
Reborn in marvel as Thor

Sorry if u see grammar issues this is not my first language This story is about a guy that reincarnated into Thor read to find out more I don’t own marvel or any characters other then the ones I make I will update every day

demigod1 · その他
2 Chs

Finally here

When I woke up all I saw was red I tried to move around but it was to cramped to move so I just layed there thinking when I was going to be born then I heard

"Host u shall be born in about 2 months and 9 days from now would host like to sleep intill the day You are born"

Yes please put me to sleep I don't want to wait and go crazy

While the system was putting me to sleep I hear some one talking in the back round

Honey do you think our baby we'll be ok

I'm sure it well he is my child after all

And before I could hear anything else I feel asleep

Time skip 2 months and 9 days

While I was dreaming about marvel I was awoken to the system saying that I should be ready for the pain of being born and before I could ask it something I felt like I was being drained from were I was and it is not what someone would want to feel ok but the next thing I I saw was this world of different colors it was beautiful and then I heard someone speak

Random person " miss it looks like the baby is alright and there's nothin wrong with the baby would you like to name the baby boy"

Mother " it's name shall be Thor odinson and he shall become king"

(Odins POV)

While I was waiting for my wife to give birth I was remembering how gods are when they have a child

When gods have a child the get really weak Intill the give birth and it's the fathers duty to protect her Intill that day

I was thinking about my wife and the baby when I heard a scream and I came running in and what did I see

I saw a frost giant trying to impale my baby I and the first thing I thought was I'm not going to make it Intill I thought of teleporting the baby with something else I replaced the baby with a lamp

After I did that I through my spear at it a hard as I could it pierced it and all the walls in the Castle

After I killed it I check on my child to see if it was hurt and when I saw nothin was wrong with him I sighed in relief after every thing was done I gave him to my wife and asked her did she name him yet and to my surprise she did I told her I wanted to name him Loki but she said his name is thor and she said we could name the other one Loki

(Odins POV over)

While I was give my name by the one I think is my mother I smiled bcz I always wanted to be Thor the god of thunder

While I was In my own world thinking a frost giant came out of nowhere and it pick me up and was about to impale me when a man jump through the doors and the next thing I know I was on a shelf and when I looked at him it look like he throw something at the giant and the next thing I know I hear a loud boom then I saw the man go up to me and pick me up and look at me from all angels I already know he was Odin the allfather then I heard him ask my mother Frigga

Did u name him already if not I want to name him Loki odinson

I could see I his face that he was happy to talk about me and when I heard he wanted to name me Loki I was shock bcz in the marvel comics and movies is said nothing about how Odin wanted to name his first born Loki then I heard my mom say

No I already named him but thor odinson and it is finall

While I was hearing then talk I heard what I though was Mechanical noises and when I wondering what is was I heard

" hello host would you like to open the starter gifted (Yes) or (No) when I was going to press yes I feel into the world of darkness and slept in my mother arms

Newbie Arthur here tell me in the comments what his stater gifted should be

Hope you are having a nice day and sorry for the late release I was writing since 10 pm so I hope u like it

demigod1creators' thoughts