing something like

He is an anomaly

That is for sure

I focus back on my mother as

"Mother, I swore an oath as I am tired of all the shit the Olympians do to us. They prevent me from leaving this island for a long time. Sure, I did some terrible things but compared to them, I am practically a saint in comparison," I told her some of my frustrations

I am still angry at him for making me contact my mother but if we are to go against Olympus we will need her in order for us to succeed

My mother looked at me for a few moments

"What did he really offer you?" She asked and I just smirked at her

Multiple flashes of light caught my attention as the other gods arrive

I stand up from my chair

"Greetings, I am sure you all are wondering why I have called you all to this meeting," I said as I motion for them to follow

Hypnos, Morpheus, Nike, Nemesis, Attis, Dinlas, and my mother follow me to the meeting room

Soon we are sitting down

"It shouldn't take much longer," I say as we all get comfortable around the table

"Drinks," I said a bit nervous at so many gods being in one place

Some of them said yes and others nodded

The gods here are some of the most mistreated gods there are

After, a few minutes of waiting a certain idiot comes through the door

My eyes widen as I nearly have a cup of soda that one of my servant girls has given me at his look

He looks like a mortal, but the power coming from him feels as if I am standing in front of a semi-divine form from one of the younger Olympians

"Sorry, I am late," Said Perseus as the fur seemed to go away and he shrunk down to his 13-year-old self

Nemesis stood up and shaking after she looked at him

"Who are you? Wh-what happened to you?" She asked trembling and the other gods were confused at what she was saying as it didn't make much sense

"What do you mean?" He asked confused as he walked to the table to sit down

Even now that he is back to normal his power is giving me shivers

What the fuck is this demigod

"What I mean is how much have you gone through in your life?" She says in a slightly soft voice as she continues to stare at him

"Again, I don't truly understand what you mean," He said again confused as were the rest of us

"I am the goddess of revenge, retribution, and balance. My domain of balance is essentially karma in terms you can understand," She began while looking at him with wide eyes

"If someone goes through too many bad events in their life they will receive a good event that outstrips them all and reset the counter back to zero. If someone goes through too many good events they will suffer something that may break them. You have gone through something that broke you and even now my domain is practically screaming at me to make it right as much as I can, but what it wants me to do will not even be enough to cover it," She said while shaking her head a bit

"But, I am sure I haven't gone through enough bad things to make your domain scream at you to make it right," He answered

"I don't know what you went through, but I literally can't comprehend what happened to you to still stay sane," said Nemesis still shivering

Percy looked contemplative

(N/A - Percy base power level= 3,191

Percy True Saiyan form = 31,910

the gods true power will be explained later on)