

I was walking on the streets of Manhattan and looking for the Sanctum of the Sorcerers. Walking for a while I reached the Bleecker street and looked for the correct house. The Sanctum appears as a traditional brownstone building typical of the historic neighborhoods of New York City. The entrance to the Sanctum is marked by mystical wards and protective symbols. These magical inscriptions serve as barriers to ward off unwanted visitors and safeguard the secrets within. Standing at a distance from the entrance I could feel the energy that was safeguarding the place and warding off the common people to avoid it. Getting closer I knocked on the door and waited for a few moments. The door opened and I was greeted by a guy in a red robes. Looking at me the guy said ," Please, come in the Ancient one awaits you."

Nodding my head I walked inside the building. It was quite spacious from the inside. The architecture was ancient Gothic, characterized by its intricate details, pointed arches, and ornate decorations. Its facade is adorned with mystical symbols and glyphs, hinting at its mystical significance. 

" This way" The man led me to another room where I could see the Ancient One. Well it didn't take much effort to identify the baldie. Currently she was sipping tea from a cup and her eyes were closed. Opening her eyes she looked at me for a few moments before saying, " Please take a seat. We have a lot to talk about."

I sat down on a cushion opposite to her and the guy from before served me tea. 

" Thank you , you can leave now" The ancient one thanked the guy and he took his leave.

"You know I have a habit of using an artifact of mine to look into the future and see to it that the future is maintained. Imagine my surprise when the future that I have tried to maintain for so long suddenly becomes foggy and unclear. The reason " Taking a break and pointing towards me she said " You. so tell me what do you want?"

" Do you know the major Flaw of knowing the future and trying to uphold it?"

Looking at me she remained silent so I continued," It's that you cannot change it. No matter how much you want to you cannot change the future, even if it is devastating. You are bound to watch as innocent lives are reaped for your future to be upheld. Tell me Sorceress Supreme, How many families have to break apart for your future to come true, How many civilizations to be destroyed, Mothers to lose their children, Kids to be orphaned? Have you ever thought of the consequences of upholding the future you seek. I understand that sometimes sacrifices needs to be made for the greater good. But tell me If the good comes from the sacrifice of everyone is that even worth it?"

Looking at me in silence for a few minutes she said, " Then what do you suggest? "

"Change it. Change everything you know. "

" Impossible what you suggest will destroy the entire timeline"

" Oh ! really. Have you ever tried ?"

" Of course not."

" Then how do you know?"

" I was taught and instructed to follow it."

" So you yourself don't know. What if I tell you this, the future you want to protect comes at a cost so terrible that even Strange will be powerless in front of it."

Her eyes widened when she heard it. " What? Strange is supposed to be the best among us. How can Thanos defeat him?"

" Thanos?? Oh! not him. Thanos is just a big fish in a small sea. No. I am not talking about Thanos. I am taking about the celestials. Do you know that there is a celestial growing inside the earth's core right now. Once it matures it will awaken and in the process destroy the earth and the entire galaxy for the purpose of creating a new one. So I will ask you again, Is the future you seek to protect truly worth it?"

The ancient one had her eyes widened. She was looking at me as if I had snatched away her honey tea. Taking a few moments to calm down she narrowed her eyes and said, " Is what you say the truth?"

" I have no reason to lie to you."

" Tell me how to prevent it."

" I have already told you. Change what you know. "

" Can I believe in you?"

" Time will tell." I said smirking. She too smiled at this and asked,

" Tell me how can help you."

" You already know it don't you?"

Nodding her head she got up, " Follow me"

Exiting the room we came to the place where the eye of Agamotto was kept. Picking up the artifact, The ancient one used some hand gestures to unlock it and took out the time stone.

" Don't make me regret my decision." She said with seriousness.

Taking the stone in my hand I absorbed some energy when the notification came 

< Time Stone energy detected. Does the host wants to integrate the power of the time stone?>

Integrate it

< Integrating .... 40%...80%....100%.. Integration successful.>

< New skill created: Time Manipulation (lvl1)(+)>

allows user to peek into the future. 

Using my cheat system I upgraded the skill to the max level

< Time Manipulation (lvl 99) (-)>

User can manipulate time as they please. Could be used to stop, Rewind, Fast forward time among other users. If used to the extreme User can stop time on himself to become immortal.

'Hmm this is quite satisfactory.' 

Handing back the time stone to the ancient one I looked at her shocked expression, " Did that shock you?"

" I never expected you to sync with the time stone's energy and absorb it for you it as your own. That was shocking and beyond my expectations."

" Well even you can't predict everything. But as you have helped this time I too will help you."


<DING!! >


< AGE - 6500 YEARS>



Extending my hand towards her I used my new skill Time Manipulation. A green Runic circle formed around my hand and the ancient one was also enveloped in a green aura. Rotating my hand anticlockwise I reversed time on the ancient one. 6 seconds later I was done and released the skill. With her piercing eyes and chiseled features, she exuded an air of mystery and sophistication. Her porcelain-like complexion and angular bone structure gave her a timeless quality, making it difficult to pinpoint her exact age. And most importantly her bald head now was covered with blond hair that extended beyond her shoulders. Using Observe again I got a satisfactory result


<AGE 350 6500 - (PHYSICALLY) ,>



Smiling at her I said, "Well I have returned you to your Prime. Don't go doing something stupid like drawing power from the dark dimension anymore." 

" Goodbye Yao"

Without giving her time to reply I created a portal and stepped through it. Closing it behind me I could see the tears of happiness at the corner of her eyes and the smile on her face.

" Thank you , Lucifer"


I was walking on the streets of New York contemplating on what to do next.

'Hmm, Yao would be a good addition to my army, But convincing her to leave earth and join me would be difficult now that she has regained her peak. After the upcoming battle I have to go there to gather a new general and acquire a lot of SP points. 

Suddenly I got hit with some new Information. ' Hmm, my clone dispelled itself. seems like The party has started already.'

Creating a portal I got onto the hellicarrier. Seeing the chaos all around I decided to find Fury first.

Getting into the control room I saw fury shouting at an agent.

" Fury. What's up?"

" Can't you see?" He shouted back.

" Well I can but I don't know the full story. Give me a brief so that I can be of use"

" The team got into a fight. There is a rouge agent who attacked us and took out our systems. The third and first engines are down and we are losing altitude. Bruce has turned into the hulk and has gone on a rampage. Where can you help me in this situation." He shouted on my face again.

" No need to get your panties in a twist bro." I said on his glaring one eyed egg face." Let's stabilize the hellicarrier first before dealing with the hulk"

" And how the fuck are you going to do that?" 

" Like this" I said. closing my eyes I clapped my hands together. Feeling the air outside and commanding it with my will I used the air to gather below the chopper and form a solid platform to keep the hellicarrier floating.

" Sir we have stopped dropping" Agent Hill shouted from one of the stations. 

" MOTHERFUCKER!!!! How the fuck did you do that?"

" Air manipulation. Now that it has been dealt with show me where the hulk is."

" The hulk is fighting Thor in the Lobby area. follow me I will take you there."

Running through the corridors it took us few seconds to come to the battle site. 

Thor although was trying to hold on couldn't do any heavy damage on an angry hulk. We watched for a while as hulk gave a beatdown to thor. Finally the battle came to an end when hulk picked up thor by his legs and threw him like a javelin towards the supplies. 

" There are two ways to calm down a beast." I said and Fury looked at me.

" Show the aura of a superior beast and they will run. Or beat the shit out of them. I am going to show you the second way. Watch and learn."



<AGE : MID 40S>

< RANK- SS+>

< ATK POWER - 800

DEFENCE - 800>


Jumping in front of the hulk I used my Fist to punch forward and hit him in the face. Although it caused no damage hulk was thrown off by the suddenness of the attack. He tried to punch me but I skillfully dodged under his fist. Charging up my Armament Haki I again punched the hulk right in his chest. Not bothering to defend hulk thought that he could tank the attack. That proved a mistake when he shot out like a projectile and hit the wall. without giving him time to recover I appeared in front of him and punched his head in rapid succession. Punch after punch after punch until he tried to grab me and throw me off. Seeing green blood coming out of his mouth I said," Well guess you bleed first in this round." 

Crossing his hands he let out a massive roar that shook the whole room and brought a gust of air towards me.

Sensing that Loki has escaped his prison I turned towards the hulk and said," Play time is over." Rasing my palm towards him I said, " Shinra tensei "

one more time the hulk was blasted off his feet but this time the wall couldn't stop him. he along with the wall was thrown out of the helicarrier and in the sky hurling down to the earth.

" And that is how you tame the hulk" I said looking towards fury.

"Sir Agent Phil is down. I repeat Agent Phil is down" Agent Hill said through the intercoms.

" We need to go" Fury said in a hurry.


" Phil is dead. Hulk and Thor are AWOLs . Loki has escaped and is going to bring down his army upon us. We are surrounded and you guys still cannot play along" Fury.

" was he married? " Cap

" no, there was a cellist I think" Tony

" Loki needs a power source, If we can put together a list we might find something" Cap

" Loki He is not that simple. He has made this fight personal. He hit us all right where we live. Why?" Tony

" To tear us apart." Nat

" Yes divide and conquer is great but he knows that he has to take us out to win, That's what he wants. He wants to beat us and he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience. Loki he is a full tilt diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built in the skies with his name plastered on ..... SON OF A BITCH" Tony came to his realization

After all of them left to suit up Fury looked at me and asked, " Not gonna take part in this one?"

" Oh I will, When the time is right."


 Stark tried to use his blasters to blast the tessaract but failed to do so as it was protected by a barrier of pure energy. Seeing Loki standing on his Balcony he dropped down there.

'Plan B Jarvis' Tony

" Tell me you are going to appeal to my Humanity. " Loki said starting the conversation.

" Actually I plan to threaten you." Stark

" Should have left your armor on for that"

" Yeah. Whatever."

" Stalling me won't change anything. The chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that. What do I have to fear?" Loki

" The Avengers" Stark said. Looking at the confused Loki he continued." That's what we call ourselves. Now let's do a head count here. Your brother a demigod, A legendary super soldier who lives up to the legend, a man with breath taking anger management issues, couple of master assassins, a guy who can punch the hulk like its a baby and you big fella ,have managed to piss every single one of them."

"that was the plan" Loki

"not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they will come for you."

"I have an army" Loki

"We have a Hulk"

" How will your friends have time for me when they are so busy fighting you" Loki said while charging up his scepter. Hitting Tony's chest with it he was surprised when it didn't work

" It usually works" 

" Well performance issues not uncommon.."

Loki grabbed stark by his throat and threw him on the floor. 

'Jarvis anytime now.'


" Deploy"

Throwing Stark of the building Loki was surprised when Some thing came flying from inside the house and hit him in the head before going for Stark. Donning the Suit mid air Tony went back up to Loki and said, " And there is another person you pissed off. His name was Phil. "

Blasting Loki with His energy blasts tony looked up in the sky to see a portal opening curtesy of the tessaract. It didn't take Long for the Chitauri to come right through and start their attack. 

" Right . ARMY!!!" Tony flew up to intercept the Incoming army with his in built weapons.

although he tried his best there were a lot of them and the chitauri started blasting the common people with their weapons. It was a total chaos on the streets. People ran into anywhere they could find to seek shelter.

Meanwhile Nat Barton and Cap were flying into the scene in their Quinjet. Firing at the chitauri they were successful in killing a few before Loki destroyed one of the wings using the scepter. Crash landing on the ground they came out of the jet to fight the army. 

Thor on the other hand appeared on the Stark tower and started a battle with Loki. He tried to persuade Loki to stop the battle but Loki didn't Listen Finally Thor had it enough when Loki stabbed him with a knife. Picking up Loki he threw him off the building but Loki was saved by a flying Chitauri vehicle.

When all of this was going on something Big came in through the portal. THE LEVIATHAN. Towering several stories tall, these creatures possess immense physical strength and durability, adorned with thick scales and sharp, protruding spikes that provide formidable protection against conventional weaponry. Despite their massive size, the Leviathans are agile flyers, soaring through the air with powerful wingbeats to engage targets from above. With their jaws filled with razor-sharp teeth and the ability to emit destructive energy blasts, they serve as shock troops in Loki's army, unleashed upon New York City to overwhelm its defenses and wreak havoc.


" Well its time."

Arriving at the streets where the group had assembled to regroup and focus on the parts that they were going to overlook I saw banner coming into the scene on a motorbike.

" So this all seems a little horrible." Banner

" I have seen worse" Nat

" Sorry." Banner

" No problem. You were after all Punched out of the Hellicarrier."

" Yea. Where is that guy?"

" Right behind you guys."

All of them turned their heads to see me. Cap and Thor nodded at me and Banner scratched his head embarrassingly. Nat said, " Finally decided to come , huh?"

" Stark we have got Them. Just like you said."

" Them ? Oh he came too. well tell them to suit up. I am bringing the party to you."

Flying in from the corner of a building we could all see Stark Followed by a Leviathan.

" I don't see how that's a party." Nat said. 

Banner was going to walk forward to intercept it when I stopped him.

"Would you let me take care of this one Banner?"

He looked back and said," You can?"

" Oh dear you have not even seen half of what I can do."

Walking forward I directed Chakra towards my eyes and turned on my Mangekyou Sharingan.

" Watch and enjoy. SUSANO"

This is the first time I would use my susano for battle except for training with Kaguya. A Golden Skeleton covered me and then started to raise in the air. When it reached around a height of 600 meters It stopped and muscles appeared all over the bones and finally it got covered with armour.

My Susano had two blades hanging from its waist and Two giant wings on its back. Taking out one of the swords I slashed it at the Leviathan. It was a second later that the big leviathan was cut open in two Horizontally and fell on the ground.

All the people watching this, may it be the common people hiding in the shelters or the Avengers down below or Fury from the hellicarrier, All had one thought in their head, " What the Fuck!"

" What in the nine realms is that ." Thor asked shocked.

" Am I dreaming or are all of you seeing this?" Nat

" Seeing but still working on believing." Tony.

" Damm!!!" Banner.

The most shocked person was Loki. He never thought that his strongest minion would be defeated like a mere bug. Panicking he said," Send the rest. FAST"

Three more came in through the portal but were met with the same result. 

"Time to end this battle" I thought

Deactivating the susano I flied to the top of the stark tower where Selvig was. Picking up the Scepter I used it to bypass the energy barrier of the tesseract and directly closed the power supply. 

Lifting my hands in the air I concentrated my chakra to form a full powered Nuclear release jutsu in my hands. Shaping it like an arrow I sent it flying through the portal before it closed off completely. I knew that it hit the target when all the chitauri soldiers fell down as if some one has darined all the life off of them. 

Picking up the Tesseract I absorbed some of its energy and got the notification

<Tessaract energy detected. Does the host wants to integrate the power of the space stone?>


<Integrating ... 40%.....80%.....100% integration successful.>

< Skill: Space Manipulation (lvl 1)

can open a portal to anywhere in the universe

Levelling it up quickly I got the result I wanted

< Space manipulation (lvl 99)

can manipulate space according to the user. can be used to travel to other universes.>

' Good. I have finally achieved my free universe travelling ticket. Right system?

< True. Host can merge the skill Gates (LVL 99) With Space Manipulation (Lvl 99) ad can use it to travel to different universes.>

Seeing that's all done with I flew to where the entire team had cornered Loki and said," So then that's all done with."

Looking at me Stark said." You know I never got to know your name". Everyone focused on me as I have Never mentioned my name before. 

Smiling I said, " My name is Lucifer."