
reborn in mha with Goku's powers

Transmigrated in the world of my hero academia with the powers of Goku our hero Motobu Miyagi now will face his biggest challenge learning to become a hero at Union Academy what will happen to this boy who has been reborn with gokus powers find out.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

lingerie shopping and hero costumes make a very good week.

We stood outside an expensive lingerie store and by expensive I mean like twenty years beyond my budget as of now.

I usually get about 20,000 yen a month for living expenses.

I held my wallet in both hand's but momo put her hand on my hand's.

" don't worry I'm paying for it, besides I need adult underwear due to my figure being to robust for a school girl's," said momo explaining her circumstances.

" I see well I'm sort of the same way due to my larger than average build I have to wear men's clothes rather than teens,my uniform was tailor made though." I said.

" I see that is interesting." Said Momo.

" anyway lets get this done." Said Momo.

An hour later I sat in the waiting area with Momo.

" What do you think Motobu, red or black? " asked momo holding up a matching set of underwear complete with bra's and stockings.

" um maybe white." I said.

Little did I know at the time ochako and her female friends from her old school had come to the store I didn't know she saw us.

" So does that mean you like white lingerie Motobu?, " she asked shyly.

"Well um yeah I kinda do," I said honestly voicing my opinion.

After that momo found the same underwear in white and paid for them to be precise she bought five sets.

After which we went to her house I dropped her off I ran home got a nice bath and then began to scream profanities into my pillow.

The next day we came to school.

" hey you guys I saw Motobu and Momo in a Lingerie store yesterday! " Said Ochako to Her friends.

Mineta and kaminari both came over to me and bowed down to the floor.

' ah hell.' I thought to myself.

" you are a god motobu,a god." Said mineta and kaminari as the repeatedly kowtowed.

" what no you don't understa-," I began but was cut off.

" you have reached manhood before anyone of us! " they said.

' well not technically a lie since I was twenty four in my past life,' I thought to myself.

" okay like I said you don't understa-, " I began again only to be cut of again.

" Truly a magnificent man amongst men," mineta said.

" you guys don't under-, " I said but was cut off again,

" absolu-," kaminari was about to say before I cut him off.

" FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WE WERE JUST BUYING HER SOME UNDERWEAR!!!" I Shouted as it was I who cut them off this time.

" ... Is that true? " asked mineta.

" yes it is." Said Momo who had heard the obscene act and cam in just at the moment I shouted she was however blushing madly.

" ... Oh okay." Said mineta/kaminari.

After that we were told to get to our seats.

During the morning we had The usual Curricula Of classes like anybother school but after lunch during the after noon we had hero classes it was around Friday afternoon that our class got a surprise visit.

" I AM CASUALLY WALKING INTO THE ROOM." Said allmight with his amplified voice he was wearing a different superhero outfit which izuku pointed out was his golden age hero uniform.

I thought that it sounded a bit weird that he would have a golden age uniform in the modern twenty twenties; when considering the golden age of comics would be the early sixties thus making him at least 65+, but it was explained that a golden age uniform just meant it was his best hero uniform he has.

After which he said.

" Now Being a Hero, each of you must have that iconic Gimmick that let's the people know who you are and what your capable of, so-," he stopped abruptly then flipped a switch where a wall slid back revealing a hidden chamber

" Whenever your name is called come and pick out our costumes." Said the swolle teacher.

He calmed us one by onebuntill finally it was my turn my hero out fit consisted of an orange Gi with an armored blue utility belt, an armored blue breastplate,armored blue boots And white forearm wraps I had designed a week prior to the exams.

( A\N if you want a visual description see the cover art.)

Everyone came out in their outfit i told deku to lose the rabbit ears of his helm and instead focus on more of a mask over the eyes and when he came out everyone was amazed at his uniforms design since it was different from in canon I convinced izuku's mom to add some armor and protectors for his armor and ditch the idea of copying all might since he needed to be himself.

As a result izuku's costume now resembled the costume Beta with a different color pallet of green and gold, since his quirk reminded me of iron fist's powers, I decided to have izuku have an out for that fallowe the same color pallet.

" alright today we are going to have a battle simulation so today well have the highest scores face off against the lowest scores however since we have four high scores well have this he an extra special battle exercise where two will face two." Said all might.

" okay here we go." I said.

" this bout will be between izuku midoriya, motobu miyagi, katsuki bakugo, and tenya Lida." Said All Might.

" these two teams will face each other in a friendly battle simulation, " said the Great Japanese Hero.

" alright here we go deku you let me handle bakugo you take on lida remember keep your hard up." I said giving him a thumbs up.

" right, " Said Izuku with a nod.

" lets give em hell! " I said.

Thefoir of us stood on the simulation battlefield,

" I'll make you pay for interfering with me and deku." Said bakugo.

" oh boo hoo lemme play you a sad song on the world's smallest violine," I said to bakugoRubbing my right index finger and thumb together.

" that's it prettyboy you better watch your ass before I beat it." Said bakugo.

" woah your going to do what to my ass," I said in mock astonishment, " sorry pal but I don't swing that way." I added to the end

At that point bakugo was pissed and he created an explosive energy halk which he threw towards me buti created a ki blast and shot it off at that sumbitch and destroyed bot balls of energy.

Bakugo came at me with a powerful right hook which I ducked under while grab his arm and pulling it over my back and twisting it popping it outta joint, before converting it into an arm lock and back fisting bakugo in the forehead while letting go of his arm sending that punk backwards.

Izuku and to time his punch on Lisa just right whenever the engine based speedster came near him for a straight punch he immediately used the jeet kune do training that motobu had taught him he let the punch come near him and at the moment it reached near his face he pushed it asiside And trapped it with a gum sau or pinning handbefore holding his hand level with lida's gut before snapping out a one for all powered straight 0unch to the midsection with a twist.

Lisa grunted as he vomited blood in his respirator as he felt the force of the punch hit him and he flew backwards.

Bakugo kipped up and he fired of a barrage of explosive energy balls.

I smacked each of them back at him causing his eyes to widen, he tried to dodge but it was too late, when he realized it the five explosive balls hit him square in the center of mass; if not for his protective armor he would've been seriously injured,

Bakugo lay in a crater in the ground winded I walked over to him.

" it's Your choice if you live or die? " I asked bakugo

" death motherfucker! " said bakugo gritting his teeth.

I fired off a ball of ki right next to his head.

" sorry kid maybe next time! " I said Quoting Itachi uchiham

After that battle we returned to the class.

" that was an excellent display of your quirks kids by the way Motobu can I speak to you after class." Said all might.

Bakugo smirked.

" looks like you got in trouble after that little stunt you pulled." Said the explosive teen.

" oh no were just discussing the wedding plan of Me and your momma after she got some of deeze nuts." I said with a smirk.

" that does it imma kill this sunuvabitch." Said bakugo.

After class all might pulled me aside.

" now motobu tell me why did you do that to katsuki bakugo." Asked the Japanese american hero.

" oh I just wanted him to see what its like to be on the receiving end of his bullying after he's done it to deku so many times." I explained myself.

" I see so this was more of you acting as an avenger and not bullying him?, " asked the full body super hero.

" yeah I don't usually do stuff like thatvoutta food blood I've got more moxy than that, " I said.

" good to know, now you can head home." Said All might.

" yes sir! " I said and headed home.

" that boy has great potential but he seems to be bothered by some Hunger for combat well its all good for now." Said all might.

To be continued.

woo hoo so we got our hero costumes and yeah I kinda copied that whole live or die scene from karate kid as for deku using a one inch punch to beat Lisa and how he was able to do so motobu is actually fast enough to surpass lida's current top speed which I believe at this time is much 3 three times the speed of sound kinda reminds me of char from Gundam ; b anyway the next chapter will focus on hero names also I didn't include dekus jump suit because that thing looks like crap X-b anyway on to the preveiw.

" I've decided that my hero no name will be Deku see deku means Dekunobu a useless person,"

" but it also can mean dekiru a person who is capable of anything it is empty by itself but with others it becomes limitless" explained izuku at the podium.

" my hero name will be Dynamight!"stated bakugo to the group.

"j.j. walker." I snickered

" and now will motobu miyagi come to the stand." asked Professor aizawa.

to be continued

( Who will survive)

Ian_Brooks_6315creators' thoughts