
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs


As the first rays of dawn gently filtered through the curtains, I stirred from my slumber with a contented sigh. With a stretch and a yawn, I blinked away the remnants of sleep, feeling completely refreshed after a night of undisturbed rest. The world seemed to greet me with a newfound clarity as I rose from my bed, my mind clear and my body invigorated. The lingering sensation of tranquility from my perfect sleep enveloped me like a warm embrace, infusing every moment with a sense of calm and serenity. With a smile gracing my lips, I stepped into the new day, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead with renewed energy and vitality.

It was then I noticed the presence of another person in the room with me. Turning my head I saw Natasha sitting on the only couch in the room by the table. She had her feet on the table and was currently reading a book in her hand. Seeing me arise from my sleep she looked at me and said, " Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

Returning her greeting I said, " Good morning to you too. How long was I asleep?"

" Nine hours. Its around 8 in the morning."

" Hmm, and what are you doing here? I hope you didn't come to watch me sleep." I said comically showing to cover myself with the blanket."

She rolled her eyes and said, " You are not naked. Don't try to cover yourself up. Also I have better thing to do than to see you sleep and hear you snore all night long."

" Then ?"

" It's the fact that you were sleeping in my room is the reason I am here."

" Oh! I see. I did not knew that. Sorry for the intrusion then." I said embarrassingly scratching the back of my head.

" No worries. I saw you were tired and decided to let you sleep here." 

" Well thanks for that. Did you had your breakfast?"

" No. I was going to but then I thought that I should wait for you to wake up."

" Well then Let's go and have our breakfast then."

getting out of the room I followed Nat into the cafeteria. Cap was also present there eating Scrambled eggs, whole grain toast ,fresh fruits , Greek yogurt and a glass of milk. Chhosing my breakfast I sat down at the table where cap was sitting. 

" Good morning" He greeted me with a smile.

Returning the gesture I wished him a happy morning and started to eat my food.

" Did Fury give you any update on the recent situation?" I asked

" No not yet. Tough he has called for a meeting at 9. I think he will inform us there."

" Hmm. Lets wait until then." 

Finishing up my meal I went to the hellicarrier's deck and sat down at it's edge.

' System, Do you know what is going on. How the hell Is Godzilla coming into existence in the MCU?'

< Answer : I don't have that information. Though I can guess that this world is not the original MCU but a parallel world where Godzilla exists.>

' That's not very comforting. Anyway I have to deal with this even if I don't like it. The human technology is not sufficient to kill a being like Godzilla. I would have to step in if things turn out south. But I need some answers for now.'

< System suggests to go to the Ancient One for answers. As one the oldest living human on this planet she might have the answers you seek.>

'Good suggestion. I will go after the meeting.'


Soon it was time for the meeting and the entire team gathered in the room we were previously in. 

" Good morning guys. I hope everyone is ready for briefing on the situation." Fury asked and looked around the room. Seeing no objections he started, " Yesterday I had a meeting with the members of the World Security Counsel. We have come up with a few ways to deal with these new threats. this is what we came up with." He said pointing at the screen 

Advanced Weaponry: Develop specialized weaponry designed specifically to combat Titans. This could include advanced missiles, energy weapons, and explosives capable of targeting their weaknesses or exploiting vulnerabilities.

Mechanical Constructs: Construct advanced mechas or robotic suits to match the Titans' strength and abilities. These mechas could be piloted remotely or by skilled operators to engage the Titans in combat.

Biological Countermeasures: Research and develop biological agents or genetically engineered organisms capable of neutralizing or controlling Titans. This could involve developing biological weapons targeting the Titans' biology.

Strategic Defense: Implement strategic defenses and evacuation protocols to minimize casualties and protect populated areas from Titan attacks. This could include fortified structures, early warning systems, and emergency response teams trained to deal with Titan encounters.

Collaboration with Titans: Forge alliances with benevolent Titans like Mothra to combat hostile threats like Godzilla or Ghidorah. By enlisting the help of other Titans, humanity can increase its chances of survival and mitigate the impact of Titan conflicts.

Environmental Manipulation: Explore methods of manipulating the environment to deter or contain Titans. This could involve controlling weather patterns, altering terrain features, or creating barriers to restrict Titan movement.

" Well that's all impressive but how do you propose to collaborate with a titan. I hope you know that we don't know how to speak monster language." Cap asked

" Well I can vouch for everyone in this room other than Bruce." Turning to Bruce he continued," Well dude, can you ask the big guy if he knows Titan tongue?" He said poking Bruce in his ribs.

" Enough with your jokes Tony, This is serious." Fury barked.

" Of course it is." Tony said sitting down in a chair.

" Any update on when Ghidorah will awaken?" I asked 

" Going by the calculations and the graphs shown here, It can awaken anytime between 5 to 7 days." Bruce replied.

" That's not a lot of time. Well, Fury, do what you can and we will see about the rest." I said

" I wanted to ask you something." Fury said looking at me " Can't you kill the thing by turning on that giant thing you transformed into in New York?"

" That's surely a possibility. If things come to that I will give it a shot. Don't worry."

" Well that's all for now. I will inform you guys on any updates." Saying this Fury left the room.

" Well see you guys later" I said and followed suit.

A few Hours later I was in the New York Sanctum sitting opposite to Yao with a cup of honey tea in my hand.

" Hmm. I cannot say with certainty that I know of these creatures you have told me about. Though if the things you say is accurate the danger level these titans hold is surely high."

" That is why I will need your help when confronting these beasts."

" Hmm I can help with that. Protecting the Earth is my duty after all."

" Anyway what happened on Asgard? you never told me." Yao

" Hmm , So I tried the peaceful approach first but it didn't work. In short Odin and Myself got in a fight and he refused to budge. In the end I ended his life. After that Hela got released and I had to fight her too. Fortunately I did not had to kill her. I am planning to shift the Asgardians to my universe where they will be better protected."

" I see. So Odin is dead. But the allfather was in charge of guarding the nine realms. Now that he is gone the realms will be left unguarded."

" Well I plan to leave Thor here to carry on his father's duty."

" Hmm. That can be manageable."

" So have you given any thought on the offer I gave you?"

" I have. I have thought over the matter and I feel that now is not the right time. I will join your army but I need to strengthen our defenses and train the new generation first before leaving them in charge. So maybe not now but in 4-5 years I will be ready with a new force of sorcerers to join your cause."

" Well I will not force you to it. But I am happy to hear that you have considered it and have made a decision."

getting up from my seat I said," Well I would recommend you to look around in your library to find any trace of the titans. I will call you when Ghidorah awakens. Goodbye for now."

Seeing her nod her head, I used space manipulation and exited from there. Coming to the deserts of Sahara I stopped and looked around. Seeing no one I used the Multi Shadow Clone jutsu and created around 50 copies of myself.

" Go all around the world and see if you can find the trace of any of the other titans. If you do dispel so that I can know." 

Nodding their heads they all left in separate directions to begin their search.

'System is there a planet in this universe where I can get hold of vast amounts of gold?'

<There is a celestial body known as the Sovereign in the MCU, which is a highly advanced and technologically sophisticated race of genetically engineered beings. The Sovereign are obsessed with perfection and beauty, and they possess vast resources, including significant amounts of gold. Their home world is depicted as having golden landscapes and architecture, and they use gold extensively in their technology and aesthetics. While the Sovereign's planet is not entirely made of gold, their society's use of the metal is a prominent aspect of their culture within the MCU.>

' well lets go rob a planet.'

Using Space Manipulation I opened a Rift to the planet of Sovereign. The planet Sovereign is a visually stunning world with a landscape predominantly characterized by its golden hue. The surface of Sovereign is covered in vast expanses of shimmering golden terrain, with rolling hills, valleys, and mountains all gleaming in the sunlight. The golden landscape extends as far as the eye can see, creating a mesmerizing and otherworldly vista.

Amidst the golden terrain, there are various architectural structures and cities built by the Sovereign race. These structures, adorned with intricate golden designs and patterns, rise up from the landscape like gleaming monuments to the advanced civilization that inhabits the planet. The Sovereign cities are sleek and futuristic, blending seamlessly with the natural beauty of the golden landscape.

Despite its predominantly golden appearance, the planet Sovereign is not devoid of diversity. There are areas of lush greenery and bodies of water, providing contrast to the golden terrain and adding to the planet's aesthetic appeal. Overall, the landscape of Sovereign is a breathtaking sight to behold, reflecting the advanced technology and meticulous craftsmanship of its inhabitants.

" How much gold do you think there is on this planet?"

< Rough estimation. About 700 quintillion tons.>

'what is the conversion rate?'

< 100 ton of gold is equivalent to 1 SP>

' So 50 billion SP would require around??'

< 5 Trillion tons of gold>

' Well I am sure the people here wouldn't mind Sharing some of their gold.'

< Sovereigns are know to be very territorial and do not share their resources.>

' So no gold the easy way then.'

Hiding myself in an Illusion I landed on the planet. Spotting a guard at the gates of the entrance which seemed to be an important building I used my mind Manipulation to fish for important information.

' Hmm. So the treasury is underneath this building. But according to this guy the guard is quite tight. Well no problem for me.'

Still under the illusion I went towards the treasury as I saw from the memories of the guard. Reaching the correct room I used Kamui to phase past the locked doors and into the treasury. Entering the treasury I was greeted with gold. 

Imagine stepping into a colossal chamber, stretching as far as the eye can see in all directions. This vast space, equivalent in size of a hundred football fields laid side by side, is filled with an awe-inspiring sight: an ocean of shimmering gold.

As I entered, the air seems to glow with a warm, golden hue, reflecting off the countless gleaming surfaces of gold bars, coins, and treasures stacked high to the ceiling. The sheer magnitude of the room's contents is overwhelming, with the golden expanse seeming to stretch endlessly into the distance.

The room echoes with the soft chiming of gold as gentle breezes waft through, stirring the precious metal and causing it to ripple like waves upon the surface of a golden sea. Each step I took sent echoes reverberating through the chamber, a testament to its vastness and grandeur.

Despite the immense wealth contained within, the room exudes an aura of tranquility and serenity, as if the very presence of such riches has imbued the space with a sense of awe and reverence. It's a place where dreams of riches beyond imagination come to life, a testament to the boundless potential of ambition and desire.

" Dammm this is a lot. system how much gold is there in this room?"

< Estimation around 20 trillion tons.>

" Holy shit. Well convert 5 trillion tons to SP."

< Commencing transformation..... 50%...70%....90%.... 100 %. Conversion successful.>

<50 Billion SP acquired.> 

" System Do I have an Inventory Skill that came with you?"

< No host. You do not posses an inventory skill>

< Skill available in shop for 10 Million SP>

" Buy the skill" 

< Purchase Initiated..... Purchase successful>

< Skill : INVENTORY (LVL 1)(+)

can store up to 100 different non living items>

Upgrading the skill with the help of my system I soon maxed it out






'Store the rest of the gold there.'

< Command accepted. Storing completed>

Now the room which was shining yellow was completely empty. Not a single speck of gold remained. " Well I have finished what i came for. No need to stay any longer."

Saying this I exited the planet using space manipulation never knowing the trouble and anger I caused for the Sovereign people. If I had known I would had a simple reaction " Well Not my problem."

Returning to Earth I was somewhere in India. It had been two hours when I suddenly got a memory.

" GODZILLA has awakened."