
Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!

Our story follows a guy who is the Twin brother of Hayley Turns out he had already once lived before, After getting his memories and realizing his situations he gets a System. The Iron Man System Oh, And the world is also swarming with End Game Boses. ------ For those who want to support me, Here is the Link: https://discord.gg/nPRBd4MD ---------- Full disclaimer: I do not own the orignal Version of the TV shows and Movies I use as crossover material in this fanfiction, All of that belongs to there respective owner, I Am only responsible for the OC in my Fanfic and the unique events that play out due to it being crossover Worlds And if the Orignal Copyright holder wishes for me to remove there Work, I'll be happy to do so I would also like to thank ChatGPT or OpenAI as that has made the entire writing quality of this novel so much better, Credits to them for improving the writing quality at around Ch 76 to 128. ----- This Fanfiction Contains supernatural elements and diffrent shows as well as movies, Currently one such show that is shown in the world is Wednesday, But there are more shows or movies to be found in this world such as the new Arc of Transformers

Karate_master_b · テレビ
200 Chs

Chapter 99 The Unredable Frog and the Totenkbrau Mystery

Colonel Banks gazed intently at the frog, his eyes narrowing as he tried to read the creature's expression.

After a few moments of silence, he finally spoke, his voice low and measured. "I have a lot of questions for you."

The frog's response was an eerie cackle, its throat pulsing with the sound.

It tilted its head, fixing the colonel with a glassy stare from its beedy eyes.

"I can imagine," it said.

Colonel Banks wasn't one to beat around the bush. "Did you kill the boy, or did he accept the offer?"

The frog's cackling continued, bubbling up from its throat in a manic stream. "The boy rejected the offer," it said at last.

"So he's dead," the colonel said, almost nonchalantly, as he began to walk again forgetting about the boy in a flash.

But there was a dark glint in his marron eye, a hint of something dangerous lurking beneath the surface.

"Now tell me about the Being in Red. Is that another Totenkbrau that the boy created?"

The frog shook its head, its cackling abruptly halting. "No," it said simply.

The colonel stopped walking and turned to face the frog, his eyes boring into the creature like two gleaming daggers.

"Speak clearly," Colonel Banks said in a low voice that brooked no argument.

The frog seemingly intimidated, stepping back slightly as it stopped cackling and spoke.

"That red being you're speaking of...was the bo.." it was gonna say, its voice barely above a whisper as before it could say more, a thick black tentacle-like appendage smashed into the frog's body.

For a split second, it looked as though the creature would be crushed, but then its body morphed into a cloud of dust that was there on the table, the tentacle hitting nothing and completely missing causing it be swung around the room.

When the frog magically reappeared in physical form, it began cackling loudly, as if it found the whole situation amusing.

"Seems you're angry," it said, its voice tinged with glee.

The colonel's anger was palpable, his hands still trembling from their earlier transformation into tentacles as the tentacles reverted back to normal human looking hands.

"You had one job," he spat. "Kill the boy or make him stop. And you failed to do even that."

The colonel's mind was racing, trying to make sense of the situation.

"The boy has tricks up his sleeve I never saw coming," The frog muttered to Colonel Banks.

"You saw what he was capable of building. He actually had a chance of survival against me."

The colonel's eyes were filled with determination and seriousness as he looked towards the frog's beedy eyes perched on the desk.

"We can't let the boy create more Totenkbrau's," he said firmly.

"There are already enough Totenkbrau's running around and causing chaos all over the world."

The frog nodded quietly, its eyes flashing with disagreement but it remained silent.

Variation for P2:

The frog's eyes glimmered with hidden thoughts as it stared at the colonel, its body as still as a statue.

The frog simply nodded in agreement, the frog's eyes however reflected a hint of dissent that Colonel Banks was unaware of.

The frog felt that Colonel Banks statement was absolutely nonsensical considering the fact that Colonel Banks himself was a Totenkbrau.

The frog remained silent however, not showing its discontentment with Colonel Banks.

Colonel Banks turned his sharp gaze towards the frog, his voice taking on a threatening tone.

"Has the Wendigo been secured at least? Do not tell me that you failed to secure the wendigo," he said with a sense of urgency.

The frog let out another cackle enjoying the emotions being exued by Colonel Banks, which seemed to irritate Colonel Banks even more.

"You don't need to be worried, the Wendigo is secured and will soon be transported to the Main Lair," the frog replied, its voice laced with amusement, the colonel si.ply nodded deciding to ignore the Frog's mocking.

"It's of utmost importance that the boy does not create any more Totenkbraus," the colonel reiterated, his voice stern. "It was a task given to you, and you will make sure to complete it. If you can't kill the boy, that's fine.

I don't care about the effectiveness of your abilities against the boy.

Make sure that there are no more new Totenkbras popping up due to him."

"Okay"the frog said simply as its body started disintegrating into fine dust impossible to see by the normal human eyes and the dust flew out of the of the open windows completely disappearing from sight by using the sun's bright light to disguise itself completely.

Colonel Banks saw the empty desk where the frog was perched and then had silently disappeared without a trace.

He felt frustrated, about his current situation where he felt tied down and unable to really do much, but he quickly forgot about it and went to sit down on his chair, muttering about how he could easily kill the human if he wasn't stuck in his current mission.

James was feeling overwhelmed with the complexity of the situation. "A system that doesn't make any sense," he thought to himself, scratching his head."

"I would know it if I saw four Totenkbrau's, but I have only ever seen two, the Frog and the Wendigo.

Wait... Is this related to what that frog Totenkbrau was talking about?" He thought in his head directed the question to the system.

He was curious to find out about what the frog had mentioned and now that the system also said something like this his curiosity turned into anxiousness to find out the answer